Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .: r . BIRTHS. OIL Thursday week, a poor woman, at Beeston, Grace Hetotn, wa5 safely delivered of three childien, two boys ond a girl, who, with thei- mother, are doing well. Her husband is a collier,i and very frequently out of eemploy. mnent. ! *: X MMAIRRIAGEV, On 'the ioth iast., at MarylebonueChuli, New-road, B. IFlaydon, Esq., bistorical painter, toi Mrs. Ilymon, of Stoehooise, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? r SUDDEN DEATZ' H jS w ;ONE '1iUNDP.RES I 10USA' A ?? Kai-q'.- A fem-3e, llued utwap, 4 ty 5eats, has resided, for a coI~j,' in a small house, at Cainbriage l-ei l ney46road She kept no servadt none of hter* neigliboure, and th2 e WAsa favourite cat- Ier doors w vre constehiy kiept ured, and seen of th!L milk mn, or one o Pn Yg ?? was, tho.0n, C ewne agindst d,, ow'. A ncighboirs dughter ...

-4- r MARRIED. At An

... sley Church, Warwichshire, John Chetwode, Esq. eldest son of Sir John Chetwode, Uart. and the Lady Harriet Chetwode, and nepbew of the Right Ho;. George Earl of Stamford and Warrin ton, to Elizabeth Juliana Newdigate, eldest daughterof John Newdigatc Ludfurd, Esq. of Ansley Hali, aud great r niece of thc late Sir ?? Newligate, Bart.-Wur. Downes, Esq. of Colehester, to Ann, 2d daughter of Peter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNYiRAL OF JOHNU ENNIE, ESR. Yesterdry-the mortal remains of the late John Men- nie, Esq.the celebrated Civil Engineer, were conveyed to their place of internment in St. PNiOl's Cathedral.* 'The funeral was' understood to be, by the wish of hisfrieiad, in the nature of a' private one, and the arrangements were made accordingly: but t64 talentsa 'n'd worth, which had obtain6edfoi Mr. Rennie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAItRMED. The Rev. Theobald Walsh, eldest son of the Rev. Dr. Walsh, of Bath, to Annabella, second daughter of tile late Rev. Gilbert Jackson, D.D. Rector of Donhead St. Mary, Wilts.-At Kensington Church, George C. Loftus, Esq son of General and tile late Lady Elizabeth Loftus, to Catherine, widow of F. W. Schuyler, Esq. and only child and heiress of the late J. Fearer, Esq. of WIolland House, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . . ?? RIRTI-I. :: ; -ru, G-ea Cmuwbqland Sti eet, Loftdun 16t' isatj tiO Lady of the 1trjht flon- Lord Glunlits ot a sutn aid .-heir, nvic died c4acE day.- ' ?? At Oterton Chuirch, Yorkshire, on the I 7th iftstait the in Ric.' I)r Daniel l)4iwmi ?? Susan Placei,-youncest dau'rlitt~n lof BSvasFrd. cej Esq., of &eltoi lkanro, I or kahire.. S Mjmn Ni2day, at Paisley, WilifanlsMihercr, Esq., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - EXE:J1 TER, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEPR 105 S21. On Saturday morning last, in Great-James's-street, Bedford-Row. London, the Lady of Edward Holroyd, Esq. of a daughter. At Totnes, on Snuday last, the Lady of the Rer. Thomas Cleave, of a daugbter. On Satnrday last, at St. George's. Hanover-square, London, by the Rev. Charles Herbert Martin. Henry Fisher Sloane, Esq. of Rockbeare-Court, Devon, tj ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... al.lI111,9 NUA(;LES, t lix Iih iniutri, uli l tlastiHgs, JTames Iomlwartithy Fsq. C hff l!,sh~ Itbur Sin . Loiwultn, to A tli, 3(ullgest ?? m. tll1 lute lilchlaril d . right, I .I). of this trusn,. il jut, ii Sodbur%, in this ci-iwiry, by tile IRev. c *5\l r, \X jiliarir lal r e. C l, of t 1 est j rujugl tou , .d 1 Lim-,v, (Iti .Astitil, near Sudbury. .i tu iiait, ho a ti A lslev, ill ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Fl, On Thursdlay, at our parish chitr-h, by the Rev. Ricliard 5 Fasweett, vicrair. Grangir, of thib pl:iee, islicitor, to Mlis Mary Thompson, 'OllC ot thc nicces of'ltichbrd Thompmn, Esq. of Ponterictk GR.' Wedilesdy. 'at Thornhili, by the Rev. J. f,. Sisson, MA.A. ain Thomas Blayy ClArtleana, Eiq. oflWalslrielsd, to Mirs Bedfoel, 23 of Overton-IHusev, it thss. Itihling, atij eldest daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . i~arriagoe anb BDeattJ0. MARRIED, On Sunday, the 70s instant, at St. Anne's Church, A'tr. J. Her- ariso to rhs Oseenbalgh, daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Greenhalgh,of Adlington. in this county. 0n Monday, the 15ith instint,nt St. Peter's Church, Mr. Thos. Ridleslthpwsiglhtto Mrs. lonpelta Ralph, corfectioner. On Saturday, the 13th instnt. at Bisrnley, in this county, ?? Greenwood, Dgq. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | TilH &UEEN'S FUNERAL. Thc fblossing fqtep ftlow alr,.s Sbeiift 'Parkiiis to Lieu t.- (.tii. (Savendish, of the ist Lifte fi'ards has appeaired in the pubh~lic p'iflgpso- ?? - fwas W, l's3i'. 'lad to find ?? 6o6 hiad instructed Air Adolphtus to adtrhit bqtib'o the JwLi Y that wOU wtere prlesent at the tiufortiinate bu- tfinbss ndtjr C~un:hiierlairdu~gasa, as'W it defeatted the elids (if ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. I On the 2d current, at Edinburgh, the Right lion. Lady TOitHICe EN, ofa soil. On the 7th of April, at Brodera, in Guzarat, the Lady of J Lieutenant-Colonel MAcKeoNoCtais, of the Hon. ELast India oi Company's service, of a son. le On the 29th ulzimo, at Wonlwich, the Lady of lieutenant P WILLIAM COCHRANE ANDERSON, Royal horse artillery, of ol a SOn. at MARRIED. C At Mary le-1onne ...