Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... VEtDNESDAYA AUGUST 21., 182. .. . . IRTS. On Wednesdo.y l-ast, at. Sidpoutb, the Lady of Timmas Stevtus.3Esq. ilecorder of thit cii.y, of a daughter. -0P the 13th instant, at. Itoboroigh-House, in this coiitay, the Lady of Ralph Freweeo, lsq.-ofa son IWARREIED)' Agzinldad,, the 12th'Juue, Cat&erine, yougest daughler -of-v ate Captain Robert Carter, R.. N. of. .Topsh4amto M'ry.-Fuller, Esq. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. April 20, at Clifton church, C. F. Williams, Eqq. barrister. at-law, Lincoln's Inn, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Ralph Wylde Browse, Esq. of (-aughley, Salop, and sister to h'ltomaS Wylde Browsne Esq1. of Harniih-house, Wilts. April 20, C. F. Davis, Esq. of' Nailswvoibl, Gloucesterbire, to Miss Orlidge, of Park-street, in this city. April 24, in this city, Mr. Henry Wilson, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE REIV. DR. THOMAS ROSS OF KILU ANTIVAI H. (Frin a Saudqp Paper.) j mollt The Rev. Dr. Thomas Ross was n native of the Parish - of Feam, near Tain. lis education was frorn his earlch t est years directed for the clerical profession. After the til autal course of study in the learnerl languages, lihiloso- rag rhy and theology, at the Marischal College, Aberdeen, bht lie was licensed by ...

BIRTHS. At Bonie~owJ

... rd Hoilts, oil Lhe ith current, Ml I IF RD ON, of a daughner. At Stirtiig, onl the lOcL ererreiit, Mrs WI'Rlr IIT, of Broom, of a son. . At MIkany Barratk;. ie of Wigiht, Mrs Cipt3in M;LAcu- LA N 75irl repinlent, of a Son. A.t Versailles. (i, tle soth ulfimo, the Lady of Jo1IN HALLOWS, Es q. R. N. of a 'dalthgter. AI\,lRRRIE'D. At Kinnaird House, on 'tie loth currehrtToInN ARcHIOEALD CAMPBELL. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3MELat',ihoLy DEAT1 F SIR ?? rU 'A L. l-.IT'T Y. . .. j . , iiv Ulti- lall t 17 I I. (F rom tbe Xib'i J4urnal oft hvn;3, .: - -It is -'~vth eeling;! of silreere and deeT; recyret that wen IlQce the., (eat4 of, -tOis) brave ani ?? officer, which took Ai1ve abeut ?? yesterday. -Sir Sasnuel wias rrtlini*g in the Pbceniix Par1`, 'mi company uYti' Colon el T hor nt.oo s wve n he W3as seiz- ed with ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... pti- the Onr Tukesday in London, Lord Mendevilic, eldest son of the afoer Dutke of i[anishester, to Mlis Sparrow, tile rich heiress, whosc ales fortune is said to be nearly E20,OOO a-year. I t Onl the Sgth ult. Mr. Win., Barker, oef Pendleton, surgeon, son of tile Ilae George Barker, Eq. of Darley-trat, near Bake- nth Well, Derlyshire, to Fanny, daugilter of tile Rev, C. Prescott, lyof ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... CAUSE OF BU;ONAPARTE's DEATH. I . .- . . - I - - Dr. Arnstt, one of the physicians who attended ik Buonaparte ilt h)is last illness, and who assisted !y in dissecting thle body after death, has published a pamphlet with a view of showing that the Ex- n Emperor's fital disease was not in any way to be ascribed to the climate of St. Helena. After re- publisling the professional statement, which ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' Ii.] Rev.s %Vn. Pbialilto t ;ry 2d daoghter of llielesv- Jol ?? ?? of Wsslss ici Cinrili i .t Is dfitkioitnollthe Rev \Williami Gr Iyt. A. of ULitws Lodge, - M,,noiouthhire, to- Miss IEmiia Sainnders, of tri.6ijr Efliniontant Middls' I hc ev ?? Mot~as, of El ii hoot Viea, Vsatertfoi d, to Elii;lietl`, ?? * o'f the late M.NI N ,6ofijioj Es0 'o l f Mounlt pleaisant, kinlfg e county:Mr.Juhu Woi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? -- -x ' WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1822. BIRTHS. On Thursday last, -a Lisson-Grove, the Lady of B. Haydon, k:sq., R. A. of a on.-: 'O Sonhdy,at his holige, o'u Tpsbara-roadj the Lady of Rdbjert Rookes,' Eq. of a daughter. Yesterday, I th Wffililiam Clac, Mr. JolhnI Hooper, of Ri sbford Bartou,- Chagforid to Miss Whitefield, of 1I~oretonhampstcad. Oil Saturday last, tt the ,Friend's Meethlg-2house ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4rriageo anb zhatbo. le JARRIIED ?? a'S. uaaw Laey as.Thmss .Church, r isii~~ oce ?? oftel hat St. Peter'shubM.CalsJn, etos 6f-Sr. illam one, Erertn, to Isabtla eetduhe ofjthehlatecapitain Johfh Pettigrew. Wi Oni~ Wllednesda,thkeepehril, at Mst. -Nicholas-a Church Mr Wil re, Jones. L da theM24 th silt. at Manchest .er Mr oh town, t. i , of Candhster of this 0Monday ?? itn t M ascilhar ter Mr' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IT). are stsetOX s . 11 em lnruesd t rne Brsowas+. toyle A Ascsadsgijr EiVSr h Ba~dmor asdTrre, 'oster Same day, Stictlaa.Chush Mr. Josena T lochaw, I s,.Mauch .e ilrgit id-t vech itoft5il5 Ma vttoibliss Lqe~ley daughter of the~l~ Fos OnhM nae lst~, ate Sth Pint55t i S.A's Church, Mr.. Rur , bothe ftto n Nto t e_ ev. DohnB~tCetrllt ?? wsoss binason. f Upp;er Beass-srst~r Jolly Samneday a Mrs.a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lat icĀ§ : MARIEDt. cli kO h.ath 8hnt a toei Mr. WAflj Bird .c l fc th tI t ato r.otag, of thM fcwer S Des On Monday, the 54th ult. at St. Ntihol as, Chubch, Mr. John be Walker. J6Aer, to MT.s B.May %\'icstsionfy. ulnS o John: hea ?? the 2S6jhit, at St. JoI' h Ich, t te ?? atougih rrioleah Pendleton; Dlichqste. MaeMr.t'eter 0aeOn'rinrsdy he2 u M-. aone1'A C. iurIch, bf Smijow~vht~uoe, da ugt h ...