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September 1821
3 8-14 1 15-21



Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Public Tags

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 5itl t u. at CXastantinoihI. Lady irAN. FOitt, of a son. On the 24th ult. at C Ulyam Road Plaee, the Lady of NOitmA1,; MACLEOD, Of of sHUe Hun ( arily'ic survice, Bellgal, of a siun. On the 8d curt. at Qogatr I1oune, thv Lady OEJA=M; L'AMY of PIunkenny, E+q. advocate, af' a son. Par ciasy Sc At Linlathen, on the4th ewCt, C(1ntaiin Ja.VI M TEiRSON, youngest sOn: of the late Georgre ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... W' E \ESD) Sj~ 19. , Alaieold lere, on ltin Mn d fi l tbi I .tb Cl't. KNIGiI'r, I.LJ. 1), P'ritesstol. tft Natural Philosopilv s iil the IoStitltiloil of Belfast, to .JlASN, eldest daugl;- i tee of the ltev. 1). Glenilie; I'rotessor of' Moral Phli- . ioophV alnd ILogiek ill tbef Mir~lial Colluge, and e otne ot the M1inisters of Aberileen. Died, on Sua nday, tie Phil Cur t. in the prime ot' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IVEDNESDAY, Sepetwnber 12. V Birth.-At Carnousie House, on the 5thl inst. Arrs. Duff, of Carnousie, of a son. On the 5th inst. the Lady of JOIINs FRASER, Esq. Bernard Street, Russell-square, of a Son. , 'lDied, at Peterculter, the 20th August last, (where he had gone for the recovery of his health,) the Rev. 1)Avzi Gim.ATLY, Alinister of the Shiprow Chapel, Aberdeen, much and justly regretted ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNEUAL AND INTERIVIENT OF HER E, LATE Al AJESTY. In Stadt, August 21. a The Ga'inet anld, Wye sloops of war had a favourable a; passa-u'up the Elbe ti this place, where they arrived at al earl hcur~ esterday- (Monday) moining. It was,1 howevet eY foueii thtt her .ajcsty's remains could not be ti immediately Iatled. In the mean tinme arrangements for( doing so wer& rmade, and at four 'clock in ...