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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t ?? _ . ?? At Edinburgh, on the l9th curt. Mrs BURN MURDOCH of Gartincahbr, of a son. At Suoclcbidge, Edinburghon the 16th curt. Mrs PARKsE, > of a daughter. At Leith, on the 14tlh curt. Mrs JAs. SMITu, Y,,rd-heads, of a son. On the 13th curt. the Hon. Mrs THOMAS ERStsiNZ, of a f daughter, which did not long survive. Oa the 14tli curt. the Lady of JAMEs CATMCART, Esq. of - a son. t At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .1 At'9Sorn MIanse, on Sutarfly hod7thls nt., Mrs.PllS ofa son. At St. rIorershRu'regh, on tibe-21st of April lat, i K stto-Gherry, of a daughttr. MARRIED, .: At.Bothwell Cnstk, err Tueslav tlh 99lth Mr. bl: !Riev. W. iRbutledge, Robert Douglas, Lg. if r. hsenildy, Captjin- in the 7lh Hrrssar's, to tirle IdC P Sidney Douglats, youtngett daughter of Lord Doiial At Glasgowi, on the 9thi Miay, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... COMME ORA'110NOFTIIE BIRTH OF GEORGE'rHE THIRD. Yesterday bein tbthe Anniversary of the oirth of his Ma- jesty Oeorge thei hird, a dhaner in comnuemorati on of the event took place in the Freemnasons' Hall, which `was iti- nierousli and Tespecstbly attended. All the seats ini tche Hall were v oceupied losg. beftore ?? Was announced, and the galleries were ?? with ferohles elegantly drestelt ...

BIRTHS. At Clicsterh

... all, on t aI st curr. Mrs GRAY, ora son. At Boyle, on the 25th ult. Mrs Colnel FARQUHARSON oI a daughter. At Balhegno, on the 12th nit. the Lady of Captain Ro. ; BRT RAMSAY, of a daughter. At Shandwick Place, on the 4th curt. Mrs MILLER of I Glentlee, of a son. At Maitland Street, on the Sd curt. Mrs Fotoycs of Ay. ton, ofa daughter. At the Manse of Kinghorn, on the Sd curt. Mrs PATER- SON, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? RRIED, At' lsi~de, o* Tuesday 4ikU Mr. T'os. Milleil, Edn- buiiib, t'o elen, cidest daughter of Mi. James Neiwlnds.. . , thi.1-l1th bilrreit, Mlr. 3uhn vWdlkel, jiun., Hill of an,.tridden, to Ann, recon4 daughter of WAdam 'alker, , :- srl ofl .raikton. ?? ' ';At Grteriocln the 27thNhillfit, John M'Cul~ll, Esq. of his Mersjesty's sstomst to fiss Stoel; dautghter. of the . e Mc.3r. 8teel. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... s ~5i~t'l~t. et At C4attberssel, Surrey, onl the 2(1 cuit, Mrs 1).n GF0O9, Of' a daulgiter. t O.the lOtRI curt. Mrs. IVovX, Prilnces Street. oi' a Sonl. At Edinhurgh, on the 8th. curt. Mrs LOCIS1IAIRT ot CastIchill, ofa so5n. AXt Mlaize lHill, Grcvnmvich, on thc 5th', curt. the d-ILey of Captaiii '1'bitnils \IACIutNs, IRoval Artileory, of a- sOn. At Leith, on the 1st curt, by the Rev. Jamwes ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 23d curt. Mrs AULD, Argyle Square, of a daughter. f At Bosijedward House, on the 23d curt. Mrs JERDON, of 1 aon. sI MARRIED. 1 At Burgh Lodge, on the 19th curt. THOMAS GsZFORD, s Esq. late of the Hon. East India Company's service, to Jes- siE, only daughter of the late John Scott, Esq. of Milbie. DIED. . At Colombo, on the 7th of February, ALEXANDER CA- DELL, Esq. Paymaster ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *l~ittlj6. At Charlotte Square, on the 24th ult. the Lady o£ M.ajor-Gen. BALFOUIR of Balbirnie, of a son. At Williatnfield, near Stirling, on the l22d *dlt. Mrs Captain Fomzsritia, of Craigannet, of a son. At Young Street, Charlotte Square, on the 27th uk. Mrs JoiIN BitLouL'.%f, of a son. Birth.-At Brackla, 2Gth ultimo, Mrs FRASER, Of a tdaughter. At St. Petersburgh, on the 21st of April last, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Sunday the Sd of juf'1iit LaSdy ii)!11] ' esk-house, near Eldinburlgh. t1e eel-. .kenzie of Seafibyth, of a soil. At Aix- on the °31 nit., the Ladv oi of liubisiaw, of a daughter. * -63-lD I i v' At Oiassowr, on 'Inraesd the 5thiJ:fl5fl, Dick, i\nr. \Sairer .i ng, seciltat t- daughter ofMv. 'iionnis Mlyorton, ch1efl' At Swinton Hlil, ?? tli 4 JiiiW, Esq., sigxir-;efir cr in Glasgowv, aw' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDberSAJe 6. W EDNESD)AY, June 6i. BIRTH.-At AUix, in Provence, MW1rs SKENE:, of Ru- bislaw, wvas safly ?? of a DaughItel, on the .A - I-I 2:--d oi Ma I ?? Ilirth-.-On the 5th inSt. the Lady of Wmx. MOIR, Esq. of a Sun. I .Birth.-At Balheqno, on the 12th ult. the Lady of Capt. ROUERT RAMSAY, of a daughter. t 13irthi-At Boyle, on the 25th tilt. Mrs. Colonel i FARQUHARSON, 2111 lRegt. of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . ~l~lSrtb~t. At Sundrum, on-thb 14thcurt. 3Mk JlSiLToJ of Sundrum, of a son. On the I tSi cutt. the Mm6D Tomn.tas.zts11 of a daughter; which did not long su-vive, On the 14th curt t.e Lady Of JSAMY'R C:ATaeu1r Esq. of a on. At Kilmiclanel, IoversUS'ia,' o. the 13th curt. '5lr' J.SiitEs REID, of the- chequer. to Miss ELIzdatt'i CAMSWPBELL, second'hdughter of tbe Rev. Mr Dlugald rCampbell of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - %W- e.6, D SD ,41 Q 94 Jn 13.- - . loerbren. M-EtN ESDASY, Junc I3, | irth.- At Armage, on the sd current, Mrs Ross, of' Soil .l.-. I ':- -..I A - -I ___ _ - - - Its, darried, at Aberdeen, on the 7th inst. by the tilC ev. 1) ' Ross, JOHN CAMI'PBEL, Esq. Surgeon in f Aberdeen, to iMiss MARGAReT MASSIE, eldest daughi- Of ter of the late Nfr AIexander Massie, Balfour of fr Duriris. dI DJied, ...