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... .1 , Z? 11 I i . T . - i ., r ., t ? . I . ?? 1. 1. . 1. . .. ?? - I 1. . YA I c I \;1! i;i, &c. i r - C., c.c'c'II .cccltqcIl Al- IY t.: e, - ) . ic S' I' icr> ollive tlerc, IStil J 1c1t:cr1 cd i 1 Ilclry, It) t ' li.c , .I NI vs s rL:cS, mctr-ccllt in Ti.tccl-ci n c the m lo LllIci Jmc ic [cl-c-cc c c I11r' Icc-c ,. Il l-, it nT:;u:l! :!1T ?? IFvbil:y,1 O I s. ;1 . i.A Cul t\) '-¢i[N'v, ...


... HI1 GHL C) LTl 2' (oil JUSTICAdR Y e lood-V the Court having met, Mr John Hiope plesent- s ed his -j.jjerty'si comission appointing him Solicitor- Gcnerael for Setitlaend, andr took th: unite oath. c 'ialianz Jlr'ft~re was then placed tit thc bar, charged Wnith the trnees ot' hotisehbrnaking aid theft, perpetrzi td early it) the morningtof the Sd of October, ii the premises r of Brachouse, in ...


... POLIE. Bow-sTRaET.-Yesterday Hitayr-Kiksaa, late a porter in the service of Messrs. Storr and'Mottlmner, of Bond-street, silver smiths, was brought up by Snowsell and Candle, two of the patrol, charged with 'stealing a goid watch.value4O guineast,,e- Veral dozen of silver spoons, and other articles of plate, the pro- Wperty of his emlployert. ELIZASETH Cirsiuar anti SARAH BOWENI were also put ...


... - POLICZ.. M[Avszoii-Housi.:-Yeaterda~y Tha. Crx Flint's, on Fish-street-hill, was brought befoi&.te o4iia4 Irt charged with having robbed the peoviesiq ojucio w i r, brother, RictiAnn CLARKE,Wb 5550bd frel eni h ee IIof Mr. Flint, in the same situation,.Pwlur wa chare sf d being the receiver. hMr. Flint stated, that Richard Clar ke hdlvda otri h nhuefor three years, and then left A'tieev ...


... LAW tIVTELLIGGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY, JAN. 20. . The LoRn CHANcEtLLOR, on account of the extreme coldness of l the weather, in addition to his hibouring under a severe cough, sat in his own roos tchfsmorning, which his Lordship was anx-i ious should not be construed into a private hearing. It is but fair i to state that the room was perfectly accessible to all persons who might -esire to be ...


... COU RT OF KING'S BENCH, JAN- 8. London A4djsursied Sittings, ejifer Michaetssas'Termi, before. the II Lord Chief Justice1 and Common J'riest. I LEEt V. NECWSOM. This was' on action of assu)SRpi on a banker's check, drawn by f( tthe defendant, payable on dilland upon Messrs.. Fry and Chap. ai man. The defence set up ,tvas, that the check, in quesetion had si beets stolen by. some person unknown ...


... LAW-liv k~ wJG , cR. COURT OF KING'S G uzLnssrsi.Lisaoasi J.. A djiournehsd Siissf.liifgs, mfte 5whqe Teoere ie lord C/dge : *' - .Js4tice;'~ndLy¢srn'qtA5tFi ' t~~~~~~ | This was enrsctivn btougbt r tecovrxompensatlon, in da^ nmages, from th' deendansfor.Msn-fuilmentf a promise I of msarriage niede..lsehism to ibll iiatiff.; - I The cse: for sha,>isnd ff-,wdsi conducted by mr. 'PrInxiis and M ...


... - o -- !_ - ?? - ixr L __ These Sessions commenced at Wetherby before rial Sir Wm. A. Ingilby, Rart. Chairman the Rev. James 1hat Geldart, 1, L. D ; B. Brooksbank, B. Dealtry, R. F. it a WilsonS M. Lawson, W L F. Scott, W. Rhodes, and hey J. York Tsqrs Thera were only three prisoners p- charged with felony, viz Bejamin Simpson; George luc (,cnnor, David Fenton, w he were all acquitted.- *icts ...


... IIj(,;I ( l1 ?? (;l .CtOURI J l( ' 1; fl/l]AV' A.. . 9. ., ' lg*lately ptrisoini r itl the Jatil of St ringjo, afont ?? o )tili tile It 1St (Ii Octobeor IS]15, foiir strits ?? the -hrI';rk f cnhiidavii, in ti' parishi of St Niniajo's, 4tl iootofSrrmg. the pt-spotty of Wi pamtl Murray. I. It Iloocftadan, pleaded. Gu ilhti, and the prosecutor stat .d ihatk aholtltigl the crime charged wats ...


... Cloal-ge of Stealing -inn Tickets.-A young man named Rogers, porter to Messrs. Barnet and Co., of the Old White Horse Cellar, Piccadilly, was indicted for having stolen a bundle of tickets, which were not filled up by the clerk. The value of the tickets was laid at two-pence. The public will be able to trace in this prosecution the cause of the numerous impositions practised every day, and ...


... Yesterday TnoMAs CLIFFORD was put to the bar, charged with stealing a silver tea-uri, the pioperty of Montagve Levyson. By rrpresenting hinsalf as a journeyman to the prosecutor, who ii; a j.ewller and silversmith, the prisoner obtained the urn in question. n order to do sime work to it. He made away' with it in some way that had not been discovered, and then absconded. .Ilr. LAW, for the ...


... LIVERPOOL EPIPP-,ANW -SSS.rbONS. . 'he Quanter -Scsiorns for this Rl-.-h i 'The QUalter -Sessiog for Xthis Borough colmjmenced oui Monday last, ..It the Town-balia, befoze the :lVsrship7-t Win. Mlolyneux, Es . Mlayr, Jame's-tarke,-is .l. corder, and other A~istrarrs; John Shaw tegl ±nd BIichard Dawson, Esqs. Bailil~s. Thenumberof prisoners for trial was 92 on charges .0of felony and -aM Jbr ...