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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, JanualrIyJ 10. 1 Blirth.-..At Riotterdamit, onl the 2-Ith Lilt. Mrs TA'MESt YO`N L, (if it Daughiter, MaLtie d hoem, ol th'1w Ith instanit, bly the(- llevyd. W. Burns, of KI~jytli, CGr:OttoE WlrIOV, ESqI. younlger- Of Glasgowego, Advor:. to, to Aulmao, Second Datughter Of WIlLLIAM Dycio, M.1. i:larrjed, ait PMOl'sy, thle 4th cult. by tile R Charles. Grant, Mr. W'LLpIAsM SOrltPIIANI, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - 2lSirtlii. At Springkell, on the 2d tilt. the Lady of Liut._ General Sir JOHN HEnoN M11AXWELL, Bart. of a sqn. On the 21st nit. the Right Hon. Lady HlaaRsjc PAGET, of a daughter. : W* At Auchenard, on the 6th curt. the Lady of 51a- mdi jor ALSTON, of a dlaughter. of na- At St Patrick Square, on the 9th curt. Lieutenant of GIANT, late 92d regiment, to MARY ANN, elde;t gd daughter of tIh late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D3EArDTH GE THz -715t U L S The Bulletins'irlscrtedin our laitr thd i lamrnliog to exci-t-- the -ll6t svv iois doublts of I Ti'-r ',l- jesty's retovery, woulil stIaretcy prcparc o-i, t':i>.'e F 01the in telli'1nce ave i ave now to, ctc,, .:, her Doinise, whicii took place Ott thc evo in -1 'Tutsday the .7th inst. at tO mindtes iArt ct 'iO lot'o. Of her 'Majesty's illness, _ aLd lw ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... s ~5i~t'l~t. et At C4attberssel, Surrey, onl the 2(1 cuit, Mrs 1).n GF0O9, Of' a daulgiter. t O.the lOtRI curt. Mrs. IVovX, Prilnces Street. oi' a Sonl. At Edinhurgh, on the 8th. curt. Mrs LOCIS1IAIRT ot CastIchill, ofa so5n. AXt Mlaize lHill, Grcvnmvich, on thc 5th', curt. the d-ILey of Captaiii '1'bitnils \IACIutNs, IRoval Artileory, of a- sOn. At Leith, on the 1st curt, by the Rev. Jamwes ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ;ed 25irtb . nd On the 4th curt. in York Place, London, the Lady- lie of' WUr. WRixot BEcHiEa, Esb M. P. (forwerly Mfiss nd ONeil), ofa daughter. lay On the 6th curt. in Queen Street, the Lady oF al. Lieutenant-Colunel Ross, of the 4th dcagoon guards, of a daughter. 1~9rringea. er- At Paisly, on the S30th ultirno, Mr JoIV~ CATH- uo CAULT, merclhnt, to MARGARET, youngest daughter of of the late ...

WEDSrraetYn,' 9. a W

... EDNtESDAY, - Ma 9. er ;. ?? - . ; Birth.-At Kilravock Castle, on the 25th ult. the . ?? of 1uUGmi ROSE, Esq. of Kilravock, of a daugh-. I ters I. ol ter.. 1\1arried, at Prestbury, April -2, the Rev. Cuit. C.APEL, to ELIZADETiH, daughter of the late Sir Win. Forhes, Bart. of Craigievar. At St. Paul's, Covent Garden, London, on the 2f6th ult. Sir WEILIAaE DicE, Bart. to CAROT.ENEI re- liet of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNEUAL AND INTERIVIENT OF HER E, LATE Al AJESTY. In Stadt, August 21. a The Ga'inet anld, Wye sloops of war had a favourable a; passa-u'up the Elbe ti this place, where they arrived at al earl hcur~ esterday- (Monday) moining. It was,1 howevet eY foueii thtt her .ajcsty's remains could not be ti immediately Iatled. In the mean tinme arrangements for( doing so wer& rmade, and at four 'clock in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T~lE' L4'12'2 M2. fR. lXvvfI. We are indebted to an unknown correspondent, for the fillowing extract from an es.way oSt Davidl Loch, Inerchalit, I.ithj, which came to our hands too late for insertion in ouI' last ; our readers, we arc persuad- ed, w~ill riot regret to have their attention recalloed to I this subject - In my tour to Dunbar, August 17718, I attended an earnination of thrce ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- -1 , --I ' wlfrdAW'w - . - DA eDY Ar i en. WEDNESDAY, Aptil 25., Birth.-At Calcutta, August, 1820, Mrs THOMAS | DINGWAILL FOILDYCYE, of a sll. DINGWALL FOtRDYCE, of a tSon. Iy Birth.-At B3albegno Cotle, on the I ith instant, the Lady of Captain ltANSSe, of a son. ry Died, at Balgonie Cottage, on the 19th instant, JAMES, the youngest Son of Lieut. Col. ID. Forbes,. Died here, on the 9th inst ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . ~l~lSrtb~t. At Sundrum, on-thb 14thcurt. 3Mk JlSiLToJ of Sundrum, of a son. On the I tSi cutt. the Mm6D Tomn.tas.zts11 of a daughter; which did not long su-vive, On the 14th curt t.e Lady Of JSAMY'R C:ATaeu1r Esq. of a on. At Kilmiclanel, IoversUS'ia,' o. the 13th curt. '5lr' J.SiitEs REID, of the- chequer. to Miss ELIzdatt'i CAMSWPBELL, second'hdughter of tbe Rev. Mr Dlugald rCampbell of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~4 1 : Tbs . g§.tt'i ~ IVED;N'ESDAY, Oclther 21-t. Died, at Manse of' Kilsyth, onl 'Monlday the Sth a inSt. HIANNA, thle Wile of MIr. Wm. BIIoWvN, of Aberdeen. )liud, at Manse of Deer, on the Pth inst. the Rev. I JOit'i CaiAuIa;I, in the 81st yeair of his -,ae. Died, at Kinieaidine 'ledge, on thb -5th instant, :IXAI:Y J. GoltnoNr, seconId daughtel of Fras. GordonI. Lsij. of Kinuardijue. D)iedi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ea tzt :ipt. - - -tia DEATH OF BONAPARTE. hr Tispatches have been received from St. Helena, to svhichl contain the imp.i-ant intelligerice'of the decease to of Bonaliarte. lie expilre! on Saturdhiy, the 5th of fol Alay, about six o'clock in the evening, ef zt lingering Jce illne ws, hvhich had confined hhm to his bed for upwards be of torty (lays. Ci HIe desired that after his deaith his body ...