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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Sprigfk-lwld On th6 !Id cuit. the Iady of JAejds INV'RttRITY, Esq. of a sonl. At Gartmore House, on thie s8th ult. Mrs CGuN NEN'GOIIAM GRA 51., of a daughtc'. At Montrose on the 28th ult, Mrs GitRan of a son. At Vicnn5 orl trfe 2tith tti. lt.§s St:A*t, tire wvife of the BP;ititsh Anibastidor, of . sdh Arid halt, At hochniaw Castle, oen the ds cuit. the Lady ,f Sir ARwDE AGX4in-, Bart. of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lBirthe. On the 10th curt. at. Warristou Cresent, Edin. burgh, Mrs BAqCLxY, of a daughter. On the 8th curt. at Chesteri the Lady oViutitE.- namt-Cololel, TvMON, 88th regiment; of w so03. nantColoel Warrta~ez. At Leith, on the loth curt. CATI&Rira,, second daughter of Mr James Black, merchant therei, MARRIED-At Edinburgh, on the I Sthb carte CAR- LYLE BELL, Esq. W. S. to Mis5 CNNINGHA-AT; ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'lSi~tll0. On Thursday moniiing, the 19th tkltiro, ia Lo, z GrosveIor Ltreeton do'n the Ri Itt J4n Y1zu a LadyrCA. fUNi IN HYTE . XFLV~iLL9, of a so53 and At Neowbattle Abbey, on the 19th ultimo, tle MDas- cbiouess of LOTIUAN, of a daughter. On the 19th ultimo, at Cast'aton, Argyleshire,, rc. Lady of NELL MACLA NlA tSq of a drughter 6,larriai At Balearras, on tlhe 25th current, J^tfS H$.D hsq, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IVEDNESDAY, Sepetwnber 12. V Birth.-At Carnousie House, on the 5thl inst. Arrs. Duff, of Carnousie, of a son. On the 5th inst. the Lady of JOIINs FRASER, Esq. Bernard Street, Russell-square, of a Son. , 'lDied, at Peterculter, the 20th August last, (where he had gone for the recovery of his health,) the Rev. 1)Avzi Gim.ATLY, Alinister of the Shiprow Chapel, Aberdeen, much and justly regretted ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *Bifttis. At Calcutta, on. the 22d of Augult last, the Lady of GGEORGE SWINTON, Esq. civil service, of a soil. At Moorshedabad, Bengal, on the 12'd June, 1820, the Lady of Mr. JOHn CAMPBELLL, Civil Service, of 3 sot]. On New Year's Day, the wife of Mr WMr. DODD. of Watergate, near BIllinghaam, of a daughter, with two full-grown teeth in front. 5warrtage8.+.g At Dunkeld, on the 19th curt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WED lNESD)AY, AlaO9 2 1} l Birth.-At Hledge Grove, near Kesvick, Cnml;er- l and, on the 7th initarit, 2rs Foite:s of Culloden was -0 AI . 1- I . - _.. , - , i saely delivered, of' a soi. At D)tublin, on the 1211th in.1ant, thoSlia Ly of Licut. t C(ol. LioDS'AY, C. B. co:.mlluding the 78th Iligilall- tj ders, cf a daughter. Married, at Toiboll, onl tlhe 4th inst. !VrLIAMt a L t.'IUc-sY, Fsq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i At Edinburgh, by the Rev. Dr. Fleming, Mr. . C}OAS. JAs. BANCVIS, of Bewdly, Worcestershirv, to. SARAH, only child of Mr. Baxter, South Briuge. V At Greenhead, on, the 13tih curt. Mr. A. COI.QU- H.OUN JEFrERY, Surgeon in Glasgow, to AMiss A.CxNE- eldest daughter of Richard Morris, Esq. On the 14thi CUlt. at St. George's Church, Hano- Y ver Square, the Rov. WILIJANI PY.uS, to the Coent- l ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ththts. On tie 28th uhimno, at PirIlio-hue, the LBCY.Of Sir Jots HoPE Oft Craigieball, Barutiet, ot' . daughio. On the l6th ultinio, at Straureer, the LAdy of Mfajor-General IM'NAIC, C. B. Cf a daughter. On the -ti ultillio; it 'astlecraig, tit ofdt! Hoin. IV. J. N'.tPu, OI', In.Y (1u tlie J6th'tlilt. at I unfr'ies, tbe La4y of AL~p._ At. U.Aiti.rtA~ MAXCrlI.,. Exq. of a duster. O(i the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a , )Birtlht. On tile 15th ult. at Landoll, the Lady ef U DAVISSON, Esq. younger of Muirboise, ot a daught er. O- 0 the 3d curt. at the manse of Lauder, Mrs. - COUSENS, of a daughter. On the O3d cinrti in Hill Stoeet, Berkeley Squatm, London, the Lady of -. I BRoUGtIU- Eset. of a daughter. On the 3d clurt. at Portsvowod, Hants, thre Lady of MWM. ALEX. MAC1l.NNON, Esq. of a daughter. On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I- At PRuis, on the Qd'd Curl. the Countess of AIRLY- . af a daughter. j @tt~~~rri8ag. - At Ealing, on the 20th ult. tli Horourable ED- WARSD PESCUVA.L, secoed son of Lorjl Arden, tb J 2 eldest daugluer of'the hite Right Hion. Septcer ic.- S ceva.l In Clhrlotte Squasre, On the 24th- ult. Major WVrL- LIA)I POWER, of his Majesty's 7th deagoqn guards, to Aliss ANNE 11-O1wur.% youngest daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDberSAJe 6. W EDNESD)AY, June 6i. BIRTH.-At AUix, in Provence, MW1rs SKENE:, of Ru- bislaw, wvas safly ?? of a DaughItel, on the .A - I-I 2:--d oi Ma I ?? Ilirth-.-On the 5th inSt. the Lady of Wmx. MOIR, Esq. of a Sun. I .Birth.-At Balheqno, on the 12th ult. the Lady of Capt. ROUERT RAMSAY, of a daughter. t 13irthi-At Boyle, on the 25th tilt. Mrs. Colonel i FARQUHARSON, 2111 lRegt. of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WVEDNE'SD.AY, Drcmir s5. BIRTar.-At Greniada, the -7th of October laat, the Lade of Joimw Ross, Esq. ol' Clark's Coturt, of a Son. (On the '21st ult. at ?? Homie, Linlithigow- the Lndy of JOhN ROEP.TSON, Esq. of Fovcran, of a son. On the 16th November, at Spencer Lodge, nCSC W5ands:worth, Surry, thc Lady of CHtARLES ADtAMS, Es.q. (and v1c'st dtughter ,C- Sir Lacldan ?? ?? 1),f a -,f.lau~tht ?? ...