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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. In October last, at Bomlbay, W. Chaplin, Esq. son of the late A. Chaplin, Esq. Clerk of tile Ptace for Buckinghamsshire, to Miss E. Frankland, daughter of the Rev. R. Franh-land, Canon of Wells Cathedral- At HoRmsey, M iddlesex, Mr. J. B. Brenchilcy, of York- ?? Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. Win. Mynn, of Goudhurst, Kent.-At the new settlement of Waebron-h, in the Illinois, America, G. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlATHS. Ol Friday rlatnimeg tic 2Ji instatit, at Rock Houslea ini this Crlii , hlr Ws el ieter Arkwright, Esq. of a sull. Ostl;is. ?? s[t1 at t lre Crru of Dart-Uouth's in. Berkeley 1ar, ,Ilie Kighit la. Laly Ilartiet Paget, of a daugher. AJA H'1f1lAGkES.' Oil fiie' t!4h 1 lt, at )arwlish, Saluel KtIfigiti, Esq. of S 5liis ii 1h1,3e, Gsa, tridge-ftire, to Frmisces, secutid daupltter Dl.' ltj ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Yesterday a? t Doncaste, Mr. Edwnvrd Roeke, of this town, .to tlizabeth, daughte!r of thc lateC Itichacd tStvelov, Alder- mail, of the former place. OulSAtuilvdy last, it Micylebone Church, by the lion. an Rcev. Thomas Monsoot, William lccttli, eldest son of Williain Wtligltson, Lgq. of C Isworth, 0acr Deoncastcr to Georeiaba daiughtr (If ligo Thomas, Fsq, of Ratton, SsWctco anil gra~ld ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Yesterdayv w-eeh, at the Freend.' Mileeting-flito se, St. ftelelis, Ed Vard Wilsi, ?? merchant, of P'lailadelihia, to Eliz abeth, widkow of the late Christoplher I'loulpson, Esq. of Itawdel, near this town. On Wednesday, it oat larisah lItirelth, Mr. Thomas Waiti7 wright, clothier, t Mit S tson Ai lipton, both of Arminy. . Osi W-edilnieslar, et ott Ilarish Chinrch, Mr. Tltos. Vttrley, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LONDON, SUINDAY3 Marcll 4-. cinb B116 t6 of iclarturi . The itfruit Princess El iabeth died this morning at one o'Clock. It will be reeollected that mho was pre- mnaturely born ; bitt notvithstanlding this cirmuin- stianoel she wad. rapidly gaining feialth attd streunth 'tiil the, sttldeln ciiages of the weather began to affect her. OnP 'iTlhrsday? night she wvas, a little feverish, and oa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. The Rvr J. Owen Parr, Chaplain on the Madras ?? to Maria Elizabeth, daticliter (if Won Wright, Esq. of Gretlville-sIreet.- At Hereford, Captainr Jamores Pcitchit, of Cheltenhaitmt, 'to Lucy, dar'rghlter otf Edwin Sanidys LUclineie, Esq. of the foirmerplace.-Mr. Edward Bilson, linen dralper, ,f Lit ii, to Mis: Hld-bip, of ClheltenL)i41.-i4r. telij, ilonnnosr, solicitor, to Mary Ann, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... it THE LATE MR. AND MRS. NORRIS. ' In our Paper of Feb. to we alluded to a paragraph in- is serted in a contemporary print, conveying a most unfounlded or insinuationi against the chbaracter of the late Mrs. Norriis. We r- also noticed some vile, false, and mischievous reports, which ir seemed to be circulated with malignant industry, and which w ent the length of asserting that Mrs. Norris ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? anD Dizatboo MVARRIED, On Monday, the 19th instant, at St. Paul's Church, R. IR. Lin- gard, 1Esq nf Heston Norris, to Mary, youngest daughter of the Rev. Geno. Ion. It'of this town. On) Tue d:y, the 20th instant. at Ealing, the Han. E. Perceval, secnnd soR of Lord Ardert. to Jome, eldest daughter of thil late l~ighr Hlonourable Spenrer P rcetal., On Trhursday've'onighc, at Great Busweth, Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, 'e'bruary 28, 1821. 33irtoij. On Saturday moring,. 9-Ionth, the Lady of Charles ifford, Esq-.of adsoi. Same day, at Allpbington; the Lady of Thomas Snow, Jun. Esq. of a daagbtef, At Dawlisb. on Thursday lait, by the Rev. John Marriott, Samuel Knight. Esq. of Miltou-holisG CGan- bridgeshire, to l'rances, eeeonid ?? of the late. John Cave Brown, Esq. of Sheftoij-en-le fields, D)erby- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nilu Iday I:: SI in~a::t, dl0y Coillillpiarrn. the Fev.,TehIl !ijIlli i couilll., to ;l is Codd, dadi;i- E q. !4-,I i L ?? cleul, of 1ul'l. (I!'l~lilt ,ioisl, lIr. Arthlur llig. ati, of 11 00411leadsl ii la 11u:, ?? si Illiuger ofl r ;. \\ iDlWI, ul litre, late -i! 'uriv, S. ,iileii ,Irv is, Esq. ofI )Drlastnio [lail, l ' ' 1i, p-ullgesL daughltr af P. N. HoLivets, t i l 1 Lrr,. I! ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At MARRIED. At Henilow, fledfoydshire, the Rev. W. S. Chalk, of Barton, Beds, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the Rev. Thomuas Gregory, Vicar of Henlow.-The Rev. Edward WVatle, third son of Robert Wade, Esq. of Clonebrany, county of Meath, to Mary Anne, only daughter of the late Judge Fox.-Captain A. King, R. N. to Mary, eldest daughter of Chas. Lewin, Esq. of St. Alban's, Herts.-Mr. Wns. Hood, ...