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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tile ber BIRTHS. On the 27th ultlmo, at 28. Rankeillor Stree., Mrs You N a, Z3 Of a son,' eW- On the 26th ultimo, at Montrose, the Lady of Capt. Hut,. )t11 TEit, of the Sir David Scott Indianian, of ason, 0:1 the H5th ltimo, at Miontrose, the wife of the Rev. IC- Dr PATeltsnRS, of a son. of On the °2d ultinan, at Montrose, the wife of the Rev. an- ANDREW WILSON, of a son. On tbe 21st'Jamiary, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH BY FIGHTING IN NEIWGATE. yesterday afternoon, at two o'clock, an inquisition was taken in the Visiting-room, in Newgate, before T. SHerLTON, EsC., C- roner for Lononit, arid a respectable Jury, on tie bodly of a pri- soner named Fri sscts DEMPSEY, 'who was killed in flghtirrg with a fetiows prisoner, on Saturday miornring last. ?? jurY viewed the body, Which lay in one of the wards of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEI)NESDAY, AJWil 3. , 1''.tb-At Monitrose, on the 26th tilt. Mrs. Dr, I PATIB,'ION, 01' O so01. it ?? here, yeiterday, by the R1ev. Dr. Mfearna, t ?? tuv. Rltoilwtwr Docxr.vs of lion, to ANN, daugh- Y tel Gf the lawt A lex;ander For bes, ESI. Jainiaia. c Atarried, at F-riseha -ughi, oil the 20th tilt. byv tile Re-. (hariles lPriestly, A'l1 DAvIDK) K4Ni;Lr, ME.hrxt nIld1 S1lit Maximilacturel, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IT KUIiw pajilcil ?? v.ISII Uc g *- I - I - t lU - - A II?IAG it-- b04il1e 1911i Ul. at Chuooll Grensfey 11 this rinty, by the S' i!l-Lo.3d, Mr. Lager, ol Croxndl Haill, to Elira.youtigest w .l t1o; Irl jlulte Jamaes PvcroIt, Gelit. o1 Drasfelo1v. *I \llr pidax Ib 811l ult. Hit St. Aary's, Noti ghlaifl, Mr. iill, jj;iler ulld cabinet aml-ur, ot thl town., to Mar11 Ul ?? litirel of M I. A. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4^ arriage% anb Deaitb . ~ oI of MARRIlED, Mr:ilin On Sondly. the2*th uolt.-atSt. Peter's Church, Mr. Williamn 30 Clarkssn, boolc.keeper. to.Isi66sMlrsha Grifliths. -On Trhursday, the 28tb ult. at Heversham Chaurch, near Ben. .Ti dal,.Ricliard Tetley, Esq. of this town, toi Sarah, only daughter ?? of Thnias Wilkinson, Esq. of ?? Cottage, Westmorland. ru, on Toesdiy last. at. St. Phillip's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIEI D. Mr. Wt Adrams, butcher, of Aoersltato, Bi ,s, to MissCatherine Child, ofthe sante ?? DAllaisn, Suffo lk, Mr. Benjailnil l)titsiniig to Miss Sttiai ;loor, hth of that pl Ace-I. Jus. i oat foil, curs dealer, of Chobliam, to eliss Jenkitss, daughter if Mi. John Jenkins, (if Bagchot.-Mr. Henry Cliristolibersott, of Ipswich, to Harriet, youngest daughter of Mr. Joseph Wailis, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. The Rev. F. C. ,Johiiisui, sort oif tiie Ret. C. Jlhn- son, Prebtindiiry of Wells, to Emia Franccs, daughter of Thomas Brroloe, Esq. of Cornbv Grove, jieoi Batb. -Wll. 11vitle iurftis, Esq. to ElizAhetil, daughter of the late'Mr.Jacob WVest, of Marsh Mill, Warmilinster, -Mr. G. RItley, wuool-dualcr, to iers. Hall, both of Culne.-AL Staliieford, Wilts, George Mackrell, Esq. of itoise!, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t ;g~~STa tV rt V' 5. . O:n Tliarslay, Mlr. Samnn el Leresehe, of Manchester, to Jnne, eldest dlacghter of Mr. Jolit Scrdellrtid, of this town. A few clys gLo, Mr. John1 Haicsssvccrth, of Parsley, to Harrier, you ngest daagl'cr oe f sit. XVWilliami Its elksid, of Stanclingfty. On tlhe 1th inst. at Dublis,, the Duchess of Leinster, of a daughtf r. docrgitcrr On Suarsv, at his hoaner in Russell ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... C On the 26th tilt, at Montrose, tile Lariy of Captain ( d HIUNTER, of the Sir David Scott Indiaman, of a son. At M!dlta, on the 21st January, the Lady of Vicee fea to Admiral Sir GRAI;AM MIOORE, K. C. B., of a §hn and heir. T At Edinborgh, the LTady of Major ORTL (late royal cc ty fusileers), of a daughter. On the 29th ult. at Whitehall Place, London, La. G 6 IY JAMES STUART, of a son. a fo ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oc BIRTHS. C1a Sattirls Ij last, the Lady of' W. 1n. Darwist, Esq. of 1 (r 1W.e ill alaiw Citattv. Of a Si l, U11 l etolltse ou Tuesday seramight, Lady lMilton, ol a Cb Willoll Plectory, otl the tst ilst. the lady of the Riev. Ov , AAlubull, ol a Soll. r~z~ . IlA7Z~l~~lsCh hr litattit at Ashboeir, it this couniv, by tie fvl ?? ' . falr. ulviry Fermi. to Alias slary Vri U'l 1* 4iltter at '11r. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDN&ID)A 7, ApzziT. E10,18 ~~~t.fff .* F flru lfl BIRTHS. On Monday the 1st illsitt at tlhe house of John Ilenry leey, Esq. in ?? Gardili, Westninllster, the Right kon. Lady Frances Ley, of a ddughter. At Culiompton, ou Thursday last, the Lady of Ft'rderiok Leigh, BEq. of a son. At ?? Rectory, onl Tuesdaiy, the Lady of the Nev. it. A. Hnghes, of a snr. oil tve 2d inst. at hier brother's. E. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 't atMARRIED, plsat SPeter's Church , Mr.-Henrrv tR,1inson, S htrrt chaitors M935ary AnEliano ii-Heoreth, of St. Ajichael',18 'N y set, place. ItSzt: tO Mbat hachlas's Church, Mr. Riracurd t; a, 3S~tA 2 eDeontun. scoedl daughter iiZhv~ O hll1ta telrr. ofl1;nnn Clements to tA o~lS2Oiary,Esq.~ Cle. ont. t * ?? StoAts, aMr. hobor Birthrght, at the Ter. .:le crmrir t, or Top Hill, in Sr ...