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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On' fd:tt tn last. nt Fort Wilflistn, coutnty Cofl;, the Lady of Colonel Movsg B. kor-.of i , .on- On the sante dey,' in Wtie[fN , tile .ledy of William IVX. Ardtgh. Eq. of a son. ' V nidsy last, the Lady of tho Honautasble and avcrneaed William Eden, of a No -. *Oe Mrsda9 last, iti Upper Crntv nor-etreet, Ilatidon, tbe Lj.:y of Liouienait..Culon.1 Sir Guy Campbell, Bat. of e; djg'fitot:' , ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUY4EflA OF RIC94hD HONEY AND' G2OrG ,! FRA N CIS. lor,.oN. OXe1Ai AUG. 25. YeslerrY bring appolirted for th1e funeral of the two Ur- orunraw e Leo who m et vwith their rdea hs on the d-v of the Qluei's futiera! iy the firing of the soldiery {t COOlri50d . rate, at a little befre one o'clock, the funeral p',cessitn of Richard 1oney left Rose-stree., Szho, and proeeeded to Oxferd.street, along ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fti it IiS. At Lisdeen, county Clare, the Lu:Jr of Iichefas Purcol O'Gormdnr Eqq. of a daugliteer. On the 17th instantlt ffiliu'hroutl toe Lady of Archibald Alexander, £E of a dati;httr. En Cork, the Lady of 1aovr- Oleneral Sit John Lambctt, of n daughter. At Sprin-hill, county Tippyrary, thri Lads- of Lieutenant Phelan, of the Ist West India Regirnmnt. On the 12th instant. at Cheftenlaa-,. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i THE SOLDIER'S FUNA'),t (Frocm BAscCwooD's 9 sDa.NiCtS MA:A 'J What hsd'st 4hou dune to sink us peacefui'y tn raie% f , .CastLet i.J ?? . if Calmly 4e died, the gatlan t yuith, g . When veill'd was.demon War's co'rtnot~s , When Sumtsaer's trees were green rsod smnco.., The surface of the oceat s VWcll for his ?? may friendship weep, s Vv'eep that, when bfatle toi!3 viere shine, n WVhen ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of kBItt'T h S. ed At Rathinesq Rload, ae the 15th instant, thb Lady of Cap4 WaiM Murer, Royal Fusileer6, of a daughter. le A fetw d y ago, in Lawrence's-street, V. ogheda, the Ldd7 of Henry Metcaite FEsq. I. P. oF a son and heir. n At Ballinaslne, on 13th instant, the Lady of James Stanley Ireland, Esq. 6tb'Poyal Veteran Batalion, of a daughter. On the 16tb instant, at Blackrck, Cork, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF DR. NEILSON. Died, in Belfast, on the 26tl ult- in thi 46th year of his age the Rev. William Neilson, D. D., M. ?? Irofesnor of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, end Head Mastsr of the Classical School in the Belfast Academical Institution. Doctor Neilhon was the fourth son of the 1Rev. Dr. Neilson, Presbyterian Minister at Nedenron, count} Down, who still survives to lament the loss of bis ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On tbe 29th ult, at Sea Batk denr Carric'eferpls., Itliesea of her frher. T. L Sievart. E-q I the Lady of Jaitrii Con- sidine, E-u of. ile 431 Light Intrinny, of a danghter. On se 3-d itstatt, in Ntiti Cnumuberland.strect, the Ladv of James O'Beirne, Esq. Surgeon Extraordinary to his Ali- jesty. of As son. On tshe ath i:1stant, ?? Kinsale, the Lady of John Lyomi, Eeq. of a daulghter. . : O, n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS on the 24th ult the Lady of George Longworth Esq of of Craggan Castle county Westmeath of a daughter In Waterford, tihe Lady of William Milward, Esq. of u I On the 2;thy lt, at Kilrush county Clare, dhe Lady of John Wilson Trousdell, Eq. Ciollector of that port, uf n idauttgser. ! ot the 28th ult. ht Cork, the Lady of time Rev John Bennet of Mallow, ofa son. MARRIAGES On Saturdgy last, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r - ?? I It FI'l;j. r At tbe seat of the Earl of Farnham; the Lady of Jtmes Saunderson, E-q I.N., of a d&utlter. On the 2d instant, the Lady of Burton Ryland, Esq, of K ing's Terra zc, of a dauxghter. r Ol the ad instant, at i3odrmingttr House, Dorsetshire, tadX Emily Steele, of a son and heir, On the 9 h instant, in Sooth Audloy.street, Loildon, the Lady of W. L. Hughes, I'sq. M. P of a soin, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH-{% On the 6th instrant, at 1ldanclville. county Kilkenty, thi Lady of tbe liev. Thbeobl>d ktitlr, of a ssn, At Athenry Castle, counly Galway, the Lidy of Wi:Tilni Blakeney Per-se, Etq ot a daughter. At KilleinaILe, county Tipperary, ?? La4dyof tiiliam IHi. Latham, Esq of a son and heir. l'A ItRIAGES. - On Thursday last, in Wexford, .Juese Batteraby, Esq. -of High Town, ccurty Westfneath, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, On Tuesday, in St. James'sasrauare, London, Lady 5rati tharn, of a sOb, sjill-born. On Tuesday, the S0th nltirno, at Elm View, ClGntar,. bt Lady of W. C. Colvill, Esq. of a son. At Killemly Church, near Caber, the Lady of Jaes IHf Huglhes, Esqj. of a eon. In Cork, the Lady of Thomas Lapp Butler, Esq. of Its o. On the 27th ult. in, Lend1o, Lody fcif Drummond, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE WILLIAl'; PARNELTL, Es6. AL P. FOlt Tl'E COUNTY WICKLOW.} It has been the practice of all ages and natiOls to te ord the virtues of their Patriots, with a view t, the cultivallion of those eminent qtiits for which each has been distiogttished. '[his is a prtm ite |approved of by the most celebrtlied olaors and politicians of ancient limes, as the brilliant effu- sions of a D ...