Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Bi rtfi C. On the 7th rnsrt. inr Park Crescent, London, tire Rtiglt flon. I.nry l.i.IZAtRETtt McUr1tAY A rucoGftE of Macgregor, o1f a *on. Onl the I 2th inst. ait the Mour't, Harrow, Middle- sex, the Iuiy of AuclulmALD CAMlPlRiELL, Esq. of a sonl. On the 10th inst. at Scalloway, in Shetland, tire Lady of Jolrs ScorT, youvnger, IEsq. of'Sualluway, of a sonI. Onl the 16th inst. nt Chester, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TrA LATM LOIWD ZeR The melancholy intelligence of the death of this Noble- man was received in Town on Friday last. It took place on Monday evening, at Aliondale, the seat of his late (Ustinguished brother, the Hon. lI-enry Erskine. Having been at sea, he was completely drenched on landing, by which he caught a cold that I brought on a violent inflammation of the lungs, which in a few days ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IX!ABEIAC E S . |~ 1:l I j:h instant, at Kirk Deighton, Offley, seLond son of 'a=A tthore, Esq. of Norton Hall, in this county, to Eliza, e.dl daighter of John Brewin, Esq. of North Deighton. Actishoir-de-la-Zonich, on Tuesday the 28th instant, by the -re John flisber, Rector of Higham on the Hill, John Fisher, of 3leashan, in this county, to Caroline, daughter of the Mt. Miatdil, of Ashby-de ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 4gs he12thffistant, at Aqualate Rail, Staffiordshire, Lady Bogey, of aSoun. ; t~~l't1ARZ&ES; At Nuthall, on the ideji instant, by the Rev. Charles Nixon, Fancis Bradshaw, jun. Esq. of Barton Hal, inthis county, to liy Anne, eldest dauliter of Robert Holden, Esq. of Nuthall l'Tmple, in the ceunty ufNotigh (1n the 16th inst. at to n No hiurhlm Edward Penrbyn, Esq. tO the liOn. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D131TII OF T'E POPE. - d The folloing is a private letter ffronrm Paris :respecting this lamentedevenlt : 1Pais, .onArdy, tkr'ee6'cloc'k.'The Christian world Y ias now to lamnent the loss of one of its brightest ornaments -the viituIoTs, the colighiLened, the' Christian Pontiff, Pope Pius VI I. is n rmbre. fIits Holiness departed this life on the 20th of this month. y The pasricuihirs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -WE I}NESDA'f, JULY 2, 1823., . ~ ~ -M ?? :11 RItm. OtiThitlradva last, at St. Stephen's Church. Mr. Williara ?? l oenton, to 31i-t4 11. Quicke, young st dadt'.te* of Mr. ?? Qnicke, wuai-maianracturer,; or ., '(t!-i'SiiAy tzie: Bth of Jiurin ,aC St- I ary-1 -Bone, London, by tlhe TEv. H' Sorocold Pearce, M4jor liiwkloa, to Mis Suia.u)lriplii, of Taeii nouth. DIE D. At Plymrnpon.. offn SlIlida ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i At the Friends' Mehting-house, W inelsmore-hill, John Sims, M.D. of Cavendish-square, to Lydia, third daughter of Wmn. Dillwyn, of Higham-lodge, 'Walthamstow.-At Burnham, Bucks, Josias, eldest 0son of Josias Nottidge, Esq. of Rosehill, Wixoe, Suffolk, to Matilda, daughter of Wi. Langton, Esq. l of Chippenhamn House.-At Stratford, Bow, Lieut. t Alfred Burton, R. M. to Eleanor, daughter of M ...

MARRIED. At Great Pa

... rndon, Essex, the Rev. Hen. Fendall, Vicar of Nazing, to Ann Catherine, 2d daughter of the Rev. John Johnson, Rector of Great Parndon.- The Rev. Joseph Brooks, of West Haddon, North- amptonshire, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. J. Ileygate, of the same ?? Rev. S. Creyke, of Plymouth, to Sarah, eldest daughter of the late Col. Hotham, of York.-The Rev. George Bateman, of Easton, near ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. The Rev. Basil Berridge, of Algarkirk, to Bettina Mary Elizabeth, only daughter of the Rev. Williamn Chaplin, of Thorpe Hall, LincoInshire.-The Rev. D. C. Lewis, Vicar of Ruislip, Middlesex, to Julia, youngest daughter of the late W. Pitt, Esq. of Sheet- strtet, Windsor.-Wm. Clayton, Esq. third son of George Clayton, Esq. of Lostock Hall, near Preston, Lancashire, to Mary, third ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ottl ie 3d(. at our parish cr relr, Mr. Ilad (11 tt01', s(iwitoar of this toiyn, tv Mis', Phorar ps 0 WI 'AilhoscL' IIto, lla:rj ?? tolyn., A few days age, at llrtlittX, Td,,r Sarrrle Listrr, if 'it. A~w1 r tile Gr-ove, ts 3Ilsw Smith al, ert to Mrtr. Smitli, cf the Dci- ?? roIns. ltl of honltthwrtom l, ?? ?? tbr::er hlare. On Tumeday last, Mr. ' rrseT ocirr groccr, to '.irs. Parr, of tle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE POPE. Tue Pope is dead. He is gone to receive in Heaven the re- ward of his gentle and peaceful virtues. From that glorious abode he may listen to the homage which the whole Christian world will freely render him. Praise has no value but when it is addressed to those from whom we have no longer any thing to hope or fear. To Leousue XIV., after his death, was the in- Scription placed ...