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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2Birtbz. On the l7th curL the Ladh' of J. rr. MAjcgENZtE,. Esq. of a daughter. On the 10th curt. at Drummond Place, Edinburgh, the Lady of Major NiCItLE, of the 88th regimvent, ufa daughter. On the 8th current, at Government House, Jersey, the Lady of bis Excellency Sir COI.IS N IIALKETT, K- C.13. and G.C.H. of a davighter. On the 14th current, Mrs ToD, Charlotte Square. of a daughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1lt'tit,o. On the l.,3th ult. MIrs TMIoo.ET, Drumwond FicA. of a son. On the 5th ult. t~he Lady of the Eon, and Rer'. L. DPLNDAs, of a son. On the I1Sth ult. at the Chateau de Bysterv33, North. Brabanet, the Lady of JoHs.4 TueuGE FEaaYEE, Esej. of a son. On the S5st Aug., at Rome, the Lady of Tho:&ov BoNAr, Esq. of Camdlen Place, Kent, of'a daughtez, On the 27th ult. at Kilbagie, Mrs SmEIN, ...


... 17. BlttTtt-At Aberdeen, onl Monday the 15th inst. the Lady of Major I-ItNDE:RSON, Loyal lEnginieers, of a Son. Mnarried. at the Manse of Urray, on the 8th clir lv the Rev. Roderick AMack-enzie of Knohkbain, ALEX. MsCKeNZIr:, Esq. of Kimnahaird, to MIArCA- tirT, eldest daughter of the lRey. Donald 3lacdonal of Urray. Marriili here, 12th inst. by the Rev. Mr TAWSE, Capt. G. WAsoSO, of'the chip ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Iiirthf>. On the 12th current, at Boulogneaur .Seine, the Right Hunourable Lady JANE LINSDSA.Y CAR~a.,F., of a son. Vn the 16th current, in Great Cumrbcrlan, Striet, London, the Lady of the Right HonW Lord GLAWAtS, of a sun and heir, which died the sne dayy. On the 14th carrelt, at St. Andnrewv, the Ladv of Capt. Was. PLAYFAIIL, ofa ,ion. On the 2S3d ullimo, at Glossop, Derbvsire, MARf, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a , )Birtlht. On tile 15th ult. at Landoll, the Lady ef U DAVISSON, Esq. younger of Muirboise, ot a daught er. O- 0 the 3d curt. at the manse of Lauder, Mrs. - COUSENS, of a daughter. On the O3d cinrti in Hill Stoeet, Berkeley Squatm, London, the Lady of -. I BRoUGtIU- Eset. of a daughter. On the 3d clurt. at Portsvowod, Hants, thre Lady of MWM. ALEX. MAC1l.NNON, Esq. of a daughter. On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iUISCELLANLOUS'\RTA.S. DEATli OF TI'rr i'oe.'Ac,l IANJiRAVt1.AS': Ol' iaF3er HC)Mliourilc. 2'riri'./ii t, S'01i'rs 'r~' '20. Tier Screnc' 1lighInIISS Oti I-Lr agar Lnudgliavine CAI(OLIN(0t. II i sO HESSE *' ied tile d'rt lii fore ve' utrdavi, at cgigt 1 clork in the m1 1urn g, tile ai';e' ot'75i 'ars aind six nontirs. Il i IT itres waittgli- tcir in tUIC Lirodg1'U'e l.e'is EX. of' ilIesse Ca ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~4 1 : Tbs . g§.tt'i ~ IVED;N'ESDAY, Oclther 21-t. Died, at Manse of' Kilsyth, onl 'Monlday the Sth a inSt. HIANNA, thle Wile of MIr. Wm. BIIoWvN, of Aberdeen. )liud, at Manse of Deer, on the Pth inst. the Rev. I JOit'i CaiAuIa;I, in the 81st yeair of his -,ae. Died, at Kinieaidine 'ledge, on thb -5th instant, :IXAI:Y J. GoltnoNr, seconId daughtel of Fras. GordonI. Lsij. of Kinuardijue. D)iedi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NVEDNESDAY, O'lu°er 3. 0- o;~ Bmmrt.-Oi thie 2811i l t. illl q BUr tNETT , i;ue. oF Street, EIdinburgh, iva i safely duliiVeed of, tWiill diugh- tcrs. s Died, at 17.dPaIfcottAll, Mtdras Establishment, on s; the A31 of Jan tiary, i the 48d yeta of hiS agL, JAMIT S , C~~rr xs, Ej(I. (Of thu 1lon, lL';t India Conpany's Service, a li'l Ciil Smrp on, at PlainLcottal, a Native of tl, Ctth .. 21fa'i ...