Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onl Thursedly, at Didton Perot, Tote) Brooks, Esq. of Look- h weood-t-utose, to i aoe, seonrid dilaghter of W. Laytthk, Esq. :1 of Appletons. if GOl Thursilsy, nt our pascih chhurch, Mir. Taylor, of this h town, gentlemsani, to Miss Jaine t3argreave, daughter of the h late Mir. tltagreave, bottomi of Perk-row. Ott Sundnay lust, Mr. J sun Peol, anttereb nut ned agent, it to Miss Cay, daugihter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESD4YJ FBBi; R Y: ?? On , T' haraday Ispe, at ford:iouaen Devo,, ,bA e ?? of Ayibfo'rd Wise, 7is6q., .o~f a augher.,- ?? 1 ' ?? Otln' the .18,h 'ins~t. ,,4fl ;Wtton Vicarage,*, ,G~uc~ester-, 'shire, th&~ady' off the Rlev. U. T. E~llieombeo£.fasn.: *, On T~~rd~iZyspeeial 'lieenee, a^t the; r~eu'eo', of the .Dovvager. Lady Ford, in Queeh Atne-,,rfit,' l~ondon, by the Rev. Ch-ba'rles Foids' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [THE LATE MR. COUTTS. It is confidently meeitiotied, that in the will of this Ctcnnleman there i, nor a nanie mentioerid but that oft Illra ('otitts.-Iieport, which ustiallyexa ggerates such matters, says that this Lady conies into a propertv little short of three milliorts. We have reasoi to thiik sirme offers have been made to certaih branches of the ilmlily, whicho have becrk rejucted. Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NIR Pl'lI'' HR IRTH-DAAY. . 11 s . v iirl T'uesday blist, the 28;h c vi, the Northumcibuland anl Nevc- CAstl ' rpon T'ri I' Pitt ClMb cel':ftrated the itrniversail' os ' ile 'birh Of ihe late i lustrio us st'sfitemalre, Wiilim l'itt, ly a Ornriwd Dijiner at th. Asse bly 'luouils il lawast le 'he 1oinpriirs' as5 ooti so ru1e1r-ous irs in sua' foirmer years, ini ei thu leidii0g Ineorbers of thi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESD)AY, -llr tit 6. Muarried;- at Gallsnach, in the Island of'Colf, on the !itl tilt. the Rev. I)ONALD MAC.'LAN, minister of Small isies, to ISA1 ELI.,, ?? daughter of Charlus - (%ntihe 19thi llt. -at BurlImIilu, INorfolk, the RCV. PpII. WARt!D, AA.M. to Ii0RATI.x NSY.SnN, thle adopted daughter ofthe late Admniral I.ord Viscount Nelson. hiexl, at her Louse, near (raighiall. onl Ohe ?? nilt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- 0'T l I ?? ?? W~IEDNESDJAY, Octob~er 3 0. O Y~ uriell here, onl tie 2.5th inst. III, tile Ruv. M rac rUIiaV, A LEXANDER21 111.AN SLYt, of tile I` gil A lrlide- tny, to M i',daughlter of' Joint Garrow, MainUfaC'ttI.- 1 rel., Atberdeeni. o At Grangemiouth, onl the 21 st curt. Mr ANDItF1lw- Coll it.\ .1, ?? there, tli MARM-ItA StE:tjY, hl.1 third daug;hter ofithleate : urdrew Ml1ckay, LL.DI. F ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On Wednesday week, at Minto-house, Roxburghshire, the Counteas of Minto, of a son. On Tuesday morning, at Viscount Ebrington's oause, in Ncrth Audley. street, Lady'Nugent, of a still-born son.. MARRIAGES. On the 14th inst. at Harwich, John B. Knocker, Egsq. Lieutenant, R. N. to Elizabeth, second daughter of Anthony Co-, Esq. Banker. On. the 9th inst. at St. George's, Hanover-square, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -MRS GARRICKc. We mentionedl the death of thlis venr'rnibl lady. in oire Ianft, but we utrierstand she wvaq iii hier 99th ysirr, irrstvail of tier 98th. having survived her husqband, tirle inimitable David Garrick, 43 vc~vrs nind nine nirnotits, hie hatling dirsd (in thle 20th Janiuary 1 li'9 ~Mra, C. %vas mairied ini Toy 1749. 11cr toinilen name %vas Virrlettii and she weas a native or ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... In BIRTHS. On the 5th current, at ?? Street, Mrs JoLiN MUst- IS RAY, of a daughter. t, On the 2d currert, at Pittenweem, Mrs HoRsauRou off eFirth, Roxburghibire, of a daughter. e On the 15t currtn't, at Cheltenham, the Lady of Captain It DONALD M'LeoD, ofthe Hon. East India Company's ser. e vice, of a son. On the 1lth ulidnto, at Douglas, thc Lady of Lieutenant e Hoot, formerly of the S8th, or ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ) ?? S. At Iananne, on the 13;h curnrnt, the Lady of Caiap. C EO. BvtrN ELF.T MAxwtCLL, R.N. of a dautghter. Ar Houston, on the 111th current, Mrs Suixi.', of a daughlrer. Ar Locheoat, on the 24th ?? Mrs WiStART, Of a daughter. At the Cape of Cond Hope, on s1, 2Pfh May I:ist, the Iudy of JnHN MURRiA, E&q. Surgeon to the Forces, of a daughter. At Drynle, on the 24'h current, the Lady of WIr L ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED). Tce Rev. Geort'r Evans, of Touveesterr, lo Sarah. daughter of tie late Edward Sabrin, Esq.-At Mar- nirinirue, Essex, the Rev. H. Notrmat, A. B, to Eli- zabeilt, yru hget dauhsghter of tbe late B. Carviigto n EsI. ,,f Little Briley.-A t Posey rscou))t Cihiurch, Wichiliw, Vc.c Piiwerqcourt to Thu rid.sia, rlaugister ,f tl -jHmi. H. Iivsard, of Bushty PaIk.-Itichard Blanlchiard, bsq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1822. BIRTHS. On Monday, the lady of the Rev. Edwin Eastcott, of this city, of a daughter. On Thursday last, at Underwood Cottage, Ide, the Lady of John Tyrrell, Esq. Barrister, of a daughter. Lately at Naples, the Lady of George Baring, Esq. of a son. On Siunday se'nnight`, in London, the Lady of Henry Seymour, Esq. of a daughter. The Lady of W. H. Hawker,- Esq. of ...