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London, London, England

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From the LONDON GAZETTE of Aug.7

... From ?? ?? ?? ?? XS, at ten, at GiidhuI. olsirdr, UMr Ia Wiliams, Iqaptist -r AieIldertM04tleerWDgrareeel,1 g 4 ^bli ¢, l~h^b~bdnafth~rigeYnn' ?? WyVearhno'uh.: : &tt :~iut~stnwi 9ffolk, 'bridkmaker, 'Aug. .5, ' ?4di~igO~fl#A~tvn dnd~ept. i:, at ?? Nelson'7i UloelI ?? afil t5b. li. -sY s, IWz~d~~ e. t3:.: 5Antb .~ v.ese '3b3 XaftaF. ~IlrEt, 'r f 'A, e. 't ell, Iod ,Aept. 'iatf~lie;htshe ...

Published: Wednesday 08 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 612 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... STJIP' NETS, Dut. A. 5.-Wirnd : --Arrivea yesterdav aniA sailed fr. tW: Rlver, the fRonitilus, Crawfor from St. aineent's; RI- Jiard Reblsldt, Ilake, frd ml 'T Msionary, Davis,from Oeorgetojnr Gi, eaier, Bardwellfisr Tarragona; iBenson, Smith frO j'ebec; Tyhemioutb Chunne, frorn ,eterchurgh tnr. Briseof;- and the Matrys from Ytirmiurlh for. Oporto.- Swailed f~wthe iverttbdavs tbe -Priocikot ...

Published: Tuesday 07 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 273 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... xffw INDIA LAM. ;Yentday M~ere wa~s anpther Mdeetintg at the Thatched ilouses' Tayeot of the 'Propirietor* of Notes in the lion. East India om14pany's 6 per Cent, Loans in India, for the purpose of re- celving the Report of the Committee appointed by the Mleeting of woioday. last to prepare she draft of an the Court ,of Directors upon the subject of the proposed New Loan. ' ALbost ...

Published: Tuesday 28 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3738 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... NEW INDA LOAN, Yesterday a neeting took place at. the thatched Hifost St., James's street. of the Proprietort of- Notes In the Siper Loans of the M~onourabie astM India Comnpay in Bletgir`* the purpose of considering the steps necessary to betaken fot tlh protection of their interest, which they conceive llkelyto affected by the measure adopted by the HonourableCow ot Directors, as announced ...

Published: Tuesday 21 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1448 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... -THA CUR1UMNCY. 4, Ini: onsequtlC0 _of 'the: con-tant at-t s a ip eI 1.I Kthe Fundhloloer as having derived very great advantage fror his receiving in a currency of standard value, the` Of the capital Which he lest totGover, t5ft-ina-urslen'cycon. siderably depreciated, Mr. Mihbh, of the Mhut, drew up a se. ries of 'Tables to ascertain the adlvantages and'dsadvagrg which have arisen to the ...

Published: Wednesday 15 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1174 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... |O WAP 4,ND'LGJIIBBS'SiBA PCX 'Yesiterdayibelhigthe iday appointed ' after mniny adjnufrumentit 'forthe final eilnzitizton' of trhe'tiikruptA , Lthee 'waa atry ful ';,ttejsethof creditors iaid theif ripresentativeg' - ' , ' ',eleanErupts, ]sowev;r. adpbsed; thaththeir accounts f 'nbt j~~ot'ibibtlaniced aiid adjiusted''s~ttbtxhiiltt'a cot-eef 91!ateof-i tfieir'effeotind debts ko thtsir ...

Published: Wednesday 01 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 494 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... I81H1P NEWS. PoETSMO UTII, Auc. 9.-_Thi n orning orders were received -for 'his Mejesty's ships Glasgow, C pt. Do yle ; TynL, C apt. J.. ?? Whiie; and Rosario, sloop of xvar, to proceed imniedi- atelv 'to. Hq'rwich, in order to receive the remntins of her \Ma- jest) thls4 eu'-tan btard, to be conveyed to (n xhaven. T he Glas Wasjqetting ready to receive Sir Edvsard Paget for the E ast Indies. ...

Published: Saturday 11 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2353 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE of Aug. 28

... Fro&Me LOIVDOV GAZ T]T of Aug. 28. BANKRUPTCY'sUPERSEDED. J. Vaptnof Fit'r' e, surgeon. 1R.^ Marsflias2 3aef;L>ve.4 fne cloth factor, .&ept. li, at. tes,. i5, ais Oct 9, estweW4 't Guidhall SoicItqr Messrs. Smith anid Co. $ewv;atls1SaU~street. , J. Ashton, of Knuttsford, Ciiet~fire, veterlnary sorgeon, Sept. s 7 n Oct. 9, t ?? at- tfie George Iss,. P~vsteswiet Ljver++ jii4oL pUaifors, ?? ...

Published: Wednesday 29 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 270 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... 8i-lip NlEWfS., DJE.,x Ara. ?? lW.S.W.-Arrived and sailed-for the Hliver the Clitus - Hanton, from Pernambuco; Lively, and Ile- roine, Dwarr's from Jamaica. Came down from the River and remain, the Scalehy Castle, Newall, for China,; Alagnet, Grant, tor Sierra Leotte; John H-owaTd, Sniith, for Qeebec; La Bonne Henrietta, Pontif, for Rouen; ard John, for New South Shet- land. Sailed the Lavinia ...

Published: Saturday 18 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1208 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE of Aug. 11

... ZVD'ON-'GA:ZBT i ? ?? I 7?f , !,i, , , - -? 1, ., ? ? ?: - ?t 4 D qtt$ who bbs aicceptd theoffice. of A Judgedtbe il So, ?? ;hAi1(R1YPTCY ENLjAUGF:D. 7i'.to Au 9.'2 ,,Ip~d~ng, f +~sh.jres~ce~suen~asae? wvlne-mer-, son Mancheitejoinir. RB.i ele~y ard Tane.Del;r, Stfe, -\upql- .ntr ffordshr, i fn o hpa, g.2-, 24, and -Sept. 22 at e even, at the Crown alid Anchor Tavetn , 4nd; *4rdshlre 8olcitors ...

Published: Monday 13 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 545 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PAqCE OF STOCKS ON SATURD!AY. r CtRed 76-: ' | 3 per Cent. Cons , .. 7 a l TMr. COnWu7S valuable work will be inserted lest willseis contributions to our News. 'p,,re~ht'ircunext notmber. ...

Published: Sunday 05 August 1821
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 35 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 

From the LONDON GAZETTE of July [ill]

... I *4emIN gr .ve,, i rss',cur ?? ?? i I. Nutmaid, 6a1W % Drayton, viitner, Aug. 4, id, aid 1 SeptA 1, atltep, it tsildtl, w Soliit ftr ?? 1isblpiggtte Within. T Si' I r.K's't .. -J-Hart, of --lidatdnet- guilk-itster ug. 23at seven1 . M4,'.a~ddS'ett±, ?? t e' t ~Lhn. Eta~legh.b Sl~icitor4~ ! r. lr. stshjasdle h i ;b d ~Mr. W. HlayWard, Esek-codrt Temple.,' ?? and ltuillf&-at, 6 9idtk est ...

Published: Wednesday 01 August 1821
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1214 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce