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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f WEDNESDAYS' 3AUARY 1, 1823. f OXCiR agia; we h the .pleasure of hailing tbe birlh of a new, and oi$y prov~e an anspicions year. l n times, whetlber ?? Miodern, this practice has been prervged with alP ?? which ibe occasion* !em'Jnded- ?? by those Inspirations of .Hope wliieb each nowly.ei atedconpoonever tailed l to excite in the bosom of Man. To those who have felt the iron hand ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH S. In Edinburgh, the lady of Sir Jameis M. Riddefl, Bart. or a son and heir and a dautghter. -At Bourn-ball, Cam bridgfeshire, the countess of Delawar, of a ?? Hannahl, the lady of Capt. Vaughanl, uf the Rtoyal North Gloucester Miihtia, of a son. AlAi RtIED. Le Comnte de Croisma1re, to Sophia, dall. of the late I-on. Sir W. Syer, recorder of Bombay.-Hon. W\. Ii Itous, third soil of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Badmisiton, the scat of her fihther, the Duke of Beatifort, :Lady E. O'Brien, of a son and heir. D- .2,a t MARRIED. Dc°¢atS.Mellons Church, by the fey. Mr. Price, Ml. 'I'honas Waiters, of St. Julian's, to AlIiss ?? En ans, etdst daughter~ of' the late Sir. E~dward E'an)S, of Pettyp~eal, 1o]i- mouthslhire. 11ec. '26, Rev. RI. Aitchenson, of Oeefi-Uottage, lI)awn,'nd, to Eleanor, 4th daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WE, DNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1823. M ARRIED. Oa Saturday last, ?? West Teignmontb, John Iidsley, Esq. to Miss A. Bond, daughter of the late Mr. S. Bond, merchant, of that place. At Littleham Churcb, on Monday, Mr. Allen. of London. to Miss Mary Webber, of Exmnoutlh. (01 Wednesday. at Corfe, Somerset, Mr. B. Al. Poole, solicitor, of Wellinigton, to Elizabeth George, eldest daughlter of 31r. T. ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MIARII'ED. Jan. 6, ib Bath, Mlr. XVm. Malsaylv of this city, to Miss Mlary lKing, of' Bath. Jan. 7, at St. l'aul's church, Mr. Win. 1-eaven Wk-cs. olf Nai;Ssworth, to Juhamnnah, second daughter of the late £.ir. John Miller, of this city. Jan^. S, M!ra. Win. Strivenl, saddile, of :M/onmouth, to el'elu Goaninlest, eldest daughter of MrW. Wim. Payne, of Gloucester. .Iin. 8, Mir. E. C. Alorgan, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EXETE , WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1823. MARRIED. On Sunday last, at St. David's Church , by the Rei. E. Easteott, Mr. 8eraphin Hooker, ebemist and drtigist, to Miss F. M. Ellis. both of this city. Wednesday se'unight, Mr. Charles Hedgeland,. architect, of lhis city, to Miss Wbite, of Silverton. On the 9th instant, at Brarmpford Speke, by the Rev. L. P. Welland. Janmes Gweorge Crabbe, Esq. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~22 800;, WLEDNJIDA, A AY 2,1S- on' Sunay lst in 'this city, the Lady dftbe ReV. T. Tdhai, & a aughter'. 'on- Stunday, at-NetberTeke' Wsar-this; bity, the, Lady of G. P. IM. ong Esq. dfa Pon. AtMvgissey,, latweMs~rgelgm,, of tiil~bei~n Lh I ~rt 6hil1dren born after, arrage of tweu4y years. on Thrursdayjo~I at, Barnstapfr,. by the Rev.- H.- Laxmove, -the gev .#`Hole, Currate ofrGeorgeham, Deon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | 1IilAltlED. £5l ?? T. A. Willians, E4sq. solicitor, to Eiiz, aentld dang ht r of Jlisepl, Price. Esq. oft~ ilon zo~nb Jlan. 21, Juhl CaI~ller Ydrdlc uniler, Ecq. cf ipn hu . Dcvon, tD Elizalhethl, d'nigl~tei of Altos.Wln~ij r, 1i'7st .f Woix tonl-Park, Stalh~rdshire. (let. i-S, .-t Pcith, Upple: Celiltole, Mt.. N. BI i',ren Il ti, I 91 tlins ity As amll;ont 9 liec is ?? o ar ?? the glssie by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WED;NESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1823. ?? fl a # n ,BIRTHS. Oni Sjnday, .in this city, the' Lady of-tbe Rev. N. Cole, of Hurston-Hotise, Whitestone, of a son, wh.o sukvived. but. a few hours. On the 22d inst. tit her mother's house, in Berkeley-, sqiiare, toiadon, the Lady of Henry ;Bidguod, .Esq. of Icoekbeare Court; Devon, of a son. On Ltbe 20th instant, in St. Sidwell's, ?? of J. Walk r 'Esq. of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... inan. 24, at Llan~saintfrrad, Mvoninoutithshire, La; 5 Illardit Jones, ot a son. Jan. 51, in Beauifort-buildiags, Bath, the lady of G. T. V'i - liams, Esq. of a son and heir. IUARLUED. Jan. 25, at St. Philip's church, lMr. JO11D Trebty, of Redcros~s street, to Mfrs. C. IFerris, of tbis citv. Ja;i. °5, at St. John's chureh, Dir. Johln Farr, jewreller. &c. C Ftlare-suo&e, to .Miss Eliza ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WVEJDNXE-SOAY- FEBjR UARY 5, 1823. ., .. . . ,I-. .. FRANCE: AND SPAIN. IF we hadt'not drawnu in with our mothers' :milk, I te most ardent. aqd' inextinguishable attachmeut to Freedom,- i. we had iot everyr day of .our lives felt the happiness of -livinog under the purest fornm in which it was ?? eelablished,-onrfaith in. its blessings would have been overwhelmed by what has passed at the opeu ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IuET iii BIR1TI-iS. Feb. i, at Sharplimn, )evon, the hadv of Jolin o3Tiarcd, E12;' l. 1,. of a cilaughter. Jan. 20, ill Hillarnley, the lady of Joh ?? Sullivan. E a. of three fine feale infants,. thus making the ?? ni' ht .;t (all living, and wvitiotut the intervention oft ia m:.: I) ,w hich Olv4 lady has given birth to. .UA lRIE.D. Lately, Nathaniel Wells, E-q. of 'ic!efelie'd, to Ilis Oi: ...