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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 23d curt. Mrs AULD, Argyle Square, of a daughter. f At Bosijedward House, on the 23d curt. Mrs JERDON, of 1 aon. sI MARRIED. 1 At Burgh Lodge, on the 19th curt. THOMAS GsZFORD, s Esq. late of the Hon. East India Company's service, to Jes- siE, only daughter of the late John Scott, Esq. of Milbie. DIED. . At Colombo, on the 7th of February, ALEXANDER CA- DELL, Esq. Paymaster ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,ooU Dellast(ur. IAiRIAGES. 031 Wednesday last, at Great Barr, Staffordshire, by ilte R, 110 lHolden, fir Samnuel WVeatheillead, of Derby, to 10 l atria Parker, of t-e former place. ?? Jile 141h ixtn. at \Nltittiigton, in this county, Mr. 1tI draper, of Cslwtei field, tW 1viiss Nay for, usl tre abtvest 1l,09g)borough. on thc 19t11 inst. by the Rev. Dr. Hardy, c :Gorge Foaler, ol the liilo's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O0 the 10th inst. Mr. William Boothsan, Cailf llall, inear Tlartloldiwie, to Miss Ansi Waterhouse, only daughtee rf the late 3Mr. Waterhouse, of Shepherd's l-louse, sear Arthington, Ol the .5st silt. at -Market lascn, iMr. J. lumTstone, snr. geoa, son of the lote Ret. G. Cumatose, of llodel, bt this cosuty, to Mlis Elizabeth Clark, fourth *laughter of R. Clark, 'Eq, of Market lloscu. oil ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (I Wednesday last, in Queen Ann-street, the Lady of John ?? a, sAofiL : , -- At-.Tadham, Rectory, AlrsfRandolph, of a son. Ae Shtoter's-hillt Kent, on the night of Wednesday last,. tbe. L, nf G! W .,Bakeri Esq Royal Atiillery, of a daughter. T ;II A'ISI Et.lI1-' - oh the 15thinqtant' by the Arehbishop of Yorh, at Spencer }iduse. Charlee;Nevxi~li lrsq; of Nevill I-Jlt, LeiesterlirewtoQ la4-y ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l to on h . - diio tot: nu S , ?? : ?? .MAR~fD, . - wid~iesg ef Aere Dallra MSideEFloni the Sierra. .Leqne loybal. zett., of=oaesrfbaz5a-l.e friday the Ytth. lnrastata sceler party was mnade to vissy ?? IJlkieihMao *hommandoo, on the Bailtom iore.. It sascret known toa _ verg t'etin the codony, dbdntfiij'sorry, ritet 1 grand ft{ati1 vat-on that day, on the occasion of teling to ?? I F giev, hi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHI. On the 22d inst. bt Knappa, County of Armagh, the Lady of Gearge Robinson, Esq. of a son., MARRIAGES. On Saturday last, in Cork, Mr. John Desmond. to Ellen, youngest daughter of the late Denis MI'Cathy, Esq. of Rha- duane, county Coik. On the 16th instant, at Kilrush, Mr. Michael Ryan, of Limerick, to Lucinda, eldest daughter of John Foley, Esq, of Xilrush. 6ir T. J. Tyrwhitt Jones, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . ~l~lSrtb~t. At Sundrum, on-thb 14thcurt. 3Mk JlSiLToJ of Sundrum, of a son. On the I tSi cutt. the Mm6D Tomn.tas.zts11 of a daughter; which did not long su-vive, On the 14th curt t.e Lady Of JSAMY'R C:ATaeu1r Esq. of a on. At Kilmiclanel, IoversUS'ia,' o. the 13th curt. '5lr' J.SiitEs REID, of the- chequer. to Miss ELIzdatt'i CAMSWPBELL, second'hdughter of tbe Rev. Mr Dlugald rCampbell of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I at - . : . _ _ _ _ _ _ ber .EXVE TERs ;,, WEDNESD3AY, JUNE 27, 182L. ag. . - -- of : *t itz als, 011 8atV~day last, at Barnstaple, the Lady of NF. G. for Glass, -3Bsq. $f t~he .Hon. E~ast India Company's no Siersvioe, of a son anld hxeir. hiss At Joyehulrch-HIouse, 'Wilts, o11 tbe 15thl instant, Ai- the Ljady of W.:T Rlaslleigh, Esq. of Mlenabilly, Corn- .^t~ wallj of u daugbter. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Dorking, Colonel Bramnhead, of the 77th Regi- ment of Foot, to Miss M. Barclay, youtgest daughter of R. Barclay, Esq. of Bury Hill.-At Richmond, S. Paynter, Esq. of that place, to Mary, daughter of the late R. Penn, Esq.-At Ipswich, Mr. J. M. Sanders, one of the Society of Friends, to Elizabeth Mary, eldest daughter sf Smith. Esq. of Erwarton, Suffolk.-At the Friends' Meeting House ...