... Dpcfvbrr.ā€”StƟUiford Iā€” (for rhw**) sā€”VontrfrĀ«cl, P*lnnĀ»lnn, find Kedon U-Pocklinjtlon BradHrld Garrravr, Borlon, and Kirlon llā€”l.r\bnrn broiigh 13ā€”Urdale lliā€”Kirhy Spaldine, and Grantham ITā€”Rea;h Hlā€”Gnnton 21 Berrrlay 31ā€”York Umber Pair 3ā€”York Show 15, and fiva following daysā€”York Line Fair 21. Pelilinor are prepnrine in ihe maritime di*trlelĀ«. In predated oe*l senaioo, for the repeal ...

-I BBith.-On Thur sd

... ay morning, 'the 26th ul t. at Holkhani, i the Lady Ann Coke, of a son and heir. MARRIED, On Friday, the 13th nit, at Dolgelle, Mr. W. ' . Jones to t Miss Jane j Lewis, both of tha ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mberbeen. WEDNESDAY, November 19. BiRrv.-At Beauly, on the 10th insĀ¢. NI'S ST'ART M'LEOD, of a son. On the 9th inst. the Lady of Captain MACKENZIEi FRAsERa, 93d Rlugiment, of a son. On the 7tl curt. in York P'lace, London, the Lady of JosEPH HuMEi, Esq. M. P. of La daughter. Married on the Ioth inst. at the Mains of Monaltry, by the Rev. Alex. Macfarlane, Mr Ai.i.:x. AM AICLUM, officer of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AL Rer'siue in. this ceaity, on the Mlth of August, the Lady It` '`02 Ottlell, Buart, of a daughter. 0no th! 6i, 2 h. at Locko Hall, in this county, thc Ladly of ahenitlehle. t'sq. of Nutiall Temple, Notrs. of a son. the 2d uh, at Wi-erLon liall, 'Notts. the Lady of Jecn Irut ?? 1 of a son. ity 2 i'di. ;,t linowslev, Lancashire, the seat of her father hII lioen. tie i:;tl of Derby, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 8th instant, at Hanley, by the Rev. Mr. Aikins, the Ov. Janes Oawthozn, of this place, to Miss Humphries, of 'elton; Staffordshire. At Chesterfield, on Tuesday the 21st instant, by the Rev. T. ill, Vicar, Lieutenant John Roberts, Royal Navy, to Miss ?? the same time and place, Mr. John Walker, to lisa Mary Bradley, all of Chesterfield. On Tuesday the 14th instant, at Horsley, Mr. F. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... he On theh ?? n6oi R4A',t 0. t ~ e .S~elt, brn daulstr ofthe late, wade Bnoitm,41 .foae ed (Abiltawn. Ig GOlt sml~ nh.L1 W Rh qf5ti ?? ~ ?? W.. O librd ts figm ir ?? F' Sarah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ doth~~~drawe. 0$ ~'AIR OnTraas upr~heee r ~me Viis Ott Thuesday. at leeiM.',~roi-fSrniro. f2 this towoa Ol ~ OnSlonlayat St ellledso, j ?? Vr ar hoot., Bucks. o hi ?? ;oes nly o W.O.~hia Mof:te, hq. RN. late o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [ Ott lrip I r III ult. at ititifiex, ?? Johri Wilhillotn ei Inotlop, ehiecs F rn uf Jo1 hn Knowles, Etrg. ot 'Ianichesteicr[ ?? t tr,). yotiiigcst lirethtor of Wient itollarc, Esq, of Spring-tlouse, n;O C rthe ft liter plrce. iii Srorltuit aIt, at the church of Sc. t atretltc, Jrwry' ?? lOr\i. by ' it. v. l'nratt. B.lj. iMr. ?? Fd'raidf. .if tlt:dl'i al riitor, to Elicit, second ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Thorsdav hlast, at E t~sa, Mr. William Crosland, eonch proprictur, at the tiotel, in ith is town, to Ellen, thu fo6uth Itaughter of Mrs. Walker, of Eaton, in the county of iUrdford. On Sistrilday, Mr. Win Sayes, nf Fltlbeck, groeer, to Mary, daughter of Mr. John Giles, of thin town. Os the '!tat .laotary, at Petersburg, Virginia, ?Mr. termiola Rhodes, sif tGonterstil, in Litli, yanstigyt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MILITARY OBITUARY. I.icutenant-(ieneaI-l Lral rd, ite i te`t`ci h tt')d ?? Julio I CLM Il tiar .\ Ilieldo, jo t i5iijor.Geuiernl Griftith, late of Ist 'T G. A ?? Lieutenant-Coloiiel .awreiice, hei,, of Ma, dr's Brollipton, Aug,,Ust 11. 1 -Id itajor Mau rihoge, half pay ils; tiopt, Ei:lUibre, Jon Masjor Scott, halfpay, Cwl;hiil, tnuar Llumfl-ijv*sv CaOptaini I30vd, 9th foot Capltain ililiamsonl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... bIlRTITS, At Arhiston. I'l.ace, Newington, oil the 2, LI, current,, Mrm CHARLES SIlEVW4BGHTr ofa daughter. At Bollyhil1,,nacar Roclister, onl the 2],t clirrent, the Lady of Captdil M'L o, C. B,.. royal nlavy, of a dtsugll- tell. - In Duke Street, Westminster, London, on1 tle 20th cur- rent, Mrs JOiHN C.1fPRELL, ofta dautghterm At No. 16. George Street, on the 21tith current, )Irs IIAL- DAVE, ...