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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mirft-r On the 30th ult. at Edinburgh, the Lady of .Sir WILLIANK JAabDItr, ISart. of Apylegarth, of as daulh. ter. On the 2, th nlt. int Crosvenor Place, London, Lagtr EMILY DrUMoND, of a daughter. @)erriegea. At St. George's Chapel, Edinburgh, or the t2e d o Captnin J. Tonictro-, 11. P. 78th regiment, son of John Thorntoin, Esq. of Kensington, to Miss IEfS' SMALL, dRughter of the late John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -~Tirtbo. On the ist curt. at Kilbryde Castle, Lady C.AtL..- 3BELL, of a son. f On the Sd curt. in Charlotte Squarc, Lady ELIZA- .3THa HOPE VmtlE, of a daughter. c Mrs. OGILVY, of Parkconon, wee. delivered of a sor all the 5th'inst. On the 27th ultimo, at Exmouthi, the Lady of the C AromY-Gn E:RAL, of a son. On the 029th ultimo, in Gower ,reet, London, this d Lady of Colonrl O'CoNNeILL, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... mt t m enlns are thom IS. to '3s. pcr quarter lowa-c On Friday the 14th current, at 'o. S9, n.9 re r- Place, Edinburgh, Mrs. GLrOaG Brnity, of a daQgh- a- ter. On the 9th of August last, at Madras, the Lacf. of *h MIrjor GEO. CADELL, Adjutant-General's Departrnenc, nto f a daughter. r In Warwick Square, London, on the 8th Decena- *v I ber, Mrs NEIrov, of a daughter le On the 51st ult. at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;- I A I7 f wa:iK: l IV EDNESDAY, Jonircoy 24t. Bih'th.-.115 FoRnEis IRVINx was sately delivcdrd of a llaplicltur, at Schi vs, 1 8th (of Jlanulrv. At .\Ainlc Cottange, Claphain, oi Siundiv Jast, tihe lad' of A i::;ANIIJt IaANT, ot' Aai-sotrcet, Adel- p1lI1, Em.l. of' at ' on. Birth.-At EIdrogi, on the 12th in-t. Mrs FRtAsERat of Beh Iiomiio, Ofva sol). Aimried, ait ioilo irk, on 'Wedlnisdlna ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 8th curt. at !36, Queen Streat, birs Czag. NAiR UE, of asoi. On the I 3thi ult. the Lady ot' Dr. E. T, MomNRO. ot' .edftord Place, RL?ssAIl 4qware, L.urodtW, Qf a. ,?8rriage;. At Edinburgh, on the 2d current, Capt~inl SPfAt,. Toyal navy, to Nrs GIsAt F,, eldest dao?1tCI of thQ latu l1ev. Patrick Grant of Cromudale, Str'a hsPev. .t St. Andrgw'!s Lover et~ui0la, onethe 1?9th Way. Dr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *l~ittlj6. At Charlotte Square, on the 24th ult. the Lady o£ M.ajor-Gen. BALFOUIR of Balbirnie, of a son. At Williatnfield, near Stirling, on the l22d *dlt. Mrs Captain Fomzsritia, of Craigannet, of a son. At Young Street, Charlotte Square, on the 27th uk. Mrs JoiIN BitLouL'.%f, of a son. Birth.-At Brackla, 2Gth ultimo, Mrs FRASER, Of a tdaughter. At St. Petersburgh, on the 21st of April last, ...

WE DbAY, ma . . IVED

... NE SDAY, JofaV 16. Married, at Mill of Duunideer, on 'nursday tile I IQth inst. by the Rev. Ferdinand Ellis, Minister of I -1 -1 .1 1 T . M .. ?? n . ?? .t it I I Culsapiond, r Joissl GaEsEN, F armer in Hillhead of I Nethdwrton,' parish of Itsch, to Miss 3MiAsGAatsT, el- dest daughter of Mra Alex. C'ruickshank, Farmer at Mill of Diunnideer. Died here, on the 8th inst. Mr JoI;N RrlD, Stu- dent ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tilat - sSel lirF- narc- 1011}2 e ver d1 to nmr- two the and i-son e re Wit- tire 1 Oil sir f. tsp, hran ilrte -ncss fter. I lie leer. tour nil a -es. itild bore i got rovi- doil - tlrc igiht Irese fthe tc.- e xf-. sirs- Ourd f the eard Fili- Jll)y t 4he fiblh- Linan ,but lic llg ,rite-. July bine hbout Hitem. it be. ?13 rthl were thi ii or 1l'OSC. 1tirthe. On the 2-th ult. at Edinburgh, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 2d curt, at New-port, Isle of IVight, the La- . dy of WILLIAM. MONCRIEFF TAYLOR, Esq. of the 5t5th regiment, of a son. On the S0th Jute last, at Madras, the Lady of Ieut.-Colo01e FOULIS, Ma1dt-As Cavalry, of a son. On thc 5th curt. in Upper Cower Street, Bedford Square, London, Mrs. JoHsN YoUNG, of a dtlughter. Birth.-At Morar House, on the 26th uit. the La- dv of Colonul D. A'Dott, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Dtat t Of r Tna expectation of 11er A~ljesty's approachl ing d lion, NVlnh d- 5:s0 stoi culgly titl- tfilrou;llcut tile wholea :6 I : l ' e ; wc , ill tilt ('lTs' oe f Mmi y', to vore d I, voalrallc i!t tcipaliol~lc. f bout tVo o'clock. Dr. Itiae 'i 51-f arrivedl Peon'l ( illolrtescsireh c andl ptttooneellle ithen llisittionl oft her!,I jc:try to bh hingily Flvooc' able; and the efect pr(- 1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iUISCELLANLOUS'\RTA.S. DEATli OF TI'rr i'oe.'Ac,l IANJiRAVt1.AS': Ol' iaF3er HC)Mliourilc. 2'riri'./ii t, S'01i'rs 'r~' '20. Tier Screnc' 1lighInIISS Oti I-Lr agar Lnudgliavine CAI(OLIN(0t. II i sO HESSE *' ied tile d'rt lii fore ve' utrdavi, at cgigt 1 clork in the m1 1urn g, tile ai';e' ot'75i 'ars aind six nontirs. Il i IT itres waittgli- tcir in tUIC Lirodg1'U'e l.e'is EX. of' ilIesse Ca ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Edinburgh, on the I Ith curt. the Lade-cf Sir JAMES DtLnYmPLE IIAY, Biart.- of Faik l la;c, of a, son and heir. On tlne 7th current, at No. 2S, Forth Street, Mirs., ALait. BaODIE, of a son. kigr riagt0 On the 6th curt. Mr W'Y. A. LAWRIt, tc' 1}RTisstnn OAmxEY, youngest daugh:!-a of *the late ILRbcrt Beat. son, of Kilry, Esq. At Bruntisland, on the 9'X1 iult. Mrr Jorim ff aU 1- BALD, ...