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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, .Janua?'~, 9. I lartied, at Abrdteen, on the Id nIist. by the Rlght I Rev. ]3iBhap Skinner, Jxmn:s 1).VIDsON, Esq. Caledo. i ?? -- d .- . . - 1. s . .. I nian (anal, to Elv;.NOit, Daughter of JAMr:S IOL- f LINtiWOttii Esq. Clhichiester. Died,. at Allanaqulioich, near 'Mar Lodge, on the 28th Ilt. JAMES l-t.NImuy: Esq. of knock-inchl. I)ied hete, on tlie 28th tlto. WILIAM DAVIDISON, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... In BIRTHS. On the 5th current, at ?? Street, Mrs JoLiN MUst- IS RAY, of a daughter. t, On the 2d currert, at Pittenweem, Mrs HoRsauRou off eFirth, Roxburghibire, of a daughter. e On the 15t currtn't, at Cheltenham, the Lady of Captain It DONALD M'LeoD, ofthe Hon. East India Company's ser. e vice, of a son. On the 1lth ulidnto, at Douglas, thc Lady of Lieutenant e Hoot, formerly of the S8th, or ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. The Rev. Henry Evans, Curate of Errstwood, to Sarah, only daughter of the late Thus. talker, Esq. -At St. Mary-la-bonne Churchr, St. John Bogle French, Esq. of the Hon. East India Company's Madras Nlilitary.Establishutent, to Louisa Jane, the youngest daughter of the late George Rose, Esq. of Crooliham, near Newbury.-Wr. Joseph Furlong, Esq. of his Majesty's 90th Regt. of Liht ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [line error] MARRIED At Clapham, Christian Tawke, Esq. of Croydon, to Mary, eldest daughter of T. Leach, Esq. of Clap- ham. - Nathaniel Troughton, Esq. of Coventry, to Augusta, fourth daughter of the late Mr. J. Grant, of Fleet-street. - Lieut.-Colonel Walter O'Hata, late of the Portuguese service, to Marian, daughter of C. Murray, Esq. of John-street, Bedford-row. - William, son of F. L. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? the lit ciirrept, at Lo.15401,, Mrs Xet ?? MAC, ,reNzi, of a sin and heir. M-ARRrED. At ?? PIarii the East Riding of the rnunlr of York, on the lch curren, by sprcidl ficcece, the Honour. Able CtrLE I toMNAS, specor d son of tbe Rlqht Hvim. Lmd Cliford, of ?? Parkjp The county ,f y Von, tro T1a, RE5A, youniteit daughter o 4ltc Marmadukt Con-table Maxwell, ?? At Aix, in trovence (Frahee), on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Spripg~ Ban;k, M~rs. King of a son.. On the 22d instant, at Viscountess Duncan's, George's Squaie, Eiburgh, the Hon. Mrs. -Dundas of Dubdits, of a sun. MARRIED. Jan. 15, by speciallicepse, at Everingham Park, in the east ridingof the county ?? Han. Charles Thomas, second son of thle Wght.Ron., Lord. Cliffbrd, of Ugbrooke !'ark, in the county of Devony to Teresai voungdestd;aujgh-° ...

On 9th current, BIR'

... I'HS. On the 9th current at Moncreiffe House, the Lady of Sir C, DAVID MONCREIaFFs of Monreiffe, Bart. of a son. M- On the 28th ultimo, at Donfermline5 Mrs CuARLES MAC- 3f ARA, of two soni. MARRIED. - At Fassfern, the seat of Sir Ewen Cameron, Bart. on the 5th current, ARCHCIALD T1 P. FRASER, Esq. of Abertarff, rt to JANNETTrA, daughter of the late Colonel Duncan Mac. pherson of Cluny. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e rtbt, On the 22d ultinio, at Edinburgh, the Lady of' the late J. C. M'1LonD, Esq. younger of Geanies, of ta daughter. - On the 13th tilt. at Cottesmnore, Rutlandslilre, Lady- n LOWTHimn, ofa sonl. On the 21st ilt. the Lady of Captaini Gwtu;L Smta- gt~uNc, of a dauglhter. At Lanark, on ?? 18th ultinmo, Mr TioNarxI GCtsa, manruflcturer, Glasgow, to Miss AoN}s, 2d 'laughter iof the bite Daniel ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... otf' OM- Ci TtL ety lost, at ouT PaIlrt C( ! n 1, the li Rev. lib'hard ii- Gft!, of I I'tbnoottilN to Xis SMi huti)rooiklO tois lowile. it- n ' Arsl)etdfoy t~loft, kit Outr Iilviith Chureh, the lted'. ite n1 itt; felp 0ti t Minicter at Shipliv, iiezr Ilrlifordl, to Mr . 'Mr K'V iitct'illf, of the.o Itr, retlir of tile late Mr. ('hri.L.c X- it ticiU, 1lutittonsary in t: i West Il tO do. I hc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, JANUARt 23, 18'22. Yesterda- the Ret. Rie3ird Skinner, M. A. Reetor of Sampford Peverell, in this county. and domestic Cbaplaiu to the Right itev. the Lord Bishop of Norwich, was instituted by Mr. Precentor Bartlatm, to thep Rectory of Upiowman. in Devon, on the pre- sentation of John Sillirant, of Coombe. E-sq. and I'bos. Hugo, of Crediton, Esq. void by the deatb of the Rev. Simou ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... :\lA RIt IF,1). Jai ,'it ?? 3 eicty ,ti in this cdtv, Mr. Tihatietir, uF. ( 'h r Ml o \lt~ Sa rah Soeveui' (II Watchet, Somerset ; ui'.r, ,'ret. i A c .i. .i at'. to M is s Nari ,v fHam, grand- daom o,.r (iii All J .1poe P,0ir ?? ('vmes. lt o Ii St icl emtiu1, 11v the [lev. J. Eden. the l~,e J ?? Sherri all oti -ica 'j n Blii-0, to Mary, only daai'ehter 1 1, 1 Bvd. eil li' chrc, hyv the, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oct. 9, Air. AVWIlliam ;;tewart, meic. int, of ;3a- itnore, tI Charlotte, third daiiliterofthie Ilonl. W m. Piuickitec, oalt of th'i United States Senators fbr the State ci' lrviland, and itirnlerly Arnhas~adur to the Court of I onldon. Jan. 16, at 8t. Aucriisriii's churitch, blv the Rev. Thomas Evans, William Mlill wr, Esq. of the Uiivsrsitv of Oxford, to Jsiwo Sarbh, stcond daoghter oF mrs. ...