... HERTFORTD, MARCH 8. The Assizes for this County finished at a late hour this evening. On the Crown Side there were nine capital convictions, and out of the whole Calendar, containing thirty-one cases, there was but one acquittal. Thc following are the names of the capital con- victs and their offences -''homnas gHorkins and Hezekiah Dra. per, for hotse-stealing; William Paine and John Todd, ...


... It - 'srlom.Hooss -Yeaterday Aracz M'Ksnsv; a servant in the c Cpstom-House, was charged withhiving opened a desk in one of lthie Offices, and stolen aeBank 'note, sovereigns, and silver, and two men named GRausa and M'Coraucx, were, charged with baving received the sarune.:- Mir. John .M. Pcters, asclerk in ti Custom-lgose, stated, that 'on Mosiday~, the 10th of February, it the closq of ihe ...


... LAW I1NTELLIGENCB. COURT OF COMMOK PLEAS, Maurn 5. Adijournsed Sittinsg$ in Lond~on, befre the Chuief jmutico and a A4~ cicd Jury. H~ILL ANDo OTHERS V. THOMPSON 1.1415 OTHERS. hs1. Mr. SOLIaCITOR. GENERAL stated the case to the Jury. hs a an action brought by the plaintiffs, the patentees ofavaub discovery for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, against the de. fendants, operative chemists at ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-FRADAY. [Adjourned Sittings in London before Mr. Justice Barrough, and a I Special Jury.] C. F. HEMINGS v. N. M. ROTfJSCHiLD.-Mr.,COMYN opened the pleadings. This was an action to recover the sum of 1,23l.- Is. 9d;, which the plaintif averre-tlte defendant hadl received to his use. The defendant had pleaded the general issue. Mr. SerJeant PELL stated the case to the Jury ...


... COURT oU1 CgANCkRk-DEc. 19. His Lordship hesid the remaining motions of the Seal in his private room.n DEVAYNES V. NOBLE.-This was an application by the AT- TORNEY-GENERAL on behalf of the plaintit; the effect of which was to restrain the payment of a sum of 8005. out of Court: The question involved a nice point of law, founded upon the following facts --Messrs. Devaynes, Dawe, Noble, and Co. ...


... PowrTssroirnj Nov. 24.-This morning arrived his Majesty's ship Hlussar, Captain Harris, CiB., having on board Admiral Sir A. I. Cochrane, G.C.B., Commander in Chief at Plymouth; also Capt. Dundas, and others, to attend as witnesses, &c. on the Court-Martial on Capt. Harris, for which every prepara- tion is making on board the Queen Charlotte,in our harbour.- Admiral Sir J. H. Whitsbed, K(.C.B. ...


... 1 ''-. T .-Yeterdav, W`ILLIAm ThOMPSON, TItoDIAS Too.,, 'N lilt 1Hi(K5;, and 'i'tloM;s AhrLLS, Wcre brought Ib:; So'r~ 'i ;IRNIn, charged withi being the ringleaders in :'.tina tie life, naimed Baskerville, who had lecen If.:; Ri' luiliZ at Turnlhain Green, was so notorious ,;f'; i: f (l rinl ti, as to halve a'iCui'edt the nickname of *1 i. am, av'l'by 'dlilli'IIIC of lin-.:irlqintmllitclie ...


... ong S COTS APPEAL. tine RAE AND OTHERS, APPELLANTS, VERSUS GIBSON CRAIG, RES- oan PoNDENP1. Go- A little before three o'clock this appeal caent onl yesterday Tue in the House of Lords.- te Mr. BROUGHAriI, Counsel for Mr. Gibson Craig, after some tepreliminary observations, the purport of which was to show tto that the party for wh~lom lie appeared could only be called the Pursuer, his title in ...


... Bow-STRsZET.-Yesterday the sitting Magistrate, G. K. WIN- SuIIuLL,'Esq. was occupied nearly the whole of the morning it, the investigation of an eXtrassrdinary case of Arson. - The person accused was JOHsN GOTTIsE, the man whose house its New- street, -Covent-garden, was burnt downs on Monday night last, upon which occasion an elderly Lady who lodged there unforts- nately perished in the ...


... LAJ INTELLIGENCE. COURT 01' KING'S BENCH,-MAY`8 1~, oured Sittings' aft Easter 7nbeoe h Lord Chief Justice and Special juries. CAL.YF, V. E.AMS. ThiswaS n acionon te cae aainst the defendaintpro- pritorof he orsmoth ailcoahfor the negligent drlving f of hs srvat, werey te plintiF5leg was broicen. The lainiff' cas wascondctedby r. SoLlCrrtOR'GENE r 5ALafl M. WLD, ad te efeceby Mr. SCARLETT and ...


... LAW INTELLWPNCE. e COURT OF CHEANCERY, AUG. 7. . GOLDING V. GOLDING. The LORD CHANCELLOR-This case came before the Court upon a Petition, charging various acts, of fraud on the part of the bankrupt, and praying that the certificate might be stayed. His Lordship had carefully looked into all the various affida. vits and he was fully of opinion, upon the best information he could obtain (and it ...


... MANSION-HOUSE.-Yesterday Mr. Bell, the Editor of Bell's ' Dispatch, applied to Mr. Alderman Wojd, who sat for - the Lord Mayor, for a warrant against Mr. Parkins, heretofore Sheriff of London, for obtaining money under false pretences. Mr. Bell stated, that he applied as one of the subscribers for the relief of an unfortunate man named Byrne, whose case and sufferings bad been already made ...