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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At St David's Street, Edinburgh, on the 26th curt. Mrs JoerN BRUCE, of a daughter. At Houstoun, on the 26th curt. Mrs SntaRP, of a daugh- ter. MARRIED. At Edinburgh, on the 30th curt. by the Rev. Dr Ritchie, PETER FoaBEs, Esq. Lieutenant of tbe late 95th regiment, to MNARY, daughter of the late Richard Philp, Esq. distiller, Dolls. On the 26th of Febrnary, at Florence, in the house of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lIVLDNESD)AY, ,A'pil 11. Pirth.-On T-rIbinsdLv, the 29th of March last, the 0' Wte of Dr A1.T.1.-, Jarries's Strcet, spas safely deli- Sr ,I', f'l Re,,ap Vcred of n Son. a At Tiabingh, on the CGti tilt. the Lady of JOHN I 1iU.istlensu, Esqj. cf .a ti:ulghter. ,I;,th.-.1At 'Tottcnt neIs Snotillhtmpton, on the S il h tit. Ito wife ot'f Mr D. RIinD, Surgeon, It. N. of a r Soil. . At Claphlin, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Edinburgb, on the 5th curt. the Lady of Cap-. tnin JiMEs HAf.DANE TAIT, IRoyal Navy,. of . Daughter. At View Forth, on the IOth curt. the Lady. of W. C. LEAIUwONTH, ES(, of a daughter. At Carriden Manse, on the 29th ult. Mrs FLE=tNa, of a sou. 0 ~rriageJ At Lockerby House, on the 5th curt. his Ezcel-. lency Colonel :UMAXW11U, C. B. Captaitn-General and. (lovernzor of the islands of St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PSA 711 027 DR CREGORGWI In our paper of Thursday last we comrmnnicate tiso melancholy tidings of the death of this illustrious main. al Ile was interred on Saturday last with great solemnity, his funeral being attended by the Magistrates. Professors, Jc and other public bodies, by his numerous students and m private friends. It is seldom our lot to record the death of an indivi- D tiutl so ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... under a penalty of 40s. i ,131R'I -IS.; IC On the I3th curt. Mrs CLEGUORN, Dandas Strcet, of a daughter. if At View Forth, on the loth curt. the Lady of W, C.- LEARMONT Ii, Esq. of a dalughter. .O On the 2d curt. Mrs M j.M xwvre.r. LiTraLe, Ulion n a Street, of a daughter. A.t Great King s Street, on the 7th ult. Mrs Jasmes LANG, of a daughter. MARRIED. £ At Sea Land Banik Cottage, Cardross, ...

BIRTHS. On the 23d c

... urt. Mrs Robinson, No. 70, Queen Street, of a son. At 25, Ahercromby Place, on the 23d curt. Lady MACDONALD LOCKHART, of a daughter. At Edinburgh, on the zi2d curt. Mrs WALTER COOK, of a daughter. At Edinburgh, on-the 23d curt. Mrs MATHESON, Belle- vue Crescent, of a son. At Barton Crescent, London, on the 21st curt. the Lady of Sir JAMes C. ANDERsoN, Bart. ofa daughter. At Calcutta, in August ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ---t --G - ausseu on eoe ,ct ult. At Edinburgh, on the 31st ult. of Cadboll, of a son. At Juniper Green Cottage, an the 26th ult. /re. STODDART DRYSDALE, of a (laughter. On thle 18th ult. thle Lady of JoHN A~usTrauxmz TesoassoN, Esq. of Charleton, of a daughter. t On the 3oth ultimo, Mr Tuou.ic I HARDY, SurgeoR tand dentist, Duke Street, to Miss ROBINA, daughter -of Robert Forrester, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i At Edinburgh, by the Rev. Dr. Fleming, Mr. . C}OAS. JAs. BANCVIS, of Bewdly, Worcestershirv, to. SARAH, only child of Mr. Baxter, South Briuge. V At Greenhead, on, the 13tih curt. Mr. A. COI.QU- H.OUN JEFrERY, Surgeon in Glasgow, to AMiss A.CxNE- eldest daughter of Richard Morris, Esq. On the 14thi CUlt. at St. George's Church, Hano- Y ver Square, the Rov. WILIJANI PY.uS, to the Coent- l ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I- At PRuis, on the Qd'd Curl. the Countess of AIRLY- . af a daughter. j @tt~~~rri8ag. - At Ealing, on the 20th ult. tli Horourable ED- WARSD PESCUVA.L, secoed son of Lorjl Arden, tb J 2 eldest daugluer of'the hite Right Hion. Septcer ic.- S ceva.l In Clhrlotte Squasre, On the 24th- ult. Major WVrL- LIA)I POWER, of his Majesty's 7th deagoqn guards, to Aliss ANNE 11-O1wur.% youngest daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O'the Lbt utt., r.4 Thw 1a T.dy, ?? Eti Fdinburgh, to Robijia, daughter of tlobert Furres- ter; Esq., treasurer of the Batik of Scotland. : :f01 'Oula , on the 28th 111fiel rc, 1yngr. Jarie Mclvillej -s souie of' Yarnes SvmE. ' 'At Paislev, 25th March, ?? Ro'v. Dr. JdLin Findlay, of the -'igh Church, Paisldy, iti the 41st yeaf of hig niinistry; Dr. 'indlay was-ordained 3Iinister of' tbe HMigh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Al Etoitlsurga Ol tltVIRTIIS. At Ellitiburgli, onl tze' 31sc ult. MINS NIACLreon, jun. of Cadboll, of a son. Oln tile 29 11 tilt. Mrs ALCXANDOR DaurLAs, Albany Street, of a daughter. At Jntiper Greets Ctlttage, on the °6Lh ult. Mrs STOD- DART DRY SDALFI, of a daughter. way At Park Street, on the 18th ult. Mrs HorGG, Altrive tOle- ILake, 6f a son. hese At the Hirsel, on the 16th ult. Mrs LEITCH ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- -1 , --I ' wlfrdAW'w - . - DA eDY Ar i en. WEDNESDAY, Aptil 25., Birth.-At Calcutta, August, 1820, Mrs THOMAS | DINGWAILL FOILDYCYE, of a sll. DINGWALL FOtRDYCE, of a tSon. Iy Birth.-At B3albegno Cotle, on the I ith instant, the Lady of Captain ltANSSe, of a son. ry Died, at Balgonie Cottage, on the 19th instant, JAMES, the youngest Son of Lieut. Col. ID. Forbes,. Died here, on the 9th inst ...