... Til AUSTRIAM LOAN. ?? 'he necessity of compressing the very voluminous debates in Parliament, so as to comprise in our co. hunms the proceedings of the whole week, and the t great importance of the questions relative to. the 1 Queen, compel as occasionally to pass slightly over rnatter of deep lational interest, but of less attractive consideration to the* gesserality of our readers. One of ...

Published: Friday 09 February 1821
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 557 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ?? - --y - t-j* ,u wrcuponent parts ot the grand procession. I I . . . - S. E.Gate& New Colaur, God save the King A Champion, in a suit of armour Two Heraldss. mounted Gentlemen, dismounted Gentlemen, on Horseback Three comps. Shregt. > ?? Coat Bo. BAND Shipwrislhls Coopers Ropexsr kers , Seilmakers BAND Suriths Painters, Piurnbera, 8t. : Coppersmsilh, brazlers, Blockmakers Master Joiners ...

Published: Friday 20 July 1821
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3856 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... THE WALLAiNGTON FARCE. IM - - - - -0 I I-i , - - - That grand prop of Ministers, the Duke of Welling--a ton, has plunged himself asid ffiends into a sad scrape, ' by. maxing use of the insulting term yAiCt, as applied ti to County meetings, in the Hbnseof Lords tn Thurs- c day, the 25th ult. This noble C01netitiitiona.ji~ 'should- c recollect where he is ?when speaking, and also, to whom a he ...

Published: Friday 02 February 1821
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 552 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... 2-AEND.E T FFRESMIEX : LW rPG 7- = FILE E ME . 'ro tpe:.; FaEEMI q . * POt41%ve anxiously expected some one better in- onl as to our rights and privileges would step for- ?? rD vent a total egtraftgemelet of thein. I aft, W ttard to T whoever interferes with the wers that let ti be Whig, Tory, or IAdical, he will be _ he, * ed tas one of the latter dtscription ! but, when ;s much cause of ...

Published: Friday 12 January 1821
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 870 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

POLITICAL OBERVATIONS.—We have reserved our report of the debate on Mr. Curwen's motion respecting

... ?? IL r:p~ oir+ J ia Ir .Po1,rr4cA 05iiAT05s.-ie ?? our I report of the debate: u ..toM t-i:7tH ef ghe ta_ on thehorses used in husbandry. ftbs Placeii 'our paper; t20t indetd:that. we. might give ij at:fhlllength, but-hat we pight blend our~cipm- nientis with ?? intereating occurrence. W5. regard. itas; II irteresting, however, uot with respeet'toits ijdiviefali inportance; for it is of smal ...

Published: Friday 22 June 1821
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2877 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... ALAS I. POOR YORICTL S Mit. LAMBTO02S MOTION.-Had'Ahe editorvof the 1C8oatr found imaself the lucky possessor of the thirty--> ,thousand-pound prize in the State Lotterywof which he is the agent; or had the Radicals been again cut down by hundreds, without the superfluous previous ceremony j of reading the Riot Act, orthe existence of any provo-, cation or breach of the peace whatever ;-if ...

Published: Friday 04 May 1821
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 940 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 

Nabal Intelligence

... Wabat Tlitellfencr, A bottle, which was thrown overboard fron the shipS on Margaret, of Glasgow, Allen, master, on the 1st of March, ere in lat. 52. long. 24. on her passage from Nassau to Greenock, tie er m in order to ascertain the current, was picked up last week fo, ex- near Jersey, by the Carlotte, of tlavre; and the paper wich Qt was in it, written by Captain Allen, sent to Lloyd's. 20 ...

Published: Friday 05 October 1821
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1491 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... - THE IU~lNG F!: Wat, then, reader, ,did vol think, that I had wholl iqat sih of his majesty! He H ae s, deed, very litle noise when he is here; he ovborn t E d aa qt as the mouse anda *fie bgt; he passei over the pavent of Londotaasoft asifhiswheols were padded fo spare ,the.-eres o'7f hi loingndpib3y3ySe, brze hra, letsj thewodie 9sf 1.rau ande ;1riud+I in Ireland, that land of warmth and ...

TO LORD MILTON; On his Circular Letter to the Butt-Frog Farmers

... TO CARD CMliTOri Or, hi O.!rcir Legeer b the n7-Ir,5 Fm hiers 1eha-ve beanoree mie, i'r print, a -n-oy of your Circular Letter to fthlose Persons who appear ?? oPIe, to you to give your sup- .sort to somne Tneasure or other havin.g in - wew what is called re- I R& to Agpi cu sre. This 5etter tries, 5.indeet continal nothi2ng easier rich or rare ; bht, it caoes firo -cci., who and Whose fat>er ...

Published: Saturday 12 May 1821
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 12046 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 | Tags: News 


... FR RANCIS BURDITT. I -Notwitbstanding the strong temptation held forth in the Blat roftet's Affidavit, in the pathetie appeal of Mr. Scarlett, and in the observation of the Judge on tfic great consso7atioW whicb 'the. Baaonet muat feel at hating -meant well; notwithstanding bese and. sonme other thng s that -occurred in the court, I did not intend to notice this affair, until I saw it made ...


... ?? ?? i~E ~ > :L S. v ,, F. , ~~'usxs ins been -a Meeting at te London ;TavemIo AO~ev the sRinripto9 for, Sri ROBRT, at iwhi Meetn~g I.JflO a- r#,P !W$Cy been In .thechir. Twlo thingfs 0111 helqpong to this r Hums -is reottdl jto have ,w'1. ?? : ?? -ad- that-the Kliw had -orgJt to 4isxmiss this g:ereal from his servie?. Dne en hardly believe, that Mr. Hum did AY such ,a ?? For i-ff thi e ...

TO THE MAN OF £20,000

... This gentleman, who signs himself, J. S. asks me, whether I do not think, that, to a person advanced in life, and with 20,000I.-at command, America may not afford as much com- fort, and hope of quiet, is any part of the world2' Alon, with this question should nave come a clear dtriziion of il roea%,.! Sasse which wrLitet- at- taches to the words conjort and quiet. If, by conmfort, he ...