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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... q si Thursday's Posis. LONDON, AUGUST 9. Death of the.QUEEN. WI E have this day to alinounce tie death of Wy ]ei' Majesty Queen Caroline, whichi took phcce ou Tuesday night, at Brandenburgh Ilouse, about half-past ten. Early in last week her Ma. jesty felt herself greatly indispose(d, in couse- quence. it is said, of having taken. . very large (lose of magnesia, which was supposed to have ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l . . I I I .1 -, :6- ll!? I . .1 ? - I, T.hie prooession .aucompatnying her ?? re- * mains ?? aab6ut four o'cloek o iWed- nesday tborning. 'lThe c.6ffln Was removed from the hearse. aud 6tut ilito tbe Chinrch. It Nvas laid upon a bier in the mniddle aiile7 with the velvet pall placed * over it. Sir 6edr-e Nayler and 'Mr. XoVds, tile he- rafd, carrier1 ibe' ?? aitd eusbion into the Church and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 18:21. On the 24th ult. at Teignmoith, the Lady of Lieult.-colouel Steevens. (late of-the 20th Regiment,) of a son. ~artfb.. On Friday last, at Mary-le-Bone Church, by the Dean of Westminster, Sir rbomas Noel Hill, K.C. B. son of. Sir Jobn Hill. Bart. of Hawkstone. in Shrop- shires..aud brother to the Right Hobn Lord Hill, to the Hon. Anna Maria Shore, seeond ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... er___ I e. Id TIHE DEATH OF QUEEN CAROLINE. le The sacrifice is at an end! the agony of the victim has )y subsided in death! Caroline, Queen. of England is no 3y mnore !-The most peeseceited woman of the present day, 1g after having displayed a strength of female fortitude- of r- which there are few parallels in bisiory, has expired, i, in the midst, indeed, of a people who admired and loved ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LONDON', S Li WE1rrE SD.4, UGUST 8, 1821. W W n' n111ee wtiti lextreme sorerow, that lIER sit AIAJF,.STY,QUFLN CAIMIALN nn ii GNI.A.N ), [It departed this life lint night, at1 Y5 mainiiaes pa4 fe l'lt, SI -after nit Miliss (of eight da .-II an Cearly hour yes- ji tin' origher MajentWs' friendls aild stIv~~ I ?? it full ciivictiliet of ii01c bieedy to reoey t Would appeii. limoclte. Alilt tile ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? QIDC3-~ c alA I? ?? -S. v (Inuesiiy E*4, ul!. at Chlist Churchi, I ivempool, by the ii ,Ihii iiiwird, Mir. Hall, Grocer. Aslhboibe, to liss s ' It, 1t Ille 'a0e1 phirce. P ?? isis liast , r. Charles Parker, to Aliss Elizabeth II t mili ,, this place. t18dii.l at Taniiorit, John Baggaley. Esq. of C alar Lichfa-ld, to Dliss Lyon, dauglter of Mr. P L r lt Mer Lyoit, late of Bartol ''urn, but ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ; . iMARRIED. *a Rotise, E ra. If.Ntw Bridge-street, LOuI ?? Ann,, elk'j. da ~er of Williamu (;ts'ei1, Esq. ?? Cliaafo' etcm's Bticks.-'1'4 r liig4t.Hen.i~sc~l in EtlurnietoiM~s H~ry MsInc nzie, ng1e,:ier o~f ?? )ldwaird1 lay Marlieiilzie,, Esq. df Newballanid Cioiiiaitj.-Siif tre(4;.Wat's()i, K. ?? tio Sophia Aim,, thiird 'daughier o6f tiho lale: WVijjDit '~i~ts'E~sq d' 'Sulhalsspstead' ...

MARRIED' ' August 9,

... the Right Hon. Lord Charles Somerset,' Goveresor'and Commander of thc Forces at the Cape of Good Hope, aiid brother to tihe Dtke of Beaufort, to the' Right Holl. Lady Mary Poulett, siaughter of the late and sister of the srescist Earl Poulett.-Tlhe Rev. James Formby, youngest son of'the Rer. Rdj. Fermby, ?? Hall, to Susan Alice, daughter of Edward King,- Esq. late Vice-Chancellor if the Duchy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Putnerual of ?i. Hoiley and G. Fra11cisb, yesterday l'eing the day upoll Ivlich it was almounced I that tile pjblie funerval of tlltse twvo Arfortxrwtte MnCeI) 9 ,ts t de pis~cei at. lie ex~ponse of tlhe ,Ieehalies to' ul n l x rli xu ?? interest was. excited, ?? ?? annorrg tte rirlenihers of that ?? eiedW bodyv.inrt Sis v~t~y consi~itderalhle ?? the public of .hi3 nipe 1is. iLe. measure ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -FUNgRAL OF 'RICl;-A.RD IIOzY AN2D ~GflOPf ?? I ;. .A, AND C 'r , , i. * ?? ~esterdaybeing the day on '~htch ~!~d seen in' u'n aviubliv funeral. wotld take place, qherI'the. bodies of the'two 555iinate victims of. mill fvoel~ Snttdbe escorted' fromi * mithfield to 1-Iaosnersmiths, the object .being, as the placa~r~d Btated, 'to slitw tila world how solemnlY., respectfully, and Peactably'the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '3 I RTIIS. At Newhattle A bbey, Scotliiod, Iie, of Lothian, a son.-At Florence, tiho lion. Lade lc o ;' a son asid heir.-At Croxton Park, Ciitihilte, Lidi t danghter.-AMrs. P'inden, ol i , ichesrec, Of teusin - girl. It is worthy of rminal k, tlhisw i ihil his lsrii ; three successive accouchinents.-Aiire, ihe *ifc of J . strang, of lllackbuirn. Ns easer, a gi l t111 thIee a inVs d' the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OF HER LATE MAJESTY, PROTEST hf the EXECUT ORS, ,c. This morning Mr. Bailey, of Mount-street, GrosveL'or-squale, whom his MAljesty's Govern- ment has appointed conductor of her Mla esty's Funernl Procession, -left his house at lialf past four o'clock, preceded by thirteen niourning, 6onaches and six, a hearse and eight horses, with the various fuienslliabiliments and paraphernalia, aind ...