Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Tuesday last, at the parish cinrch, Halifax, by the esV., S. Knight, vicar, alr. E. Harrison, of Brighouse, son of the _ lote Thim. Harrison, Esq. of St. Percy's sqrrnre, ir this town, to Sarali Also, eldest daughter of Wim. Barstow, Esq. of the W I fonrsren plaec. Bsn Ol the Sti linst. at Maple Hayes, by special licence, SirWm. Or Alicnots Ingilby, Bart. of Ripley Castle, in this county, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTIS. On Saturday tire gth lostlHilt, at A; at lock, tile Lady ot Capt, i~ilklarid, jtoitll llitatrry, ol a datuglgher. I ltueslday se'aunight. at %V'rottealey Hall. SlaffordasLire, tihe L'f oyrjfl Wrottesley, Eqg of a daughter. 11vedarsday sernuigtil, of a sul, inl Berkeley-square, Ln Wal, Ar, ?? Jervis Iticketts. alUA ItR It IA GIe. Oit tler 2d of Seprember, at the House ef the ERgln9h ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l~frrtI. At Dunse Castle, on the 4th curt. the La r WILLIAM HAY, Esq. of Drummelzier, of a daug,.- At Invercarron, on the 20th ult. TMrs. Gonto a daughter. At 35, George Street, on the 3d curt. the La . Major A. MACKAY, of a daughter. In St. James's Place, London, on the Sd cuzv Lady of WooDBINE PARtSH, jun. Esq. of a son. At Bognor, on the 5ti! curt. the Lady of Si Dicv, Bart. of a daughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... etberb~een IVEDNESDAY, ?? 6. N*at Birth-AtIt lafrord 31aiise, on the 22t1 tilt. 'Mrs. MACKAY, ofn so . A. I n At Glaisgow, onl the 241th ult. thle L~ady of Majoir At MAd CDONACLD, C. B. 1st or roval regimnitt, of' a daug h- ister. Ai a iO iarnied at Edinbuigh, onl the 4th inst. by the Rev. )r. litchiL, Gitonimi F~oanic;s, Esq. of' Spring- ll , to W,\li! .. tM ijNA, daugther of tle bitle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nsirffl,,- At Mall.C:,alote, o0n tile 11 iI Marc', 1 S22, the Lads of Liout. -Colonuel ILotUir M IDOWALL, of a son. fmarrtari . At (litcrytress, lloxhurg-iihire, on the 22d ult. JOHN 1)DUDGEON , 1 sq. Wtriter to thle signet, to Is*EED- r, diaughter of the late John Falconer, Esq. merchali;, G lasgow. At C'lnipsic, otl the 23.,d ult. Dr JAMPc9 o0aFsITsot, to Jl:AN, yoniligest datightel of John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. DEVIS. OnMonday the llth ilt. at his house, Caroline-street, flsdford-square, in the 60th year of his age, died ARTITUEL WILLIAM Davis, Esq.; and on Wednesday the 19th, his remains were deposited in the front Church-yard of St. Giles-in-the-Selds; on which occasion .many of his brother2Artisoa, who respected both the man adid his ta- lents, attended his funeral, to pay the last ...

BIRTH. At Lisson-gro

... ve, on the 12th inst. of a son, the lady of B. R. Haydon, Esq. Historical Painter. MRI~E ?? ihpo ~noo . ?? En Sunday, at St. James's Church, by the Lord Bishop of London the Earl of Belfast, eldest son of the larquis of Donegall, to Lady Harriet Butler, eldest daughter of the late Earl of Glengail, and sister to the present. After the ceremony the happy couple set off for the Continent. ...

BIRTHS. At Sundrum,

... onSodr thfl29th nlt.' MrsP I-Hamilton of Suns- drinn, of a son. *- a O I tlii the 28th ultimdynt Paulswalde i, llerts, the Lady of the light Illon. LortG nlanmnis, of a soI and heir. MARRIED. On the 26th September, at Glasgow, George Thistle Geden, Esq., merchant, St. John's, Newfoundland, to Johan Buchan, youngest daughter of Mrs. Lightbody, Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh. At Campbeltown, the 2d ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B IS 1'THS. In Baker Street, Portman Square, London, on the LIst inst., the Lady of George C' erhorn, Esq. of Weens, couu- tv of Roxbuvg-h, of a daug3hter. At Portoibello, on the 24th instant, the Lady of, }William Cochrane Anderson, -Esq. of Harchope, of a son. M A R RI ED, At Glasgow, on thie 25th curt., M r. John Curmins, mer- chant, to Jane Margaret, daughter of the late Rev. M11r. Gilbert ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? .r MUItlliED,. :; ?? B~onda, kbv the W.--Millib AnderS Mr Ji Park, nMerchaut, 'Glsgow, to Elizabeth. yot0lll7eitb; $ fMr. lboh-i Steel, merthint (dasoiAW. -:ht S;t. George s & Chiu~h, UM74ver :SqnaIe. I n.4 %ic ?? instant, Sir Po . Doil 'nil'it 1s3 rt. ot Syru~I1l 4-krk;' ?? to Panna CnarIolte. (ll' na afhih~ He4Wv Suett, LEq. ?? tm Iameorl -Ofi the 9lth inst. at Mans oi (iwfoyd, ~crt' n. 1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRI ED. The Rev. E. Pllehamption, Rector of Greenford Magiia, 'Middlesex, to Elizalbeth, rourngest daighter of the Rev. Thomas Stvdinan, Vicair of St. Chad's, Shrewsssury.-Arch, M'Adam, Esq. of Bath, to Miss Elizabeth T hom pslon, of Spiingfield-place.-Captiin Fentoii, of the 13th Infaiitry,to Leonora, daugthter of the late Will. Anderson, Esq1. of Blath.-Captain George Sinclair, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NIS E A 6182 WEDNESDAYi, FERAY6,1822. At Irnbam-lHall, Lincojinsbire, the Lady of the Hon. Mr. Clifford, of As'ond. On Thursday last, ibi C6lleton Crescent, the Lady of WilliamrBnrn, Es :6fa ,n. Same day, in Pnlteney>'street, Bath, the Lady of the Rev. Edward EdgelI, of West Alvitigton, Devon, of a son- Yesterday, at Alpfringtoii, by the Rer. William Marwood Tuek( 1 Robert; lKookes, Esq. to ...