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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iser w diess-iaker.' le Eiatyh1k e o th t Miss OnSnay'e, t osse~ origoa aed of. the 1tia Terim at Si. 8 He Church, Captain led Of Mros be B8ili Williastretoi, r~dirnglesrdsghe Carter t e b_'sal at Trinity C'hurh e e on, ?? to Mice MarylRowe th,5¢>e clr finstant, at St. ialebs, ChrebrB M. jthee F owlem ste ?? -ltr ce, Of the late Mr. 0, she. tia. ea s t i dt, taturday evening, at Kent.lieuse, ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4 e On oday, at St George the Martyr's, the Re,-. Dr. Gel'. dart, lleetr oft tiriki-Dcightin, in ?? cmu nty, to Eliza, diaughter of the late tild sister of the present Win. Cutfield, Esq. of Bavly's Court, in the county of Sussex. Otl Tucsuay last, at lllifax, Mr. John inicnp, otSandnll- I' Mavi.:', icvar Wakeficlid, to ?? louisa Arisytage, ?? _ of Mr. Joseph Armytuge, carl-maker, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. Mr. J. B. Cozens, of Mjsgdalen Laver Hail, Essex, ?? Richardson, only child of J. Grintwood, Esq. of Cressing Tcmple, in tre same ?? Graham, Esq. of Roc6hford, Essex, to Sarah, daughter of Thos. Fry, Esq, of Strood, Xent.-J. lrenchley, Esq. of Denton Court, near Gravesend, to- Mary Rachel, eldest daughter of Thowas Hartuan, Esq. of Wowbwell Hall.-Joseph Allinan, Esq. of Princes- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... La rllYc, . WE;DNEISAY, pj-,q.a 2. IV rJ I UAY, a1(9 2. BIRTH -At Union Place, on tie Ist inst. the IVire of JOwN AaImdOMIIIl, Esq. Of a DLaughter, T}.; . A T \. A ' - -1 1. . - .. Birth -At No 4, George's Square, Edinburgh, on the 26th ult Mrs Tourn, Maderty, of a (alight r ]iirth.-At Kilravock Castle, on the 2.-tb tilt, the Lady of Huiou ROSE, Esq of Kilravock, of a daugh- ter B;rtb.-At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRTHS. At IyV Cottage, neatr Lxetev, the Lady of Alvjcr^Genvesa H;lket, of a o'on. On tle I rlb Istant, at Kingo10t! Jamaica, the Lady of the FH unourable Willisam Shand, of a sni. ! Mrs. iyancre Walsh. tf Fivhamble-ttreet, of a daughter. j MARRIAGES. On the 20,h Instant, at Glarnrire Chttrch, by the lloo. ahtd IRev *'hoctas d*e Cturcy, James Johut Hamilton, Etq. eldest ton of Henry ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MA ItiE Li. May 10, at Stroud, Ed itnccl Gclli(t!in 'c Mllecleil, F9. second von of the late I1ev. Jlo l, ot' Filclcccic', '',ctk'hiccc n! Martha, sole dliughter and heiress it J. lVatts, E Lxr. SccIcc I Hloisce, Gloucesterishire. May 15. at Clifton (Chlch, by rhe Rev. Charles Fc:ccc iv ector of M iclelhali, iL trIe CouIn ty of' WVilt (',i pt. Long, icc of the Roval l-lorse Gu ards, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF DR. NEILSON. Died, in Belfast, on the 26tl ult- in thi 46th year of his age the Rev. William Neilson, D. D., M. ?? Irofesnor of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, end Head Mastsr of the Classical School in the Belfast Academical Institution. Doctor Neilhon was the fourth son of the 1Rev. Dr. Neilson, Presbyterian Minister at Nedenron, count} Down, who still survives to lament the loss of bis ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1821. Oji Saturday last, the Rev. William .4ugu8tuat Mforgan, S . C. L. was licensed by Air. Chancellor Johnes. to the perpetual Clure of Tresmere, in Corn- wall, on the nomination of our most gracious ,Sovereign. At Lyrnpstolne on Saturday, the Lady of Captain William Hall, R. N. of a son. Yesterday, in St.. -Savion r's Clurcb, Iartmonth, by the iRev. Joh Matthew Glubb, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Wn- b, Ire-l d, ani 1 the I. Egg.f . B1 O-D. nfA daughter at) t At Kilrsatockk 15ttl, (in tbbe 23E itlt. the 9 R41g, :11srl Of .Kiravoa, efa d4zai, La of At Ediofurgi, ont the 2sth aIlt. tre.Lad yf ':tWYtL , Royal Vaiitere, sf on.te At MARkrW. t AtFteeqnflot 'Li-Vtrtrfsoot n tbe S5th ult. te n, EvINS BeAUoNT, of I1ddinivno to eV. la 5 dot 5gbt I{Jtfsn.Mnrten, E .toF ?? D At'Humbie, 011 the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS.> On the 15th curt. the Lady of Acux. FRASRR, Esq. of. Thavies Inn, of a son. ?? thie ROyAl Barracks, Dublin ,on she 13th curt. the Lady Of Lieutenant.ColoUiz LINDSAY, 7tlh HiglhlanderS IOf a daughter. On the Ist April, on board tie I.orl Hungetford, at sea, the Lady of Cot IN CAMPBE.LL, Esq. 'Surgeon of the Horse is Brigade on the Bengal Establishmenut, of a daughter. g MARRIED. r At ...