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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Nelsoe Street,-on the-T r Mubl11o GARta,.of a: SQFI. On the 2,7t.4t;ult 5Ir' DALWYXPLstSj, etee . of a son. At Edinburgh,, on tbe.,Otht ult. yv tlte.'Revl Dr.i Ritchie,. P. rF, FoansEeq. Lieutenant of thc lateI 95th regiment, to IlsiaY, dauglityrsui thc Iate-RiklhedS PbiqIp, Esq. distiller, Dolls. On1 the '20th of 1bruary, at Florcnce, in the hotue of his EXcel ttcyJ Lord. BurglhenII, ...

BIRTHS. At Charlotte

... Square, on the 24th curt. the Lady of Ma- an ?? BALFOUR of Ballhirnic, ofa son. In Charlotte Square, on the 25th curt. Mrs ALEXANDER e WOOD, of a son. r On the 25th curt. Mrs Pze-rzR HEWAT, Duttdas Street, of _ a son. On the 24th curt. at Montpelier Park, Burrowmuirhead, , the wife of R. Sco rT, Esq. of a daughter. , At Friern Hatch, Middlesex, on the 8th curt. the Lady of L- ,HENRV Sr GEORGE ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS.> On the 15th curt. the Lady of Acux. FRASRR, Esq. of. Thavies Inn, of a son. ?? thie ROyAl Barracks, Dublin ,on she 13th curt. the Lady Of Lieutenant.ColoUiz LINDSAY, 7tlh HiglhlanderS IOf a daughter. On the Ist April, on board tie I.orl Hungetford, at sea, the Lady of Cot IN CAMPBE.LL, Esq. 'Surgeon of the Horse is Brigade on the Bengal Establishmenut, of a daughter. g MARRIED. r At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Sprigfk-lwld On th6 !Id cuit. the Iady of JAejds INV'RttRITY, Esq. of a sonl. At Gartmore House, on thie s8th ult. Mrs CGuN NEN'GOIIAM GRA 51., of a daughtc'. At Montrose on the 28th ult, Mrs GitRan of a son. At Vicnn5 orl trfe 2tith tti. lt.§s St:A*t, tire wvife of the BP;ititsh Anibastidor, of . sdh Arid halt, At hochniaw Castle, oen the ds cuit. the Lady ,f Sir ARwDE AGX4in-, Bart. of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Wn- b, Ire-l d, ani 1 the I. Egg.f . B1 O-D. nfA daughter at) t At Kilrsatockk 15ttl, (in tbbe 23E itlt. the 9 R41g, :11srl Of .Kiravoa, efa d4zai, La of At Ediofurgi, ont the 2sth aIlt. tre.Lad yf ':tWYtL , Royal Vaiitere, sf on.te At MARkrW. t AtFteeqnflot 'Li-Vtrtrfsoot n tbe S5th ult. te n, EvINS BeAUoNT, of I1ddinivno to eV. la 5 dot 5gbt I{Jtfsn.Mnrten, E .toF ?? D At'Humbie, 011 the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 13th curt. Mrs Dow, Duke Street, of a son. At Ruchid, on the 12th curt. the Lady of DuvcAN CAMP- BELL, Esq. of Barcaldine, of a daughter. At Craigicirh House, on the loth curt. Mrs WILLIAM FLEMING, of a daughter. DIED. At Winders Hill, Jamaica, on the 14th March, WILLIAm, son of Mr William Armstrong, Niddry Street. On the 5th of January last, at L.unenburgh, Nova Scotia, in the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WED lNESD)AY, AlaO9 2 1} l Birth.-At Hledge Grove, near Kesvick, Cnml;er- l and, on the 7th initarit, 2rs Foite:s of Culloden was -0 AI . 1- I . - _.. , - , i saely delivered, of' a soi. At D)tublin, on the 1211th in.1ant, thoSlia Ly of Licut. t C(ol. LioDS'AY, C. B. co:.mlluding the 78th Iligilall- tj ders, cf a daughter. Married, at Toiboll, onl tlhe 4th inst. !VrLIAMt a L t.'IUc-sY, Fsq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Great King S&reet, on the 13th curt. Mrs CRAIG, of a son1. At Kirkmay House, on the 7th curt. the Lady of ROBERT INGLIS, Ejq. of Kirkmay, of a son. On the 29;11 ult. the Lady of R. W. BRANDLINGS Esg. of I Low Goslorth, of a son. At Falkirk, on the 20th utlt the Lady of Captain FLLTON, R. N. of a son. MARRIED. At St George's Chapel, Edinburgh,nn the 15th curt. R. A. CHERsaMsIe, L-q. ...

WE DbAY, ma . . IVED

... NE SDAY, JofaV 16. Married, at Mill of Duunideer, on 'nursday tile I IQth inst. by the Rev. Ferdinand Ellis, Minister of I -1 -1 .1 1 T . M .. ?? n . ?? .t it I I Culsapiond, r Joissl GaEsEN, F armer in Hillhead of I Nethdwrton,' parish of Itsch, to Miss 3MiAsGAatsT, el- dest daughter of Mra Alex. C'ruickshank, Farmer at Mill of Diunnideer. Died here, on the 8th inst. Mr JoI;N RrlD, Stu- dent ...

WEDSrraetYn,' 9. a W

... EDNtESDAY, - Ma 9. er ;. ?? - . ; Birth.-At Kilravock Castle, on the 25th ult. the . ?? of 1uUGmi ROSE, Esq. of Kilravock, of a daugh-. I ters I. ol ter.. 1\1arried, at Prestbury, April -2, the Rev. Cuit. C.APEL, to ELIZADETiH, daughter of the late Sir Win. Forhes, Bart. of Craigievar. At St. Paul's, Covent Garden, London, on the 2f6th ult. Sir WEILIAaE DicE, Bart. to CAROT.ENEI re- liet of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... La rllYc, . WE;DNEISAY, pj-,q.a 2. IV rJ I UAY, a1(9 2. BIRTH -At Union Place, on tie Ist inst. the IVire of JOwN AaImdOMIIIl, Esq. Of a DLaughter, T}.; . A T \. A ' - -1 1. . - .. Birth -At No 4, George's Square, Edinburgh, on the 26th ult Mrs Tourn, Maderty, of a (alight r ]iirth.-At Kilravock Castle, on the 2.-tb tilt, the Lady of Huiou ROSE, Esq of Kilravock, of a daugh- ter B;rtb.-At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sold for 55 guileas. DEATH O MRS PlOZZ. 0 Died at Clifton. as lately announced in this paper. on * XWednesday night, the 2d of May, itl the SUd year of her a age. after a few days illues, Hlester Lynch P iozzi, the 9 once celebrated MrsThrayle, descended both on the pater nal and maternal side from the ancient and respectable fa- milies of the Salusburys and Cottons, Baronets in Noyth Wales, ...