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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e rtbt, On the 22d ultinio, at Edinburgh, the Lady of' the late J. C. M'1LonD, Esq. younger of Geanies, of ta daughter. - On the 13th tilt. at Cottesmnore, Rutlandslilre, Lady- n LOWTHimn, ofa sonl. On the 21st ilt. the Lady of Captaini Gwtu;L Smta- gt~uNc, of a dauglhter. At Lanark, on ?? 18th ultinmo, Mr TioNarxI GCtsa, manruflcturer, Glasgow, to Miss AoN}s, 2d 'laughter iof the bite Daniel ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Poriian S!,mrcJ) ?? (oILit Itl-Ti t II'n''II ut- 01 ?? J 1'iit'tn' Yin 3pt i' II OFl thu Si~ots G,vCi. 0. uf 'on, AtDu-4 if thit IS1MltieLd ?? ut, '1-0 ?? 'iu th, ori Ax r~iiir,'u itaand ot' ic'it, of adautigiitur'. ii rii . ii' thuv I f~ttlt , 1 1 .t i.vildullti , lix thet 1? v. Ililltri 'lVoire, thu hut. (.X. Womtwo.:,to Laili' PI': AY, Siste.r iii thut Eail of'tio. ii iivi, itt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAY, .Janua?'~, 9. I lartied, at Abrdteen, on the Id nIist. by the Rlght I Rev. ]3iBhap Skinner, Jxmn:s 1).VIDsON, Esq. Caledo. i ?? -- d .- . . - 1. s . .. I nian (anal, to Elv;.NOit, Daughter of JAMr:S IOL- f LINtiWOttii Esq. Clhichiester. Died,. at Allanaqulioich, near 'Mar Lodge, on the 28th Ilt. JAMES l-t.NImuy: Esq. of knock-inchl. I)ied hete, on tlie 28th tlto. WILIAM DAVIDISON, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? A ?? :1 , I1 he sI t last,. the Itch' il 2' . i [ilt iil) , it ' a s0. II. EatI lit ?? hr~o 2ioittrlisc, otii t'ths 01st. 11's. tiiectady t(Illt' i'1i n ci riiitie ' iltie:'. I ?? U 1ii I tt tu 'tt fist. to iFttc'l'ei'i, thle scat of. I 1 c Ct cihufltin 1 Ittc's u' ?? te ?? ilj'. .tIOtlJAN, ETTiii% t clij , Ut L1,1 ..Icewl, London L * I 'i'''flttl', 1,11)00. the 2'ti iXe- R eii cto :r oA. N ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 2d curt. the Lady of Jbitti Soora', Ofq. of Gala, of a daughter. Onilthe 5th curt. at AMclvilt Street, Mrs Jotjs MctuR.RY, Uf' da dughiter. j)n the 2(1 curt, at Pitte'nnetvua, Mrs H1ol:3sinL'tiGI{ of Mirth, Roxburghshire, of a daughter. At )Newca'stle, countv of Limerick, the Ladv of Lieut.-Colonel BAIFOt Sl, of a ont. Oil thl 9th CUrt. C lrs. M MACKINTrOSH, Great Rilt' Street, of a son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *z3trtils. On the 9th current, aL Moncreitle auze, chit Lady of Sir D)AvIr MlocrtiSrm oQ Monrreiffe, ks--, of a son. At Edinburgh, the Lady of A. AMAcDoN-,u.n. 2R:; of Lochgarry, ol a son. On the 18th current; Mmr Alt:ttNOr, A o .-c. Square, of a daughter. At London, on the I st curt. Wrt.LI.At ?? C Rathbonaj Place, surgeon.denti-st, to MAPI - 4Y tA. relict of (George Steel, Esq. late of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1WEDNESDAY, Jiuarq 23c ILirtit-lb Dublin, on tdie 1iltiinst. thc Iadly of'Dr. wi MCIlROBU;T, 78th Reginiewt, of a Sont. 1 Married, at uIoyness, o0i the Stli ?? P41LIP -. ?? Esql Writer, Nairn, to GT)ltCIN.A 11 oN, YOnngeit ) Jc daughter of tile late Capt. Urgjuhart, 79th re, t. hi Died, on the 9th Novelmiber lst, at Mlarly, Grena- an drt, in the '26th year of his age, Mr Gl O6Gi. lloaROBETs, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ii -WEDNESD)AY, .Jtmmuil/ 230. Married, ait Dundee, on Monday the l2lst curment, e by the Ieverelitl Dr Peters, .71r JOIIN IloMI: ShoTrT n to Miss 1Arxty JoitlsO,:, almly daughtv-r oF David Job- ;,SOIl, Em l., At GarvyiInore, upon time Ttet DLccember, Mr. A. -N. CA MICAI., ot he L ROVal Acadleillv, lllv eilless, to 1lAxtcv, youlmgvt (Utughlter Vl I'r. 1S)Ladomilld, Buade- - noch. At Liverpool, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1i?.ria:. oit ,l S o l ?? elit'. ?? L t, ?? ul, i. - , ; , ,, ?? -At I i1lsD, of a Skill. I . > rr rridr~s,--55 ' * :'.i f Cr. who is to bvhar tiie title of D)uLe' I C; thte 2 1 rb curt. at 1u, ?? strr'e. 11d ?? 01mt, Of At 1St. ?? CliuiSrlt, i' ,? lit)tth iort.. iw tin- R1ev. JT,1llls Capper. ci Wilminigton, JOH-N C xts''ot, Est. Of Crc'.by S'1uat1-C, It' E~IZAAtM'rt only daujz'tter of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... llfhtlztsy. On the 23d ult. at Terregles House, Mrs A. Goit- IONS, orttilS soils. On the 11th, ult. at Carphixi, Mrs GORSDON of liar. perfield, of i dalluigter. On the 4tsh August last, at Bombay, the Iloi. Urs BU(C:ANAN, of a sonl. At 5t), Albany Strect, on the '22d January, tlhe Lady of the Reverenid .AIAITAX flOsIE, of I daug-gh. tcr. At Tranoint Mianse, on the 25th January, 'Mrs. lIi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 11rEDINESDAY, FelhranrY 6. Birti.--At Langley Park, on the 90th'%ilt. the Ut. fionourable Lady ANN IL.'tTITIA CRUICKSH1ANK, of a daughter. : Died here, on the 2rth ult. aged 27, Mrs. EUZl, Mo0lT-1t, wife of Mr. Alex. 'Mortililer, Ba'ker, Quay, and daughter of the Rev. Dr. T'honison, Mi- nister of' Footclee. - ])ied at Tfrry Farm, on the 20th ult. COLIN INNEs; Elsq agril G4, much and justly ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mirtbzs. On the 18th ultimo, Mrs MoNccemmrF, Northum- e berland Street, nif it sol. it Oil the *'2tlti utinio, at Rathlkceiled, in the county of Y Limerick, the Lady of Lieuteriant-Cloonei It. I. DicK, of 42d Royal Hlighlanders, of a son. I- On the 4th tIlt. at lenrtisluw, the scat of Sir Georgo S Sitwvell, 13art. Ladh Srr.ELI.L, o a daughter. le . 4arrill,ยข,e. At Edinburgh, on the 4th current ...