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Advertisements & Notices

... TAKE NOTICE. V71H VI' Meln iTra*l.. Spring (inis, ?? Dog SIpears, ,ale set upol tIle} PtleiCus of BROOKWs HALL. iivh, Sisl October, 1S22. PORT of IPSkVICI-i. fro-hl' next Meceting of the ComimisSioners for Ihipro. illt; this Polt, will hle held by aidjouirlnienit at tilh 'I ?? all. I 0swidi (I.i 'I'uesday the 12iti instant, pre- ciselY at Rieven o'clock in the forenoon, IlpSUaJlL, s. Ji A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Laltouring MarsVicl -MAN, frec fiom in- A cobsanres, and who has been iwcustonmcd to work in a Garden, and vwhose Wife will cither go out to W'ash, or is eayable of takling in Wlashing arnd ge.- ting up Linen mlay mleet w~ith anl eligii)ly-situated Cottage in the t'ounrry, wvhere thte 3Ia7 wi11 get em._ plovulient bv the 0'reek great j~altr of the year and if he hcir ever mnade hitatteif ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Richmond, Surrey.-By Mr. NORRIS, on the Premises, Chol- * mondely-walk, THIS DAY, AHE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PAINT- T INGS, PRINTS, CHINA, GLASS, BOOKS and WINES, property of ROBT. HUNTER, Esq. quitting his residence. The Furniture comprises large four postbedsteads and bedding, excellent cabinet work in winged wardrobes, drawers, rosewood and mahogany claw tables, drawing room ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLAS-GOW% COILLEGE. ?? El1KI. ?? he'in his COURSE of' D) 4LCX'iLUPE, wth 1E7QPLItlMIENTS in N-A- .1 I. L P11i LU S OILYon 'iJE1)A te 5th NOVLM B ?? at ihtule;in the cvmfiIXL. eight i ?? hl. t jl~ I ?? st c'~i i i II theo norni 1) g, al at IiL tiI th eelt4' VCT 1 UtIdU 8Ii~ slv 4 NUA BE1 It' o f C I,: N'T1' A IEN 1iviiir- in the NV ESE LXI) ~~of the. TOWN~` 1a n Ed 1102 in thaz-t pa.- of tlt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CI I\IAL LECTURES ON IL''ti j-lLI. CU\IL A iN, WIll coml'!flneC a i i u IJ N I CAL L 1'U1' Su the Sn t t - ' the tA0YAL iNFI [RMANY, onl TucL 's t01iL at three o'clock Pm. ' Thl Lectures w:i le Li!; I: the Collees as duritig last & ssion, and wvil !!J C,! on 1ue,2tays andT Thursdays, at the salrm houur tuT^ *rinter (Quarter. 9, GVRDON STREET,. Nov. .th . 2. XOOLLEiN CL1OT WA H 30 and $1, G LL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rER CLA.SqiE9 of kAPHIY, ani F.NG iSH I Grjtiemen, coflmmence on s Principle, (if klocution, d of the Bonksel1rrs. rivat ady, nod in 'ioarding WVER STRIKET. 4GUAGE. IRD hag rosained his his class Itoom; I; 5'hiiri4 meetts from bsvzrixto twelve IN LANGUAGES. ,e of France, 13a ProM versity oi Nantz- bieg rleae of this City; that-,hrlhs IrALIAN LlA*NGUAGES icr at bis own Ludiniigs (at ege Street) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOTNES BARRACKS.§ 0 be SOLD, all that pleasantly sitiatedl IFII~D -oii ,wbiuh ?? stanod, :¢ntainiog Three Acres, (more;. or less) of vilnable' Land. REE3 HOLD,,.and theland-tax redeeried~ to'etheri t'it the. whole of the.BUL'LDIGiSOIUTh, OVSE $, PVNP4A Kit .WLLS, WE'LSsUst1PS, ROADWAY&, FIXTURES, e.(N. B. A:'ll article6 ofstoies jnd Faurnilinieepted.), - Proposals for the purchaseof the ?? Pro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBYSHIRE MICH.4ELMAS ADJGUflNEDI SE.kIONS, 1822. OT(1'iCE is hereby Given. that the General Quarter Sesioioas of the Peace fir the County of Derbk' held at Derbov enTuesday the 15th Instant, owore atdjourned to Friday the 8th day if Notvemtber next, then to be held atthe County H1a1 in Derby at II O'clock in the 1orenoan. 4. L. Y2i NAIARD, Clerk oJ Ute Peace. Chesterfleld, 21st October, 182g ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rDersaE TO COLrONErL FLrTcHER, AT BeO-eos.-The cc'. our friend AL£THES, of Chorley, ohsaldha'.eseen:r last week. The duner and. puctrait latety . t. to Colonel Flet.'h'r is ertainsly a sujiect ;r ' ?? en pasaant, but our correspondent, - h:,e a-: higher game, maydotheparty too muchihonlr. ne. nuts bh a stearm-vower is alne ist as ?? ing a crowd of wonmen and children bs atrii'j - We ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thtr J r'ptch/?AhJ. I-lSnA \J ?? anCo(X, T1. O:-':ilvieL, MI t.'g Ilk' II Ii:;iI~ ~ ~n r V. artiavv and Can T' * !)f 4C'Qd, tA1:~i~u: sf, a.u:S.V; 1 SeAvrt zafldtv U. ?? 7 .4.. an P~di, Avan L 7 J. 4 > (.1 A V(7 r d ii ?? ~eai-:r;Ir NI I i word -~ Seo &, t o. ~ ~ ?? 71, ..2 1 I XI1cLI(t 1 our o! ?? t-(i- 'I j**I (7 ?? iH Tbc iijx' \7''Jboff ro r5 n,orte * . '7 V i a ?? t ro~n I; cl;'i:i ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ittS Y UCdION'. Valuable Stock of Woolldn Clotlis.-By Mr. OXENHA M, at his Spacious Rloom, 653, Oxrford-stretet, near tile Pantheon, THIS DAY, at Twelve, without Reserve, N excellen Assortment of Extra' Superfine West A -of England CLOTHS, ?? of blues, blacks, olives, r and Oxford mixtures, prime milled ,and single cassinneres, ld' bilue'lhabit cloths, and secictids, deserving the notice of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Modern Household Furniture, few Books, &c.-By Messrs. DAWSON and CAFE, at their Spacious Rooms, Great Marlborough-street, THIS DAY, at Twelve, by order of the Sheriff of Middlesex, rHE genuine and modern HOUSEHOLD FUR- T NAl LIT RE, a pedestal sideboard, piano fortes, violins, suite ofhandsome chintz French window curtains for three windows, and 12 chairs, Grecian couches, ...