Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ie At Great Russel Street, London, the Lady of JAs, ? Loca, Esq. of a daughter. Y On the 2sd ult. at Abercrombie manse, Mrs SwAN, ;Of a son. , On the Ist curt. at No. 17, Dublin Street, Mrs. le STUART, (if a daughter. On Tuesday, by special licence, at St. George's, a Hanover-square, by the lion. and Rev. George- !d Pellew, Lord Viscount SIDMOUT55, to the Honourable I, Mrs TOWNSEND, daughter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Warley-house, Essex, thelad English, of a son.-At Lausanne, Switzerlandthe IrJ,: Blyant, Judge Advocate of the Bengal Arlm Icf lady of P. 't1. Staflbrd, E~q. of Portobello, lreland 'lB, MARRIED. Rev. E. Irving, of Hattonosardlti as Isabella, eldest dau. of the Rev. J. Martin, of KirkallPt. Worthington, Esq. to Mary, dau. of W. Daniel, Fe o hill-house, Derbyshire.- Francis Palgrave, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTMIS. At WiItton. the lady of C. Calvert, Esq. I.P, of a son and heir.-In Upper Bedford-plaee, the lady of WV. L. Rogers, Esq. of a daughter. MARRIED. Edw. Penrhlvn, Esq. to the Hon. Chars110 Stanley, eldest dan. of Lord Stanley.-Jos. H. Bradshas, E~q. Lombard-street, to Catharine, voungest dau. of the late Rticl ard Stewart, Esq. of Straid, Ircland.-Mr. Tibbetts, of Gloiie.xstw, to Maria, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... latterror instbrer s * g t1ger, nas oc0lnen rne poers corne:. *; than N lunity 9!& z XSi . On Wednesd.ay, Mr. Banjamin Fltllewell, wine merehant, to S Lord laninah, bscpsd daughter of Mr. Thomas Noble, merchant, S cr hc all of this town. Otl Titessay lost, at llramham, by the ltev. 0. Almond, s Mr. James Cooper, of Aberford, maltster, to Miss Waddinig. Pi ton, of Clifford. nt of On Moniday ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I RT Itl' , t 1' izell-liiise, onl the I7th, cUiTeC1t. .Mrs SI-r.lY, .11 :: L ~llewstill-bornl MtARR IED). A t hivernesI, 01 the -'2d urivrnt, Joirs A x In: S\, q.;:i to S. [,I 14 m.1ru4, oil Vdliglhilo of A .lvx. )lieluie, i.t' o :;o'koti'lv, C'ssili>lol ?? ess At Gd(4lsg. ?? ?? Lii konriVifi, Mr AIss 4l . lF i:) .Secon~ld oll1 of i' le deccus??ed ?? Piitslethe, 1;'sO. ot' 13ir t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI wr I S. At Abc'rdour Mantwe, onl the 1st currolit, 11r, Di &Barcr of'a. daughter. At 1iolddingotoi, on, the 1st current, Ai's ?? I) v sos, ot a Soil. p At B~oulognesC ur Mer, oin the 211t ultimso, tile 1:tiv Ci I- T11KIS~NE cAEjoi.iNiS 13mcKE5 tLL, daogiitei of'thss Earl of. Pttlt inore, ofta dall,,hter. At' No. ,;1. 1 leriot Houws, onl the 1st clirnrtit, Mis J.kii:,s ofoillsls' i a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oi' the 1t current, Ml r Joii Si ailt 1551, meci-cint, Idillbluii-i, to (S li-iT .ce, yt'eiigest ?? Of the lalte Jolhin 1,;illie, E}'° At St 'liry Ic Bone Nes' Churlich, Tilondon, onl the ltt;!t ctitoicnl .II - e.srieisi it, tlde't Slo of (of, Genertl B 5vilhvI andlf liephewz; OFLrdi llA l~lrl:ll tol .lii.S ii BAVAIMl, l it HM23 desce'ni'i t of it' ii-lcbruitel heevatlir liuviGl, (! llli.(s im ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f WEDNESDAYS' 3AUARY 1, 1823. f OXCiR agia; we h the .pleasure of hailing tbe birlh of a new, and oi$y prov~e an anspicions year. l n times, whetlber ?? Miodern, this practice has been prervged with alP ?? which ibe occasion* !em'Jnded- ?? by those Inspirations of .Hope wliieb each nowly.ei atedconpoonever tailed l to excite in the bosom of Man. To those who have felt the iron hand ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. At Brighton, Jacob Connop, Esq. of Champion Hill, Surrey, to Marianne, daughter of H. Thwvaites, Esq. of Hamsell, Sussex.-At Swindon, Wilts, F. Miles, Esq. of Upper Johii-strect, Fitzroy-square, to Miss Warner, of the former place.-Mlr. J. Ilumfrey, of South Farm, to Martha, youngest daughter of .1. Lousley, Esq. of Blewberry, Berks.-Alr. Hyde, of Basingstokc, to Miss Attwood, of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O i thc 12ds it-s,. at Buxton, the Lady of Sir Francis S. Dat win, i'HOtACt, in diis couny, of a daughter. tn 'I uegday se'nrligit, at Sandwell, Staffordshire, the Countess Ituilluniod, oe' a Is. ~~--iMA MAB:tGMS. , n aeslny last, at Elvaston, by the Rev. J. Swain, Mr. Wnm- ar,, stills place, to 3laria Augusta, only daughter of Mr. =cp/l Jotes, at' naibuston iu. this county. l tdle I-hi;Ist. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlBRf!HS. On the 9th instant. at lWoodchester Park, Gloucestershire, the nftecs ot Denbigh was safely delivered of twins, a son. and a Ott the 10th inst. in Grosvenor.square, London, the Viscountess eliave, of a son and hetr. On Thursday last, at Replon, in this county, by the Rev. J. tn. , r. bomers, to .liss Elizabeth (iascoyne, both of 0l Tuesday se'nnight, at Nornanton le Heath, by the Rev ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~q1 D Cth o thatit church, Mr. ichaelr Tae;d~fe~oasD f ag, sq irl 11=1sth to101 toii Jms th ?? alt.z 3 ea ?? thisto Miss SusamAh uibsoos.S of '130trig- 26 Crs yiBean- nari Mr. Spencer, e 2ildd dne i J1Sitl tempakt to Mrs. Mary h ic-sterl the ult ant ant, at Werriagton, the Rev. - vsj;1yl argaeth ret, widow of the late r. Gaskell, Esq. at iskirk, Mr. G. Hudson to Miss a, both 0 at Christ ...