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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ; At Melville Plare, S',tirlirg, on thi I :t. SL; ,1 Ir . Uluili, of a sOI. At St. Andrew's, on the .th ult. iMrs; tt. ttza of a son. At Norfolk Ifouse, on the ]3th ult. the 'XoWrtees of ' 1SVInnEY, of a daughter. In Glonicesteri Place, London, on the 9th ole. tlie Lady of SpEiscite. rMACKAY, Eq. uf a daughter i II Ch vrlotte Square, onl thu s8th ult. Mrs T'rr er r of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 60 t rb r e n. j WEDNESDAY, AU .7'y Tirth.-At 11otterdnim, on 22d Decemther, Mrs. JAMXES Y~t. ti, of a Son. Birth.-At tLe Mantse of Rosemarkie, on tile 5th tilt. Mrs Wool, of a eon. AL ElIgi, e(n tile 263th ltlt. Mr. JAMES BtaAtXPri;, Writer in Goipsie, Stitherlandshire, to MARGAaRETt, eldest daughter of 'Mr. Thomas ;'l Lachlan, Igin. ,It I'itcttrrie, near IBervia, on Friday 2Sth ult. Mr. JA ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LI Ois the 28th ult. the Lady of GILBErT Lp.i;c ! . ;f sol, Esq. of Linidertis, of a con. g At Harpole, near Northampton, on tb' *th uis. s, tile Lady of the .-Ion. and Rev. T. L. Dc:.cse of t. daughter. I At BrussCIs, on the 22d ult. the Iigitt lon. i.ily a MTAE.M..A KNOX, wifte cf the Eion. John. Henry Eir.e ie of a son and heir. pe On the mosrning of Christmas day, the Ladsy of Sit d JANES ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ___ =r- =;.- .-,' ,,r.--S q> ' -' ItC BIRTU.-At 'KinllIethinriltn on the Soth ult. Ladiv i cJANI E LNI)tAY CARtNt:UiG, of a dantigliteL. i) Died here, u1pon0 the 0ltl) inst. deeplY regyettoiI by ti all whto knew him, Al.EXt. 1RLtOn':TSON lIt . iAdvocate, t -aged :37. I Ili tl ctir(dv Piiacec. Itlinhlurgi,. ili thje 21st tult. \I ttAti:.111r it\ A ; andi. fil the 'i'2, F131tA II11pH, ti dIan n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (n 'Firtljr. to On the 2d inst. at Mrs. Anstruther's house in 11e riot Rowt, thle Lady of JOIHN DALYRLL, Esq. ofl a daughter. re On the 3d current, the llon. Mrs THomAs Ejlssarc, t of a daughter. At Durham, on the Ist curt. CZAnLES Aowasrms, dt Esq. I Ith light dragoons, to ELIZABETH AtNS, eldelst daughter of William Cooke, Esq. M. D id At Leith, on the Gth curt. Mr Turom is i-,s os *n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2 - I ,, c, v b, c t i 1? - WrEDNESD)AY, T.Jo 'aar/ 22,? Bi-l.* At D ontrose, on thle lt El ilist. Mrs Gj:onr t: I CtiwWIDoMr, of' a dalighter. tl On Sunda iy last, tile 1a il of ColoelP1 1IIocnTr Gon- tI lION, :lluntalgt , Sqlarv, L.ond, olf a son. Both ' motlher ilnd iiltnt are dtling well. Mrliied, at Abecdcein, oil tile t2fthl curt. hv the v IILv. li. I lirio(ll'uso(1 of' liatl!Ven, C ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e Zirtbo. e At Hermitage-house. on the 9th curt. the L-dlv of e ALEX. BuRN, Esq. of a daughter. s At Cullen, county of Tipperary, Irelasd, c;n the Ist current, the wife of Lieut. W. A. ci., 9th Highlanders, of a son. ' At 2. Greenside Place, on tile I It:1h n .tu - I KENNEDY, of a son. c At No. 2. Nelson Street, Edinbuini.-, ,', i!' tin, g curt. Mrs GEowGE HOGARTH, of a sC,- ,r At Leith Fort, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Birrtl, at Aherdeen, on the '25th CUlt. nlrs. ALI:. C.I ]'lFlAsiT1, of' a datughter. Blirtl, at Blanffl; on Alihla tile 2'2th is~t. Al!-s. 0 CIt; IMACl IlA:N, '21d Wejt Iudi a li egi In t, of' a t( t) Oil. fim Diedl, ait Bencoolen, the( I ~,th Septernbcar l~t, to I if WTt.rI,1Ai .JACK, E1~q. Assi4itmt Su Lr'on, ol tile BCngill till] MIedi cal Estilblishrtoenit. tl Y Died, -on the '20th inst. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 13frtho. Ilt Bedfordl Place, Londlon, on thu. it:ih -urt. th0. Lady of Dr E.DWARI IltOMAS MONRtO, ot ;I son. At Itlhebo I lose, oil the 1 lth curt. thc l.aly of Co- lontI BETrHUNE, of Blebo, of a daughter. 1,3t.rtaf. At tflinptead, on, the 16th curt. TiriYiS 13E(:Bc- WlTil, Esq. of Bcdolod Place, to IZ.tPt second datighltor of the late Johii Spottisei(,.' e. lq ot Spottiswooide. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I - I 7lftrtlir. s At Bollylill, near Rochester, on the lbt nlt, the -Laody of Captain M'L.suD, C. B. 1bly:l Navv, of a Idaughter. - At No. II,. George Street, on thle 2t , it. M . a II-ALDAN r:, of a dauighter, At Naplus, on the 17th Decenl' cr, rhe Lauil ot ALEXANDER TtOMPt'SON, Fsq. of adaoghter. ;inttvtiege0 - At Edinburglh, on the 27th tilt. b:; t'lf .le Ar- drew Thomson, MIr. ROBERT ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f1v ? A 111.1p. r 0 le e P. lb Birth-At Park Irouse, on tile 30th ult, Mrs t-on- Ir DOX, of a daugliter. Si Mied, at Malse of '()yne, on the I1th January, .AIIY, d~[aUgIhter of tie l'Rev. Amox. CusiNy. NY IDied hicre, oit the :,th ult. in th£e 7tith year of he rl age, MrIs. ELrIZAEI;I-'r Cotmoets, relict of tie dceceased Mr. DANtJ1. 'MArrpHTIRitIrSONnl, aid DcLL hter of tile le- ceased 2,lr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - er-o e en. A EDNESI)AY, 1F'eh lvar 1'. Pt rri.-At I Ive)heuss, oil t ll 28th ult. Mrs FsyviE, ai's s;l('[' Cly elit2i'C of a r a ilghter. )IrS. Ef.IzABErIL ArAUiY I('. iji dief bee, on Tucs- dlay the .Ih Febrhla y, aqged 72. At Aberdeen, on tie 2$)th Janilulry, A1r. J.saies Bourniumi.a, Shilmitster, agedl 5S3 yvnrs. At Newton, Sutihelaatdiilsire, ion the 2Oth nit. AlaTs. ElIZAIIITII .ICI;AY, ...