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BIRTHS. On the 6th c

... urrent, Mrs WM YoUNO, jun. Cassels' Place, Leith, of a son. On the 8th current, Mrs PRINGLE, Howard Place, of a son. On the tth current, at the manse of Crawfordjohn, Mrs GOLDIZ, of a SOIe. Onr the 11 th current, at No 9. Abercromby Place, the Lady of JAMes GREiG, Esq. of Eccles, of a daughter. On the 5ch current, at Carnousie Houe, Mrs DuF', of Carnousie, of a son. On the 5th current, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At River, near Dover, the Rev. Geo. Peche, A. M. of Mile End, to Mis. Alkdin, of Dover-The Rev. Henry Broualey, of Appivdlore, Devonshire, to Miss Joanna Vassa, daughter of the late Mr. G. Vassa.- The Rev. Charles Sawlkitis Williams, son of thc Rev. William Williams, of l)iddiolgtsn, Hunts, ti Mkary, fourth child of Mr. D..Wentworth, of Cambridge.- The Rev., Richard Dart4l, Vicar of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... it On the 141t instant. at S'cldoroegh. COitt - 0, Lady of Soloriion RIlichneds E'cjp of a v.1 ex~wj O. Saturday last, itt Wel.drd the Lady of II Ed. ol adaugiter. xfrd te ad tt Ecq. af a fnmle ~~l~on x, Qtt the.7th instlnt, tt herather's 1houe, s Netaernham Giqy'don, of a auglitrer., a . ! AZZ 4t Loughree, the Lady of Joha cllike, Esq. of r' s, of a son atnd heir. es On Stnnday lait, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- -- . . Blrn raS.; ;: On the 5th instant, at Hopes,: East Lothian, the Lady of Win. ay, -Esq. of a son. ; ; - . ?? : ' Oij- Ikiday~last,,ar Bat4, thle Lady f -A. Goddard,. Eyq. of a son. MA RRIED., * On Thursday last, by theRe,- -. Hopej jdn, at the church of St. Aikinsund-- Derby, Caglin Ratti,:wf'ehe Firs ?? .Regineat of Guards, to .Tohann3 Maria, -edel dasglterof ohn- Barr6w, 'Eq, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... W' E \ESD) Sj~ 19. , Alaieold lere, on ltin Mn d fi l tbi I .tb Cl't. KNIGiI'r, I.LJ. 1), P'ritesstol. tft Natural Philosopilv s iil the IoStitltiloil of Belfast, to .JlASN, eldest daugl;- i tee of the ltev. 1). Glenilie; I'rotessor of' Moral Phli- . ioophV alnd ILogiek ill tbef Mir~lial Colluge, and e otne ot the M1inisters of Aberileen. Died, on Sua nday, tie Phil Cur t. in the prime ot' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B IRTHIS. Tkjulir, it Pari Speoicer's, iV irsibledon Paril, !.ady Sarah I ;lTtii tllt at WVafley, it tlhecounty ol Salop, thte lady Di k Lialiutll, Eij. of a sul.; UAl A II? 1AG FS 1:3t z i ?? by the Rev. C. El ope, jits at th Church t Akur sd, ill fios twil,, C-,ptaill Butty, of tie First fihr llenilnil of Glwtcrda, to .johatina Rialia. ehiest t kliarlti olm Ballrow, Etl. Secritart tu thc Ad ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E, S E TE 1s 1u, IV ED NESD t~,S. z Ilt 19, 1IS'1. Yesterday, tpe Lady of John Milford, Jun. Esq. Qf this city, of a dl:ightr. On tillday NOt, itl this city, lIIs. Watt, wife of Dr. Watt, Fellow of the Royal College of Phy,-icials At Widey, near Plymnoith, on Tr.istdy the llth nmtlil, tLis: ijuy of C.oonel Ak. loriLhedd, I.. ]B. of aa i ii Ofi 'Ti ir.d ty laslt, in Londoi, the Rev . Rivlhtrd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * 4artignt anb zheatbF0 . Lo MARRIED, t- ?? . n W illngfore. sonticut, Me. joseph Doolittlo, -Miss he Mary Beenson;.Mri'~amuel Moss to 7liss Blsey Doohlttte; Mr. fo Roswela Ilonlitle to Miss Polly Moss 6;.ad Mr. Lemuel Doolittle to miss D cd ms Mttatttooo. rhese Drsarittle have dqne agoaod !deal -Sdtfarrafor japer. On 'rueriayise 4tb hnstant,.at Edinburgh, Henry Meredith Warter, E~q of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... It On Wednesday, Mr. John Ncmnii, of lludddrsflele, monu- It faeteirer, to Mary, the eliest dlaughter of Mr. Thomas Noble; It of this town, merchant. On Snndav 'Lst, at Rothwell churci Mr. Smith, of Beeston, oa Mits sarals M1r0rit, of LUdstone l'ark, near Selby. Osl Moindsy lost, Mr. Joscph Pawnon, of Calverley,. to Mliss le Mary Gray, daughter of Mr. Thomas Gray, butcher, of the t same place. ...