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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? QIDC3-~ c alA I? ?? -S. v (Inuesiiy E*4, ul!. at Chlist Churchi, I ivempool, by the ii ,Ihii iiiwird, Mir. Hall, Grocer. Aslhboibe, to liss s ' It, 1t Ille 'a0e1 phirce. P ?? isis liast , r. Charles Parker, to Aliss Elizabeth II t mili ,, this place. t18dii.l at Taniiorit, John Baggaley. Esq. of C alar Lichfa-ld, to Dliss Lyon, dauglter of Mr. P L r lt Mer Lyoit, late of Bartol ''urn, but ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'lSi~tll0. On Thursday moniiing, the 19th tkltiro, ia Lo, z GrosveIor Ltreeton do'n the Ri Itt J4n Y1zu a LadyrCA. fUNi IN HYTE . XFLV~iLL9, of a so53 and At Neowbattle Abbey, on the 19th ultimo, tle MDas- cbiouess of LOTIUAN, of a daughter. On the 19th ultimo, at Cast'aton, Argyleshire,, rc. Lady of NELL MACLA NlA tSq of a drughter 6,larriai At Balearras, on tlhe 25th current, J^tfS H$.D hsq, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 18:21. On the 24th ult. at Teignmoith, the Lady of Lieult.-colouel Steevens. (late of-the 20th Regiment,) of a son. ~artfb.. On Friday last, at Mary-le-Bone Church, by the Dean of Westminster, Sir rbomas Noel Hill, K.C. B. son of. Sir Jobn Hill. Bart. of Hawkstone. in Shrop- shires..aud brother to the Right Hobn Lord Hill, to the Hon. Anna Maria Shore, seeond ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 27th ult, in Ma tgirei-1paec, the Lal Of 7r,0, P. Kennedy, Esq. of a son.6, A fevr days ago, the Lady of the Rev. Rohert Aleadn, of a daughter i At Latch Hill-in the Ring's County, the Lady or Cha,,- Fraser. Esq.. of a darighier. . GOn the 8th uilt. af Florerrne, the Right Rendleabtam, of a son and heir. - g i0ol8ble La> .n the K7tb tilt. at Glen1:indy, the Lady ef Slr.Aleteid teitb, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 'At Pinkie-house, on the 28th July, ?? Hope of CTraighall, Bart., of a daVlhten. At Stramnaer, on the 16th ult., the Ladty of Majoroe : ?? 'Naii, C(B at adhdglttr.c On 1.the'27th Julyi at Castlecraig, thle Lady of tbe IIVO IXM. S. Nayper, of a soil. 4 ' ' MARRIED, On Monday, the 30th ult., at Larbert 1asame, Jasnet Monteatb; Es., wviiter ini Cls Ge w, to AtitieL Lalie, old- est ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - - - $£RTN. -. . .s ,~ ~ ~~~r Tbotoi*m~§4selikbn, paner, o ?? sve10W, daythe I5th ilt, ef ote girl and three '5505h ahiose Irded u tt>eoszesof- t;?e day, ends tbe anb.. tt S n VfAoRRIED, onT e¢a the S31th nul. Hir. Tiiototas RleidludsoDi paln~btet oE. n'a gdti Mary Turter. of this town. day atSt. jaines's Cltitkh. Mr. WiM. Trktible, tteowar .%eAlet ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '3 I RTIIS. At Newhattle A bbey, Scotliiod, Iie, of Lothian, a ?? Florence, tiho lion. Lade lc o ?? a son asid ?? Croxton Park, Ciitihilte, Lidi t danghter.-AMrs. P'inden, ol i , ichesrec, Of teusin - girl. It is worthy of rminal k, tlhisw i ihil his lsrii ; three successive accouchinents.-Aiire, ihe *ifc of J . strang, of lllackbuirn. Ns easer, a gi l t111 ?? a ?? d' the course of the day, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? MARRIED. The Very Rev. Thomas Carter, A. M. Cliaplain to his R:H. the Dukse of Qloeester, and to Iis Grace the Lord Primate of All Ireland, and Dean of Tufam, to -Harriet, youngestdaughterand ro-heiress of the late R. Yinsflld, Vsq.-Tho Rev. Edw. Luard, of Morley, Derbyshire, to Julia D'Aranda, youngest daughter of the late li. Coxe, Esqa of Hhuipstead ?? Rev. Richard Bovse, of Little ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Thursday, -at lirkhentoa Chuorif, by the Rev. t.. 3. MN ddoek, tlr. John Atkinson, surgeon, of. Idlldernsletl, to' 4 b iss Anne lsabella May. of Bradlley ills, seoid da aughte of o the Iate Sasilue-ilay, Esq. of London. .Ol Satlidap, Use Rev. Robert Todd, .A. Vicar of. North 1 Cavo, to Miss Mien Stichncy, both of Hull. I Onl Slurday last, at ntBilligton, ncar IMalton, M r. George I tinlim, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. Lieut'.Col Sit T. Noel Hill, Bart. K.C. CB. of the Grenadier Guards, sodi of Sir John Hill, Bart. of Hawlstone, to the Hon. Annat Maria Shtjrs, daughter of Lordl 'reiglemouthl.-Chrnles Airthur Pritchard, Esq. of Granige House, Monmaothshire, to Anna Dorothea, daughter of John Vaughah Lloyd, Esq. of Tyllwyd, High Sheriff of Cardiganslire-.Joh N M oove Cave, son of John Cave, Esq. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ththts. On tie 28th uhimno, at PirIlio-hue, the LBCY.Of Sir Jots HoPE Oft Craigieball, Barutiet, ot' . daughio. On the l6th ultinio, at Straureer, the LAdy of Mfajor-General IM'NAIC, C. B. Cf a daughter. On the -ti ultillio; it 'astlecraig, tit ofdt! Hoin. IV. J. N'.tPu, OI', In.Y (1u tlie J6th'tlilt. at I unfr'ies, tbe La4y of AL~p._ At. U.Aiti.rtA~ MAXCrlI.,. Exq. of a duster. O(i the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~i~.BIT S Esq. ofls . so lhe3t S it. the Lady el Johsn Windsor, Esq. of e SOO b ?? the m29th. Ult. in Seyrnossr-plare, Pa rk lane, tile IIIJ Beikelr% Octavius Noel,'Of Atlaxtuhl Park, .l le, a7 a son a t;d heir. o , II t jtr.7S. ; it Keiji, t L the Yd ilistam Sy the Rev. A. J- n l* AC harles Claike, Lasq of this place. to Anne, n It daughter of Adamu li'lley, Esq. oi .M atlock. in this a a ,S ...