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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUY4EflA OF RIC94hD HONEY AND' G2OrG ,! FRA N CIS. lor,.oN. OXe1Ai AUG. 25. YeslerrY bring appolirted for th1e funeral of the two Ur- orunraw e Leo who m et vwith their rdea hs on the d-v of the Qluei's futiera! iy the firing of the soldiery {t COOlri50d . rate, at a little befre one o'clock, the funeral p',cessitn of Richard 1oney left Rose-stree., Szho, and proeeeded to Oxferd.street, along ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? - -- -- defy~-v ?? XXr 1 THJRS ).NY's POST. 1 LONDON.,TU ESDAY, AGurT 26, 182L. ; F UN E11A A L ` T 'I ;E LATE QUEEN,.,. MIIE remains of her late 'Majesty. were landed at A-Stade on 'Mornday lfternoon the 0Otb inst. t. The B3ritish flal, on lihe cofiu being placed in the b cat.tws im edalV 'low6vered a's usnal ?? oecasions from .ftif-mnast high, aii6 havint been taken into the boat tolsv ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EX E g ICE Pt, TED NTESI YD, AUG us 9, 1821. ?? . . ,,.4 rfll' ,sen I .4n alleration hravn' ercentl~l taken place as to the Tilmle of t11e 'Fel'ern JAlail ieasin this Cihz. 6q wh.§ich vwe vzisut necessarigl put our Paer t JPrmess several hours sooner than here- I tt310e. toe &ii'estt reque~st our advertising fripnds ii'ilfirivoir u.Y with their 4dvertisemenfts blefore Vednlesdiiny or early oil ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUN-TRAIS OF RONEY AND FRANCIS. I (];0ite the 2'imt'es.) Sundav the finerals of thiese unfurtunlate individuals, Who lost their lives ill the aflfiiv att tile Queen's funleral, took place, ?? to public notice, by placards pasteid up in all ptrtK ol the town duiliig thi ?? weck. D)r. Wiaton, 'Caie Jones, Little Waddington, ec &e.'&c., had |aljs given their- notice bvplacatds, thalt tioscwho. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fuIa humlla bst, at Kuighisbridge, tire lady of tile Hon. 6C . Brid.euaia, It, N. of a so51. 0r Iolldav Aueuti 20, at Custle Donnington, by the Rev. ! ., l .ienry Crossley, of SlSrdlour, in tils cnitttly, L tMalerv Come, Only daughter of .1r. Clalles clrare, ol L Bf~s ilalge. `i 'uohv i'micht, Jaickes Granlvile Clifto:n J uc-e%, Esq !dldai Hall, 3lnntrgotoersshire, br.lrier to Sir Robert -:11, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Putnerual of ?i. Hoiley and G. Fra11cisb, yesterday l'eing the day upoll Ivlich it was almounced I that tile pjblie funerval of tlltse twvo Arfortxrwtte MnCeI) 9 ,ts t de pis~cei at. lie ex~ponse of tlhe ,Ieehalies to' ul n l x rli xu ?? interest was. excited, ?? ?? annorrg tte rirlenihers of that ?? eiedW bodyv.inrt Sis v~t~y consi~itderalhle ?? the public of .hi3 nipe 1is. iLe. measure ...