Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - MARRIED. Captain Evelyn, only son of John Evelyn, Esq. of Woottan, Surrey, to Miss Massy Dawson, daughter of J. H. M. Dawson, Esq. M. P. of New Forest, Tip- ?? Kensington, Henry Jessolip, Esq. of Cliffrd's Inn, to Mary Pearse Goode, eldest daughter (of Wim. Goode, Esq. of Brompton.-Mr. Benjamin Joslin, stoned ason, of Brentwood, to Miss Fletcher, daughter of Mr. Thomas W. Fletcher, of St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i THE SOLDIER'S FUNA'),t (Frocm BAscCwooD's 9 sDa.NiCtS MA:A 'J What hsd'st 4hou dune to sink us peacefui'y tn raie% f , .CastLet i.J ?? . if Calmly 4e died, the gatlan t yuith, g . When veill'd was.demon War's co'rtnot~s , When Sumtsaer's trees were green rsod smnco.., The surface of the oceat s VWcll for his ?? may friendship weep, s Vv'eep that, when bfatle toi!3 viere shine, n WVhen ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _ = = = _ _ heb On Wodneidsr, ?? Wm. Morrit, drugglit, bri ggate, to Mist Eliea .tawl1g. of Woodhoslse-hlill, ?? this town. ,On Tlhursday last, at Halifax, by the Rev. S. ilnjht, Vieat, Mr. Thomas Irving, dyer, to Mass Suttliffe, 'both of Wheat- Icy, esear Halifax. A few daws ago, 3t Pantefract, Francis MArchant, Esq. M. D. of I enasseorth, in this county, to Mary An.e, only daughter of Thomas ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MIARI ED. Calpt. Iaselyii, Oldy sonZ Of JohnI EVelel rC,> of Wocottoni, Surrey, to 1iliss Dawson, eldest d iu. cit .J. il. 1)aweon, 1sq 31 B.-Geo. Wtarcri, Esq. of Giec tiitl, stir. goon, to Elizabeth, 4th dau,. of the Rev. it. D. C('bCi la i or Blir kling, Not folk.-Thomas, second son of thi lato! Sb oit,1e Dunbar, Bart., to Clementina, onfy dau. of *. S IJ'C Es.1 of Upper Chtrlottecstreet.-F ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRTHS. On Saturday last, at Rnssduff; near DuntmoreEait, i't Lady of B. Labarte, Esq. of a son. At Ballylicky House, Bantry, on the 13th instant, tiinLd1 of William Robert Clayton, Esq. of a daughter. On the 17th ult. at Pisa, in Italy, the Right E1onL47 Blantyre, of a daughter. On the 11th instant, at Woodbine Lodre, Chelteclthm, Ii Lady of Captain Inglefield, of the Royal Navy, of t sor On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH'i OF DONAPFARTJB. tn Thle following extract of a letter, dated St. 1-elena, Sc May 7, contains~ some further particulars relative to N] the closing scene of thls extraordinary individual, which yeary may bu received as perfectly authentic. It was writ- thlat ten by an English africer, wise w as on the isiland at liair gain thle tune of his death :-x 1 As it wqs thle eifprsessd wish, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARIi I1D. July 17, at St. Johin's, tfitkttiur, tilt! . lfadren I'owell, M.A. Vicar of PIIIsItIaten, eidest tin (of Uidleri Powell, Esq. of Latigtoti, Kent, to Eliz;, tlse elilest daughter of V. F. Itivaz, EIsq. of tpi'pur Claptun ;- and at the same tints and place, -raincis Itivaz, lpsq. eldest s51n otf the above V. I.tisaz, l.sq. to Maria, tbird dituglter of the lote ItuI is-. Fati, C ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 15th current, Mrs NAIESR, Albany Street, of a s On the 12th current, at 106. George Street, Mrs DUNLOP, r ofa son. On the 16;1t current, at Warriston Crescent, Edinburgh, -Mrs BARCLAY, of a daughter. S On the stbhcurrent, Mrs HoRSEURGH of Lochmalony,of a j son. MARRIED. At Edinhurgh, on the 13th ctrrent, CARLYLE BELL, Esq. 1 W. S. to Miss C(UNNINGI[AM, eldest daughter of Charles ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i * BiRT~H S. On the 10th insttfrat the Lady of Captain Ridl-'c1 Clt rard, 'c6unty Wext'ord, of a son. On the 9th instant, at Corofin, county Wvatecfcc'd, tteL' of the Rev. Thomas Tuckey, of a son. Oc the 6'th irisant, inWaterford, the Lady of 1r1j'? tewell, of tile Royal Artillery, of a daughter. 'A few days ago, the Lady of Maturice lXooayfle, E! , nockoderry, county Waterford, of a ...