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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... I l.-----.-------..7--- 4 4 1~ti.Tt*T~i1.41f 1 ii.Pil I 91 (it 74 ti Prles'v Dtito FJlto uLdI gLe.p P.~e (14 to bi2 lt 1tA41It t, I I so 12i1 ( 11--e. P .$I 7. Iad i8. S-01 -r PitilIt 'I2. udI hui 0- tl1 Tallo~v 10. lo Ik (III I ;, 0 beef, per lb. 4d I-,St Ifay l1o 8' M O 5~I~v.gilcrtd &'stilain Aber'deeu MarIel let,,t tVeetk' CLattie, 66 -us. 1 I i L- PS S?. ii 913,. Gd 02td IS. 6ki ISa * ...


... .* 131inRDLEN SlIVPXITNG. .l? 201d. *Otttldll Packiet, AltDonaldl Rotterdchm Spee'hwell, Wood, 1ierwick c 21iwikW'annouih, Mlor- uimnm, Sunderlhai Alk4l-rgaret, L ggom, do M aterloo Reitd, Sunierland Lervick, Siuipoit, Lerv.iel. 22. Alfredl W1eli, si.nriderland; Tburit, IBein Leith.; Re. liOacec, (IhaI)Iian, SuIdClauIl; 4 laWgoa Pasket, Camps Ilell, tl;Isglmv; Ruby, l30oly. Slula d l ; Mariner ...


... ?Altii a r1i af'. ABEiRDEEN. Qitartern loaF d I'ol k 3d to 7d ) jcck 111 to 16 I2d tUter l-ir to ) 56 Baliey Ditto std to 9'd Edg, per dz. .;d tlo Sdi I' tatoes ld Id to 11 Gd te's, Pst. 7s Od tov 80 od Moldt 2s Gd to , Osl o 0allo IOS 6d to II s Od l1eef. ncr lb. 4d tlo 8Si Ilay 'd to S:i 'it,11u;1 56 to S- Zow fI des. p lb. 3dV to 'd Veil 4d to 8.3 Coaikp holl 4s lOd to Osod ...


... iarttl'tz. A .R D EE N. ,tQuarIern l.oaf gd 'ork 3d to 7d 'batmnal.p.peck I Id to I d- Butter I d to l.'d 1Bily10Y Ditto 8ad to 9d Evg,, per daz. 5t to 7d t'.itatzes 14d to 1 6d Clheese, 1p.5t. 7s 6d to 8s Od Malit Ss od to Cs Od Tallow lOs 6d to II s 6d Beef. per lb. 4d to sd Hay 8d to 9d muttiin 5 d to Sd Raw Hies, 1 .b. 3dl to 4d Ved 4d to Sdi Coalsp boll 3S fd to 3s lod Slatughtnred uand ...


... . .. - 2'rVirltm. ABErDEET'. h (il 1',o-,k 3,1 to 75 1' otcrk I ISl to 1 I Bulter 10d to l5d -I. .ty io iii 33, 9.1 Eig-', 1;tv elf;. 6S1 to sl1 P' .e . o1~ C11ILse. , 1St. 7is Od to 8. Ci :11 Sa 5. o i IC~ jalow 1. (s ,I to I 1. fii! hId toiid lb ly es p Usd Io Od 4d1. to Nd jCoal-; phrl!I 3~84 to ,0d ti. ~,.-rd '!:q -'b9 lr,1h-in Ma~rket hist E'. 4, U- AD D IGCTO NT R-' f 1;I0 lOs 0.1 ...


... may 3a.-Edinburi'lh Pkt. Hlossack, Leith * Tourist; a Bain, Leith ; i lonklvearniouth, Morieton, Stunderland. a :il. Bee, Darliugton, Sunderland ; Wellington, Gilbeirt- son, lull; Briton, Kickliopc, Sunderland ; Helen, t King, do.; Two Sisters, (Gray, Dysart; Isabella, Al. I Ion, Sunderland ; Reward, Alexander, ditto ; Alpha, Anderson, IYittenweem ; Charleston, Annand, hivecr - keithing; Alpha ...


... -7 C--- - - - K LW - 3 SCOlTrfll5 BANKRUPT 1,AW. it I Two new bills have just pbe,, introduced into Par-n mlidinent oni this 5UbjfeCt, the OllC relative to inol-f - e-I and nuor n te other rlaLt- ing to trading antd inerealitile asalestratilos So fQ r as a hasty examination enables us to judge, the siol- jects have been well considered, and varioni improp - nments are adopted. The additions ...


... FO1EI(;N T'1IAD . In the Appenidix to tite 'Loi'd' RLjrOrt rcahtivc to the trale ,with the East I dies and Chinta, I , the fl`h- lowving extrl(ct of' it lttter on the sutject of Siicnapol', addressed to the Marquis a7 Lunscluwn, the Chil;iitl'.11 of thee Co niAe. It iS dilated BenlCeaolvi, Aprit 15, 18 ; Wild thU the writer's ae is nut IImilitioncd, ;here cal lie litiia doubt, we think, Ot h i ...


... .4R PI 711'/D.*i June 12. CaTplira, D)yce, Sudlerland Unity, Mo- rison, Rochester; E;liza, Bailt, Newburgh ; oadinburglrf P'acket, Flossack, Leith ; lary and Elizabeth, Jamie, 1ieuley. 13. Flora, Work, Nlemel W Iillianm, 11'CGrc- got, Sur derland ; Peggy, Liewis, Inverness * Ann, Stcpihen, Pctcrheaid. It. Nancy, Laurie, Anstruther- Bell, Iintray, Arbroath ; Sarah, Duncan, Kiale 4 A-lpha ...

Maritime Intelligence

... I'RaTitWilc 3ttetigente - .- .- .. .- .. . Two English elips, the fedw(al3 Ellice anid t:k turd Suffield, were cepirei.l 3ai3id taken jito I Iu i.C. L port ne. r L[iAba, 031ti 11w 9th ot1 Dereember last, by Lord Cochranie's Seuadron. TIhe )Hyperion ftigat.- wV;3s in sight at thel t3ie. 'T'he 1cuse lieged Nvas, that they had Spaisiih property o(n b10r3d tor tile ('C;ilifn fleet. 'I'he vCbels ...


... AliERtl)$rN SHIPPING. Sciuiderland Di*,atell, 'Tho:aon, N ewburgh h jvi', Iioldie. Suidorland. .i. Icdustoy, ?.'P1)onald, S under huld; ' Sutherl-ind, ditto ; ilountainecr, Ph.lip0. m, ditto Ruby, Wiloc, lPetfrw'4e l; (l:cptain, Bal tr, uncccdserland. i8. Oak, 'Vovcs, hosting Tne, sme Haim, I-ith. 7. ld'eOrt 1,cslie, I'ondo ,i Gramnian, WI I Stro'^Sund'lanhd; Fn; 1sr)i.Alo hrth, V ...