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... 1821. Yesterday,'at Brampford Speke; ibe Lady of the Rev. George P. Cosserat, of a daughter. On Wednesday last, at Kenton, the Hou. Mrs. Lysaght, of a son. ,arrieb At Honiton, on Thursday last, by the Rev. J~ohu Rogers, Ml. A. Rector of Feniton, William Wdbid- ward, Esq. sirgeon, to Elizabeth, the only daughter of Mfr. Basleigh, of fioniton' Wednesday last, at Stoke Church, Mr. Griffiths, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Mondny last, at Lambath Church, Ioden, Tlicha d ('lewen Gri sith, Esr. surgen, ?? son f Samruel Griffith, Fsq. of Travistoek itreet, Bcdford-sqruaye, to Eliza, secolld. daghter of the late John Cooksion, Esq. .g this town. Oil Tuesday, at St. G(corgee- Chtrch, m-larnucr-squate, Lon- don, Bryan Cacke, vsq. iof Owston, tE Charlotte, daughter of Sir George(lookc, Whceaticy, both hi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Edinburgb, on the 5th curt. the Lady of Cap-. tnin JiMEs HAf.DANE TAIT, IRoyal Navy,. of . Daughter. At View Forth, on the IOth curt. the Lady. of W. C. LEAIUwONTH, ES(, of a daughter. At Carriden Manse, on the 29th ult. Mrs FLE=tNa, of a sou. 0 ~rriageJ At Lockerby House, on the 5th curt. his Ezcel-. lency Colonel :UMAXW11U, C. B. Captaitn-General and. (lovernzor of the islands of St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, a On Welnesday, the 28tU ult. at St. Paul's Church, Mr. John Barsley,.pilot, to M6iss Maqy Hlughtoi. On Monday. the 9th instant, at Sralmiog Chu ch, near Lan- caster, Mr. John Moor, p inte of this tool, zo Mis. Mary Fow- ler, daughter of Mr. lugh lowler, 5. Hiackeosall-hall. near Preesall. Oi Tuaesday, the*i; instantat St. Martia' Churci, Birming- ham, Mr.J s Few er, merchbnt, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , lMARtRIED. At !;t.'s, ' Lioss er-sq1iarC, lhl' ?? 1N'illnian r'egnis to the llowa-er Colinitess of l.iod'uiy, widow *-At.Wey'mouil tie liev. ,Jocepli Goilld, ,if'Sevtoni VBlos~q'oot rifle, Bi1tch e to Lydlia, ''1Y chi of the IntO Natljrsnjet.Gooldl Esq.-At Ca41e Cosibe; W5iltshire,' G'eorge Poulelt Tho'psloloi(i,' E~si seeoiid son o'f .J. B. Thsinipsnbn, 'Esq. oif ^Vssrertity ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1E !IR'T S. (II tIultlav I,1, in PTk Sineet, Westn'iitster, the Ladv of ' vli!;; 5*, leq. Al. P. of Alitsirce aidlji nVar this ito'n, (it dle 10th instalt, at ilcelcy Court, Staffordsltire, Mlrs.- Fknu, I l,,.i ul' a.alaugjhter. Oil Suiauy ne'lulight, at Flitiilam lHouse, Nottilighanishlire, tlle WLd ol I iIItus 1B. HIidlyard, Emq. of a bon and heir. li ,Ht ll (; IV;S - - ' ' ' OtII he ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,R D . 'MARRIED, 7 ;R .Toorey, Esq. of Battleswick, Colobester, to Sarah Wlrittalcer, $econd idaughter of Mr. J. Liasg-. wood, swine and brandy merchant, of that ?? Rayleigh, Essex, Mr. Clay, linen draper, *of Rayleigh, to Miss S. A.- Bullock, ladies' serntiary; Hoclsej'.- Mr. Gustavus Thomas Tayler, of ings, Holborn, aolicitor, to Mary, daughter of Mr. Buzzard, of High ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .BIRTiis. At Kllrartatrn-houste, oik the 14th. inst Grant, o1 n7 raughter. t t int., .At 'FIoach-hiyuse, on the 141th diistant tl Macdonaldl Esqj. of Statfa, ot'a ?? e r - '1 M RIt rt. D At GlIsgow, ou tondlay cvelning rh 4 bert Paton,' texcei r, to Isbel Macrnte, (mi' 1 the deceased Chrirstopher Aiacrff` Esq,' ?? 'Ydar'Z At'Guirleiin-,t ?? of I'arr, 1 ln ?? stat, Viiial %'ulicliEsq. ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LG IL~ REGORY. s~ j Of tay blat awe comrfmunicated the me- : *.I o .the ~ de th o ttls eminent Physician and uee ra \s45 ~ze OI Satorday witb great solein- v e zhg attended by the Lord Provost and rsity, aud other- Public oustudents aad private friends. It isohsi d oor lot to-record the death of an individual i so univew.sslly -csteemed, m5 whose loss will occasion so ir- reparalAczallank, ...