... ATR(CrOUS C,.1SZ 01' PIRACY. _ . ter oi - (From. i1h Kingston (Iaiztte of Aug. 17.J Extract of a letter from Captain Limsden, to a At s Gentleman in London, dated the -lavannah, July 12: I8th c * It is with mnith regret I informn you of the mis- est d. fiortune w'hichi hlts happened to Imc. On Saturday the Ne t;th, about five o'clock, Cape Antonio then nine miles youn; oil, and two ships a ...


... LA-AK. I COURT OF KING'S BENCH. . Il'ay, Ea3. 26!. CONS'TUTIOW4A1 ASSOCIATroN.-T'RI XING V;. D'LAT.. It will be reuollected that at tlte laet Sjtisq ii-csb(rr ented iy the personts calihag- themaelevls - Tlie Qonei6#iuitrnl Asueciatioi;') went off for unindifferency in tdwe Slerifl: w4*te returned (te panel, hle being-in-effect ane eof thle rosepvo -s7*r*-HD a stbscriber to thle putrposem oft ...

Published: Sunday 03 March 1822
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2187 | Page: Page 13, 14, 15 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... INQU ST Upon Mr. W. WELLS, of Bucking'ham, Hzeld on lFreelneesayI Nov. 27, bs/;ste Ml, . Ldsrsslhasll, sie 'of the Cerosibcs'ajbl thal coaity. [TFFh CiltCulls'rANCE WAS GIVFN' LAST' WEltE.] Charles (ross, of Tingewick, shoemalier, depos d, that on his roasd home frontn Butckinghanm iast MeInda' eveninig, I he 25th ht November, iv csitupanly with his ?? Dasriarat, lie miet a horse. aild gig, ...

Westminster Hall.—New Courts of Law

... JrVestisnoter HIall.-New Courts of Law. T'be Hall is now entirely cleared. Tfhe Coronation galleries, &c. whlic'h were sold by Lord Gwydyr, as Lord Great Cham) berlain of England, to Messrs. Page and Co., and by tihen disposed of by auction, bave been taken awvay. A good deal of the property sold tilcornimonly well; much of the timber for instance, although it had been used, nearly produced ...


... COURT1' OF KIMNGS B2NCH, JuNV 1. Lord Sonsdes v. Fletcher, ClerAk-Mr. Selwyn stated to the Jury, that they Were eniopsnelledl Lo assess the damages 05n a bond for 12,0001. subject to a condition that the defendant would resign the Living uif Ket- rering, in Northamptonsbire, presented to him by tile phlirtiif, as soon as either of the younger brothers of Lord Sondes s0ould be qualified to h ...


... COURT OF, ADMIRALMT. THIE CASTII.TA. This was a questinn of seamen's wngrr, nf im- portance to the cnal irie. 'I'he mariners, prn- aceeding against tile ?? to rlcovr their wages, undrr a conrract From Shiflds to Londin pnod back, alleged tlev were entitled to he paid for tie run, lhavitg ao;ittcthl vtisl l uinder cir- ?? (on SVtrci tlr %lre nie oniciwrradic- luiry evidence. le vesel S:iled Li ...


... BIQI COURT OF U.ST1CIAIr. Thursday, JAhn Lawson was brought to thc bar to re-v ceive judgmnenf..; T he vedic the 1, on ? !eprEvioss day, finding hiiji Gs't1y, bhsing, bees ead by' the Clerk, their Lordships were about to proceed, when the prisoner I interrupted them, by begging their Lordships to take into consideration that his Counsel had declined to lead his proofs, of wihich he bad three, ...


... 7TrIcE. The Board or Police met o0 i Ionday, and i again by adjournment on 'rcesday. - A demand was made on the part of the Corn- tmitssioners of Cuctoms, for 14 years rent of a watchhnuse in the Park Place district, which was referred to a Committee. v A Commnit ee was also appointed to wait upon ethe Sherif, to endeavour, if possible, through his interference with the Satperintendant. to put ...


... .JUR-Y COURT. ts- NWe are authorised to state, that in consequence-of . : the King's Birth Day falling on Tlneeday the 23d s 9. instant, the day axed for the Juryy Court rneetingi Tr Glasgow, and as it is undetstood that the btisirtess of t tile Justiciary Court wiilLcin-rtnue' beyond that (la ys I the J3ry Courit will not :sit until Friday ti6 2 6th, when the Count will 1be opeined by the ...

COURT OF KING's BENCH, Westminster, April 30

... | COURT OF KING's BENCH, Mrstminster, April so. I: I -it, n flmane rirce-ml trt rn r THE MANCHESTER MEETING. REDFORD V. BIRLEY AND OTIIERS.--iMr. Evans moved fora rule to show cause why the verdict in this cause should not he set aside, and a new trial grant- ed. Hc said that his learned friend Mr. Blackburn, who l ! was leading counsel ibr tbs paintinfat the trial, excced-c bigly regrettetl ...


... GentoDsArL.-Satuirday, three men, named COCseaAtN, ATKIN. so,;, and CA RK, Were brought tsp on a charge Of ?? au tell a. l(ale of ?? the property of .1essrS. Bach and Co. Manchester carrie rs. It appeared, from the evidence adduced for the prosecution, tha-t Alit. Batcb is a carrier of gonds fromt M~anclicjer to London, adhas exten'iv'e w rrehouies in M',oor~liC arid at lPaddington. The ...


... COURTOF CHANCERY, Aua. 5 EXP.AITE JACKSON iN 'THE 3sATTrcIL ou THE DUCHESS OF NORFOLK, A LUINA'TIC. Mr. IlIZALD stated this to be the petition of the assignees of Mr. Robert Jackson, who claimed to be onc of the next of kin of the Iclate Duchess. The prayer ott the petition was, that his Lordship ewould make an order, allowing Sir Edwin Francis Stanhope, Joihns .Parsons, Daniel Burr, and M~ary ...