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... INQU ST Upon Mr. W. WELLS, of Bucking'ham, Hzeld on lFreelneesayI Nov. 27, bs/;ste Ml, . Ldsrsslhasll, sie 'of the Cerosibcs'ajbl thal coaity. [TFFh CiltCulls'rANCE WAS GIVFN' LAST' WEltE.] Charles (ross, of Tingewick, shoemalier, depos d, that on his roasd home frontn Butckinghanm iast MeInda' eveninig, I he 25th ht November, iv csitupanly with his ?? Dasriarat, lie miet a horse. aild gig, ...


... LA* INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY, DEc. 2. The Court sat this morning at half.past eleven o'clock. IstawTON v. NALDI. The LoRD CHANCELLOR said, that he wished to know whether, ?? He had great difficulty ill saying that the demurrer put in could not be sustained, but certainly if he decided the other way, he felt he must also allow the plaintiffs to amend their bill. The object of the ...


... MANsIOk-MoosU.-Yesterday a boy named JONES was brought Into the Justice-room, on an officer's back, and placed before l Alderman Cox, as a vagrant demanding the Magistrate's peculiar attention. Tiw officer stated that in passing over London Bridige a few evienings ago, he saw a great number of persolis crowding round some object, which setmed to excite intense curiosity. With some difficulty ...


... POLICE INT.rILI Nt. _ G ! ridai5 afternloon, Alerchiston ( ',stie, in this I *icinity. the property of the I-Ion. C!:pall Napier, w vhich is fifrnished, but at present unpossessed, WiaS o broke into by two thieves, who had caretkilly packed itti a number of valuable articles, but were hlckily s caugilt before thley could carry them oif. Mr *'nle, lately a gunner in thle nyv', who resides in ...


... Yesterday the Bench of Magistrates was occupied in hearing an appeal case. 5OH Dx BlEAT and others happealed against the conviction, had before John Halls, Esq. one of the Bow-street Magistrares. TI'he conviction was had under the 3d of Geo. IV. which provides,| amongst other things, that all persons who shall be apprehended in the act of playing or betting at unlawful ganses, shall be deemed ...


... CORONERS' IA QUESTS. Yesterday an inquest was held at the Barley Mow, Mount- street, Grosvenor-square, before Mr. Higgs, Coroner for West. minster, upon the body of an elderly gentleman, name unknown, found in the Serpentine River, Hyde Park, with his throat cut. Robert Ingleitone, assistant keeper of Hyde Park, deposed, that about half-past four ?? last Saturday evening, as he was going from ...


... A, VsP WiNTER HOME CYSO0UT-HERTFORD, Dic. 9. The Cnmmnssione issued ontiepresent occasion were similar to the Commissions usually issued, except that a proviso was inserted In eaclleavitg it to the Judges to exercise their discretion whe- ther they would try such cases, wherein the recognizances re- Iuird thje prosecutors and their witnesses to appear and prosecute t=%,berider at the General ...


... . ,de QUERNsWUAnE.-'Tuesday afternoon, Josts NEWMAN was Id brought to this Office fromn Totilll-fields prison, and anally exa- mined before the Sitting Magistrate, on a charge of breaking the m- 'hop window of Mr. Stiles, watchmaker and jeweller, King's' r, road, Chelsea, and stealing therein two valuable gold seals and a iecoral necklace. on Mr. WiM. Stone deposed, that he lived opposite tie ...


... COURT OF CIIANCERY.-Drc. 20. THE PORTSIOUTH CAUSE. Mr Horne said that lie had been given to under- stand that his Lordship had communicated with some of the parties on the subject of the commission, and that the commissioners were appointedl: he desired to know if the time was fixed for them to commence their duties. The Lord Chancellor thought that he could not well fix the time without ...


... 1IA5araottouoH-sTnEET.-Yesterday a clothes salesnian, named BiuaroiouHs, residing in Monmouth-street, appeared to an infor- mation under the Mutiny Act, charging himi with having pur- chased four regimental coats, from two deserters from the.2d regi- ment of Life Guards, at the time knowing the property to be part of the King's stores. It appeared on the evidence of - Taylor, a Life Guardsman, ...


... MAIDSTONE, DEC. 16. The Assizes commenced here to-day about one o'clock. Mr. Justice BAYLEY arrived last night, but Mr. Baron GRAHAM did not come into town until this evening. The calendar is very heavy, there being at prese:t 119 prisoners for trial, many of whom are charged with heinous offences. Air. Justice BAYLEY cbarged the Grand Jury. ASTHoNYe ALECOCIC was indicted under Loid ...


... 71 E LATE BECACON.' UlTIty CoU1T, iMoNDAv, Drc. 9. fo GtDSOSN D. Sil EVEt(tOON. . Slt s an Cction brought by the pursuer, James its i1 iv as of lla licto' , cler to the signet, against Ja Stevenson, the printer of tlhe late th ; sh llth causeof action was alleged defunia- (rr yto chlaracter and feelings, by state- qu dby the efender in the said Be(rcon; Yr ?? bess0 lnow to recover damages ...