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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUN-TRAIS OF RONEY AND FRANCIS. I (];0ite the 2'imt'es.) Sundav the finerals of thiese unfurtunlate individuals, Who lost their lives ill the aflfiiv att tile Queen's funleral, took place, ?? to public notice, by placards pasteid up in all ptrtK ol the town duiliig thi ?? weck. D)r. Wiaton, 'Caie Jones, Little Waddington, ec &e.'&c., had |aljs given their- notice bvplacatds, thalt tioscwho. ...

MARRIED' ' August 9,

... the Right Hon. Lord Charles Somerset,' Goveresor'and Commander of thc Forces at the Cape of Good Hope, aiid brother to tihe Dtke of Beaufort, to the' Right Holl. Lady Mary Poulett, siaughter of the late and sister of the srescist Earl Poulett.-Tlhe Rev. James Formby, youngest son of'the Rer. Rdj. Fermby, ?? Hall, to Susan Alice, daughter of Edward King,- Esq. late Vice-Chancellor if the Duchy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Putnerual of ?i. Hoiley and G. Fra11cisb, yesterday l'eing the day upoll Ivlich it was almounced I that tile pjblie funerval of tlltse twvo Arfortxrwtte MnCeI) 9 ,ts t de pis~cei at. lie ex~ponse of tlhe ,Ieehalies to' ul n l x rli xu ?? interest was. excited, ?? ?? annorrg tte rirlenihers of that ?? eiedW bodyv.inrt Sis v~t~y consi~itderalhle ?? the public of .hi3 nipe 1is. iLe. measure ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -FUNgRAL OF 'RICl;-A.RD IIOzY AN2D ~GflOPf ?? I ;. .A, AND C 'r , , i. * ?? ~esterdaybeing the day on '~htch ~!~d seen in' u'n aviubliv funeral. wotld take place, qherI'the. bodies of the'two 555iinate victims of. mill fvoel~ Snttdbe escorted' fromi * mithfield to 1-Iaosnersmiths, the object .being, as the placa~r~d Btated, 'to slitw tila world how solemnlY., respectfully, and Peactably'the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '3 I RTIIS. At Newhattle A bbey, Scotliiod, Iie, of Lothian, a son.-At Florence, tiho lion. Lade lc o ;' a son asid heir.-At Croxton Park, Ciitihilte, Lidi t danghter.-AMrs. P'inden, ol i , ichesrec, Of teusin - girl. It is worthy of rminal k, tlhisw i ihil his lsrii ; three successive accouchinents.-Aiire, ihe *ifc of J . strang, of lllackbuirn. Ns easer, a gi l t111 thIee a inVs d' the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OF HER LATE MAJESTY, PROTEST hf the EXECUT ORS, ,c. This morning Mr. Bailey, of Mount-street, GrosveL'or-squale, whom his MAljesty's Govern- ment has appointed conductor of her Mla esty's Funernl Procession, -left his house at lialf past four o'clock, preceded by thirteen niourning, 6onaches and six, a hearse and eight horses, with the various fuienslliabiliments and paraphernalia, aind ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Her Malesty, Queen 6roliiue of England, departed this. life oil.'ruesday nglit, at 25 minutes past ten o'clock. The ?? are the- details of her Ma- jesty! last mo mreiits%. %ith other itnterestiug particu. lars relative to-lo melancldhly event. At half past ?? onl 'Tuesday afternooi Ithe . news . prs~eltiig her 5t-Injesy became extrenmly u ufaronir ~je: ''hbtebousehlold appeared in cniiste ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 'At Pinkie-house, on the 28th July, ?? Hope of CTraighall, Bart., of a daVlhten. At Stramnaer, on the 16th ult., the Ladty of Majoroe : ?? 'Naii, C(B at adhdglttr.c On 1.the'27th Julyi at Castlecraig, thle Lady of tbe IIVO IXM. S. Nayper, of a soil. 4 ' ' MARRIED, On Monday, the 30th ult., at Larbert 1asame, Jasnet Monteatb; Es., wviiter ini Cls Ge w, to AtitieL Lalie, old- est ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'lSi~tll0. On Thursday moniiing, the 19th tkltiro, ia Lo, z GrosveIor Ltreeton do'n the Ri Itt J4n Y1zu a LadyrCA. fUNi IN HYTE . XFLV~iLL9, of a so53 and At Neowbattle Abbey, on the 19th ultimo, tle MDas- cbiouess of LOTIUAN, of a daughter. On the 19th ultimo, at Cast'aton, Argyleshire,, rc. Lady of NELL MACLA NlA tSq of a drughter 6,larriai At Balearras, on tlhe 25th current, J^tfS H$.D hsq, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATII OF TRE.QUVEN.' ; With sincere regret we announce the death or -her Majesty; The' awful event was communi- cated last night in the following bulletins- e is 3lrandenbursrgh -1ou0, Aug. 7. 11 o'clock FZ . Her Majesty departed this life at ?? minutes past ten o'clock this nighz; (Signed) it M. 1BAILLI E, s1'. WAR REN. 1 H. AINSLIFE, RH. HOLLAND; e IW. G. MATON. The bulletin of yesterday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 27th ult, in Ma tgirei-1paec, the Lal Of 7r,0, P. Kennedy, Esq. of a son.6, A fevr days ago, the Lady of the Rev. Rohert Aleadn, of a daughter i At Latch Hill-in the Ring's County, the Lady or Cha,,- Fraser. Esq.. of a darighier. . GOn the 8th uilt. af Florerrne, the Right Rendleabtam, of a son and heir. - g i0ol8ble La> .n the K7tb tilt. at Glen1:indy, the Lady ef Slr.Aleteid teitb, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .. 1-1. I MARRIED, . Tv.,,ii Tlun- 1. . . . .1 .1 -C, Z' .- 1 -- -tt1 -I NO- , At Milton, on tho 4th illst., the seat Of *Sir PaDt3JtK',`ii-lX ter 13lair, Bart., -the ight the .isco h ut * 1h tie ?? Hfay Mackcizle, (algIlter o Ldward Ilay MaqkenAic of Newhall alid ly,)martyv At Oaism;sI, Oil tile 6th illst., by the ?? 21P- taxiX, M~r. M2. .( Pinkerton, strze joh, elstpl O JI. cidert ...