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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ', Al.1 t1i J. Ala I i, tr. T1. (Coitiliil r-a cli!'-d- , of this cit:, to lJi;::lhc'tli ('ole, (ol'S[. elace',. .Msy i, rt .!: *>1,by *ble h 1erL~ien litl. V ,Jili: Rliilleis, oft tl} :ittzh (ilvoiesi l Militia, to Illarr 1 Alici, IollltgC't dau~g IItt C) f G . ;. Stmli 'gonl EL . aml d c~il lddau~ghlcr of the lite Lm ir lJoiriitI iron May 17, iat, Al\ buMH 1 ':i1i iev the I cv. Air. Iunt, ...

BIRTHS. At Charlotte

... Square, on the 24th curt. the Lady of Ma- an ?? BALFOUR of Ballhirnic, ofa son. In Charlotte Square, on the 25th curt. Mrs ALEXANDER e WOOD, of a son. r On the 25th curt. Mrs Pze-rzR HEWAT, Duttdas Street, of _ a son. On the 24th curt. at Montpelier Park, Burrowmuirhead, , the wife of R. Sco rT, Esq. of a daughter. , At Friern Hatch, Middlesex, on the 8th curt. the Lady of L- ,HENRV Sr GEORGE ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1821. Oji Saturday last, the Rev. William .4ugu8tuat Mforgan, S . C. L. was licensed by Air. Chancellor Johnes. to the perpetual Clure of Tresmere, in Corn- wall, on the nomination of our most gracious ,Sovereign. At Lyrnpstolne on Saturday, the Lady of Captain William Hall, R. N. of a son. Yesterday, in St.. -Savion r's Clurcb, Iartmonth, by the iRev. Joh Matthew Glubb, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WED lNESD)AY, AlaO9 2 1} l Birth.-At Hledge Grove, near Kesvick, Cnml;er- l and, on the 7th initarit, 2rs Foite:s of Culloden was -0 AI . 1- I . - _.. , - , i saely delivered, of' a soi. At D)tublin, on the 1211th in.1ant, thoSlia Ly of Licut. t C(ol. LioDS'AY, C. B. co:.mlluding the 78th Iligilall- tj ders, cf a daughter. Married, at Toiboll, onl tlhe 4th inst. !VrLIAMt a L t.'IUc-sY, Fsq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iser w diess-iaker.' le Eiatyh1k e o th t Miss OnSnay'e, t osse~ origoa aed of. the 1tia Terim at Si. 8 He Church, Captain led Of Mros be B8ili Williastretoi, r~dirnglesrdsghe Carter t e b_'sal at Trinity C'hurh e e on, ?? to Mice MarylRowe th,5¢>e clr finstant, at St. ialebs, ChrebrB M. jthee F owlem ste ?? -ltr ce, Of the late Mr. 0, she. tia. ea s t i dt, taturday evening, at Kent.lieuse, ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. Mr. J. B. Cozens, of Mjsgdalen Laver Hail, Essex, ?? Richardson, only child of J. Grintwood, Esq. of Cressing Tcmple, in tre same ?? Graham, Esq. of Roc6hford, Essex, to Sarah, daughter of Thos. Fry, Esq, of Strood, Xent.-J. lrenchley, Esq. of Denton Court, near Gravesend, to- Mary Rachel, eldest daughter of Thowas Hartuan, Esq. of Wowbwell Hall.-Joseph Allinan, Esq. of Princes- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .$ ;l~rlt H~ol Ois Thursday thse 171h ist. at MaIIV-l-110hne New Churreh, ear I-6w1,1). Will., Lister Felwln Scdt, EKsq1. of -ssl-hr1l in _ tiiseuntv, tsoxhasr-lte, *niy survisinla! g thiate Sir Rieardi VandenellUmpdle Johestouse, Bart. uf olackeess, in the snme aoun ty. -On the 12th inst. at St. Serptilrlte's, Lowdon. James, only I ec son a of James S'addali, tEsq. of ilwn, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... kiYP.IAfiE ISt B tll I'vlt.-,ll Salurdav evening, b5 I «piiriec, Ktfieoll aise, Knigirhlrnsbidgr Pat Frederick kit.. iiir , f his AMajesty's 11th1 Heypininenta led to tlre 111eol ,ha tile ;urije andrl acciotplithed Lady Augusta Ic1? ke, t iv ddutelter of ti. Efarl arid Coto:ittes ot (fSa Was. pq I herot ice riot per toritied by tie Rev. D)r. Muor,; to fttiel;, r~tcliesA islXflof('ariteillury, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sold for 55 guileas. DEATH O MRS PlOZZ. 0 Died at Clifton. as lately announced in this paper. on * XWednesday night, the 2d of May, itl the SUd year of her a age. after a few days illues, Hlester Lynch P iozzi, the 9 once celebrated MrsThrayle, descended both on the pater nal and maternal side from the ancient and respectable fa- milies of the Salusburys and Cottons, Baronets in Noyth Wales, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ioiivasf t~l. ?? a1,i 'ltheIddtyiLf ee..Q. Ur- ;IB3niitg^ . 4 *0 ?? yunh teagtr Qr ~eae~erd Paik;111ett iq - aio. ?? 'i :dsAI b tb'e Itu~eyi..'iX'opsi, jditt t6o.ii'4t ?? ?? ?? l EtChter, o h ml e w~ t o' ' BbS~r~. i t ?? I.; .is o ?f Do Ne.^ ?? rteiT4. ?? :ts~~bte~'erlynia!,~l Si a% Sr Iands%; conb1p lert tndna. kteo~ars4p~sof vus.sel..p~hd to t MaietL; vvidow- otShe. late ?? liihoeSts.5urt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Rlamseey, Essex, the Rev. J. WV. Esdlaile, son of e Sir Joseph Esdaile, of Ciigiwell, to Caroline Garland, tb second ?? of the Rev. AV. Whinlfielil, Vicar of n Rasmsey-At Iver, Bucks, the Rev. T. .1. Brandy, of n Stttcra'ell House, Soimersetslirc, to Louisa, daughter F oif tbe late S. R. Cocker, Esq. (of Grosvenor-strect.- The Rev. D. Olievere, Rector of Cliftoin, Bedfordshire C ...