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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WED;NESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1823. ?? fl a # n ,BIRTHS. Oni Sjnday, .in this city, the' Lady of-tbe Rev. N. Cole, of Hurston-Hotise, Whitestone, of a son, wh.o sukvived. but. a few hours. On the 22d inst. tit her mother's house, in Berkeley-, sqiiare, toiadon, the Lady of Henry ;Bidguod, .Esq. of Icoekbeare Court; Devon, of a son. On Ltbe 20th instant, in St. Sidwell's, ?? of J. Walk r 'Esq. of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LI Ois the 28th ult. the Lady of GILBErT Lp.i;c ! . ;f sol, Esq. of Linidertis, of a con. g At Harpole, near Northampton, on tb' *th uis. s, tile Lady of the .-Ion. and Rev. T. L. Dc:.cse of t. daughter. I At BrussCIs, on the 22d ult. the Iigitt lon. i.ily a MTAE.M..A KNOX, wifte cf the Eion. John. Henry Eir.e ie of a son and heir. pe On the mosrning of Christmas day, the Ladsy of Sit d JANES ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ey be ^lt'lrricb -a- On Tuesslav the l4th inst. at St. Paneras New Church, by be the ltev. Dr.jMore, Vicar, the Rev. J. P.MnlleCsoh, A.h. of this town, to Aima Sophia, daughter of Wm. Taylor, Esq. n , of Frederick-place, Hamnpstead-road. e On theltth inst. at Islington, near London, the Rev. Geo. hr Adslisoo Coombs, of Manchester, to Eliza, daughter of Thos. sd Wilson, Esq. of theformer place. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ___ =r- =;.- .-,' ,,r.--S q> ' -' ItC BIRTU.-At 'KinllIethinriltn on the Soth ult. Ladiv i cJANI E LNI)tAY CARtNt:UiG, of a dantigliteL. i) Died here, u1pon0 the 0ltl) inst. deeplY regyettoiI by ti all whto knew him, Al.EXt. 1RLtOn':TSON lIt . iAdvocate, t -aged :37. I Ili tl ctir(dv Piiacec. Itlinhlurgi,. ili thje 21st tult. \I ttAti:.111r it\ A ; andi. fil the 'i'2, F131tA II11pH, ti dIan n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Birrtl, at Aherdeen, on the '25th CUlt. nlrs. ALI:. C.I ]'lFlAsiT1, of' a datughter. Blirtl, at Blanffl; on Alihla tile 2'2th is~t. Al!-s. 0 CIt; IMACl IlA:N, '21d Wejt Iudi a li egi In t, of' a t( t) Oil. fim Diedl, ait Bencoolen, the( I ~,th Septernbcar l~t, to I if WTt.rI,1Ai .JACK, E1~q. Assi4itmt Su Lr'on, ol tile BCngill till] MIedi cal Estilblishrtoenit. tl Y Died, -on the '20th inst. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Pentrich, on Tuesday the Mist ult. by the Rev. John Wood, M-Ir. 1s illiai llWilmrott, of Udibrook, boot and shoe-m..rker, to fcl5 Larriet F'rearson, dress mal er, daughter of MIr. Frearson, Litclb.snth, of llipley, both in this counlty. At CavLe Doniogeon, on Tucsday the 3ist ult. by the Rev. J. Dniby, Dr:. FredeicklIepworth, of Nottingham, to liss Eleanor Sowtcr, your.gcst drughter of J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MIARII'ED. Jan. 6, ib Bath, Mlr. XVm. Malsaylv of this city, to Miss Mlary lKing, of' Bath. Jan. 7, at St. l'aul's church, Mr. Win. 1-eaven Wk-cs. olf Nai;Ssworth, to Juhamnnah, second daughter of the late £.ir. John Miller, of this city. Jan^. S, M!ra. Win. Strivenl, saddile, of :M/onmouth, to el'elu Goaninlest, eldest daughter of MrW. Wim. Payne, of Gloucester. .Iin. 8, Mir. E. C. Alorgan, ...

-I BBith.-On Thur sd

... ay morning, 'the 26th ul t. at Holkhani, i the Lady Ann Coke, of a son and heir. MARRIED, On Friday, the 13th nit, at Dolgelle, Mr. W. ' . Jones to t Miss Jane j Lewis, both of that-place. The bridegroom is the f faaned b ad (Gwl ilyym cnwrdaf) who was chaired at brrcon' P the las t Eisteddfod, and won the medal for the Awdl ono the n Regency. The moetsuarked demonstrations of respect were ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WE, DNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1823. M ARRIED. Oa Saturday last, ?? West Teignmontb, John Iidsley, Esq. to Miss A. Bond, daughter of the late Mr. S. Bond, merchant, of that place. At Littleham Churcb, on Monday, Mr. Allen. of London. to Miss Mary Webber, of Exmnoutlh. (01 Wednesday. at Corfe, Somerset, Mr. B. Al. Poole, solicitor, of Wellinigton, to Elizabeth George, eldest daughlter of 31r. T. ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 13frtho. Ilt Bedfordl Place, Londlon, on thu. it:ih -urt. th0. Lady of Dr E.DWARI IltOMAS MONRtO, ot ;I son. At Itlhebo I lose, oil the 1 lth curt. thc l.aly of Co- lontI BETrHUNE, of Blebo, of a daughter. 1,3t.rtaf. At tflinptead, on, the 16th curt. TiriYiS 13E(:Bc- WlTil, Esq. of Bcdolod Place, to IZ.tPt second datighltor of the late Johii Spottisei(,.' e. lq ot Spottiswooide. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (n 'Firtljr. to On the 2d inst. at Mrs. Anstruther's house in 11e riot Rowt, thle Lady of JOIHN DALYRLL, Esq. ofl a daughter. re On the 3d current, the llon. Mrs THomAs Ejlssarc, t of a daughter. At Durham, on the Ist curt. CZAnLES Aowasrms, dt Esq. I Ith light dragoons, to ELIZABETH AtNS, eldelst daughter of William Cooke, Esq. M. D id At Leith, on the Gth curt. Mr Turom is i-,s os *n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... U At Clapham, the Reverend Edward Horne, of a Stanstead, Sussex, to Mary Ann, second daughter of I Captain James Thomas, of Clapham-rise.-At Orr, e Glocestershire, the Rev. C. P. N. Wilton to Mliss Plaistowe, of Warwick-street, Pall Mall.-The Rev. S. R. Hartley, of Haydoubridge, Northumberland, r to Mlary, daughter of the late William Gilpin, Esq. of T Whitehaven.-The Rev. H. Lacey, of ...