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... .JUR-Y COURT. ts- NWe are authorised to state, that in consequence-of . : the King's Birth Day falling on Tlneeday the 23d s 9. instant, the day axed for the Juryy Court rneetingi Tr Glasgow, and as it is undetstood that the btisirtess of t tile Justiciary Court wiilLcin-rtnue' beyond that (la ys I the J3ry Courit will not :sit until Friday ti6 2 6th, when the Count will 1be opeined by the ...


... JURY COURT, EDIIN-BURGH. e LO~D AC~flALDTLAMLTO~ v.THE BEACO.N. Wednesday 'the Jary Coan meit in the Second Divisidi;V'of the Court of Sessions- which:was ektfemnely-crowded.-Af- c' ter somii routine busine~ss the! Court proce~ededto -try- tle, ti Issu~Es in 'the.cause,., in! whichs the Riaght Honoatrable Archi- bald H-ainilton, coinni~onlyca11ediorid ArchM-d' Hamin *- a iltoin, Secoind Eon of ...


... Yesterday- the Second Division of the Court of Session was crowded exceedingly, in consequence of the examination of MIr. David Prentice, Editor of the Glasgow' Journal; respecting an article conltained in that ?? the 7th December last, regarding the proceedings in a case at the instance of a pauper against tire ?? the Abbey rarish of Paisley. Mr. Prentice being, called, was interrogated by ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH, OCT. is. GAMBLING TILNSACrIONS. The Assignee of Abithol, a Bankrupt, brought an ac- tion against Abbott and others, keepers of a gaming- house, for the recovery of inoney for the behoof of the Creditors, I which the bankrrupt had lost at play. Abithol is a jew, and was in the way ot gaining somne years as high as elo,UOW a-year by his business as a merchant; ?? beint, ...


... EXErElt ASSIZES. ,, - _ John Chapman, one who loved not wisely but. '0 well, stood charged with the mrurder of Sarah, '4wieiS, at WEeek, St. Pancras, on the 2Oht of Aay It was a case of as deep interest as was ever 4ard in any court of Justice, andl one inll which an 1Ausual degree of pity and conmiseration' was nia- fstcd for the unhappy being about to be tried.- .2plwared that this ...


... I I I li PII I i I 61 r I r t Con: tiinued from our last.) 17I10NDAY, APRIL 221: DUNCAN SELLERS; accuse d of ifalseho frauad, &c. wai dutdawed fo- not appearing. tr NiVIILTAM1 CAMPB bIi, JAM}E S KE2RR, WIL- LT$M1111 WEbSH, CATHI ARINE MI LLER or YOUNG., :p HE,1iEN YOUNG or MAX WEL1 ?? and MARY A AN c c DERlsoN, thle three forher accused of tl Ieft, and three lat- ter accused od theft and habit ...


... IVESTMvINS E S SESSIONS-JUNE 27. .. 11 F f z~~~v 1 ,N > i, Z lt O Es-o 00 I , Ticsc Sessiouscomnmenceld this day, beiore 31r. CoNst, .he Chairman2, amd a biench of Magistrates. Frederick Corfield, a Young oticer in the army, was in- dicted for assaulting and heating Th1 omas Greusill, in the parish of St. ?? in the fields, on-the -d of FehruarY Is..s, M:sIr. Alley, for the proszecution, ...


... 7E. IP()RTS'MOUT'IT CAUSE. ?? CY CX!A'NC1ERY-yN'v. 7. The Attcornev- General oixenod this case~, by stating, that heapered Air the putition of Henry ?? op Fellowes, A~ml., which set forth that the ECarl of Portsmouth was of' unsolnud md, And adtovuether unfit for thie manarremnet or his aIlh~rs. 91he cndict of the E'arl for many years was referr-ed to as; a nroof, of th~is allumitioii, arid ...


... AFFRAY AT CHI-I1:P'NI1.1. St Two 3Ifet 'tilled, Tilirt ?? IT i, lfrum en, and P C C iidhren', wtoislded. tr, Scenes equal in atrocity to the one we are about to do- wi 'II scribe inay have taken p iace during tile late comnmiotions fs in Irehnd; but we believe it to be nearly unparalleled in ca English recordI. At the last Kington Langley revel, which took place se- pr 10 veral weeks ago, so ...


... ELXECCUTIO-N. This moruling, (iWdnesday), William Readling, ag~ed 33 years, tear swaL jeweliery, value 2,09011. in the situp ofa Mr. W\.testwoodl, Priuices-street, S(oho- square; Frank Purdun, aged 2-5, and W Biiaiu Cur- Lett clear \V ntsoIiX ageds 't20, tbr an extensive roblery in a pullic- Ehiq in Wa;t s-wuz: Ibcrar-h ; Juhn Roberts, aged 1]9, f'or a burglary in the Com- i wercial-road, ...


... E As vT INDIA H OUSE. D ?? of Eas Thi 5.46 ,eneral court of proprictorS of East Tdiu stock| b1d o1 \ednesday nt the Comnpany s house in Le'ad.: -,ail Strect, for the purpose of considering of a bill now 1 ktlianfelt, for consolidating the several law-s rela-. 7o tle yrivate trade to lirtaia, and also to consider of o~rie'v or' plermitting ships of less than 320 tons bur- it) ,ticniate III ...


... OLIVE, PRIN-CESS OF CUIDEIRLANND. 'sJt X , 1>M.N1 .~ q4o vsWe-. PRE110GATIVE COLTRrT WEDNESDAY,. JUNE: l42; s. Lrn slhflinaton r ened his application to the Court in _ 7( t:le cla, t of thC s3:i-dijats& Princess of CuimberlaTnd N S~rres) under a testamentary propoundedi purPort- a ?? of 15,0001.' The learned Advopate wnit. a Jongand elabrate deductioi of aut horitics, tol1 .2Iof' Henry the ...