Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE LORD KEITH. Viscount Keith, Knight of the Bath, Admiral of the Red, &c. who died on the IOth of this month of March, at his seat of Tul- a liallan, was born on the 12th of January, 1746; at Elphinstone. a He was the youngest son of Charles, the tenth Lord Elphinstotne, ti and Lady Clementina Fleming, only child, andiheiress of the t estates of John, Earl of Wigton. Lord Keith showed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0Iti it t WItb at iT5 tit ?? it~iii~S i.i 'hue. i' (nt ilien -'ro LIi'' 7 o-~;4i ii II Otw illt note 'itIt ;I to! ~ 1'ii c iii' ?? b it e I let I, i 'l I l~1 c - i'.il iL, i U 'iitv' it f' 'Otto Iii Die ?? - i'' , ' I - a ii att~oti'tti. Mt.'I ' tiy:I( R' v ito Xiii .It ) i`t;% Co-t F I,5t t ?? MLiI, V l i f t itit') po' ! t wti.laii.'t t M ' iX i 'the, ti o Saiiit ii M i Altt',tJct' 'if ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... snutri-s. 'In On the 5d current, at Ruchlaw, the Lady ?? BucumIr -ted SvnsFltrw, Esq. of Ruchlaw, of a soe. st'; On the 23d ultimo, at Barils, Mrs BIRYETrr of Barns, of al- a still-born daughter. On the 29th ultimo, at Woodend Cottage, MIrs LewTR us, HAY, of a dlaughter. On the 24ith ultimo, at Kentish Towln, near London, .MTrs JA. iES BLocK, of a daughter. dr. . MA RI ED. for At Ealing Church ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ill R'1'HlS. On the 5th current, at his Lordship's house in Grosvenor Square, Iolondoln, the Righrt lion. Ladev l'orsr, of a son. On the 4ith current, at Ediinbrlgh, Mrs JouNsToEs, 30. Northninhlelland Street, of adalughiter. On the 30th nltiino, at ?? Place, Mrs Dvvift CA MrPE, of a daugIlter. On the 5th curc t t, in Castle Street, Mrs AT.rX'IxDEnt Rolos:sTSDo, of a daungter. Onl the 30th ...

BIlRHS. On the

... current, at Edineburgrh, the Lady of Wmm.u. s RoiiEnTsow, Esq. 75, Great King Street, of a son. On the 9th current, M1rs CARAetILL, Scotland Street, of a son. On the 28th ultimo, at Mavre-de-Grace, the Lady of WVLLI.t 1) AVIDSON, Esq. of a SOec. At St John's 'own, Carmarthen, Mrs MARC.URT DalvIs, of three daughters, who, with their mother, are doing well. DA IRI ED. At Craigiclands, onthe lth ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (lit the -2.d intitno, the Lad i' YUt ?? Grro~a inac., Il.:i 01 oairr 1,aInl, slictlandi, of lana t, 1r On' the 9thiimtrrent, at llownaa l 1FeeI'L, the! of tailla T. ?? :Oil the( D)lii rouraTlt, M1Irs J.A .. CtinaVtr, 'NO. S. C.`CO Strict, i ra iatrn On ?? thn curr11ent, i'rls Lnmw.%-o 1). At.itot 5as Kmu gate, Luitla, ol a datighitor. Oil the 4th tlirttilt, ?? ToittItN LT)N, Of ?? sons. Oni ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... >WENESDAY, JUNE h8, 1823. IMARIIIED. 1t5p Mhididay the 9tb inst., by special licence, at 9tpJq4e.i a Churcb, London, bythe Rev. John Magean Di, Vicor p r H-trild, Bedrordshlre, J. A.. Wamrr,:.Eq. M. P., of Cleddt*iFit zpaiqe, Somerset. to Flurene Cal bhrine, yonnugest Jaghiero RKichard Ma9t-oiii, Easq. M. P., of Latel>, at bhr~it.Chnireb,. Lorndon, Mr. James Perry, of l igh ...

BIRTH. Thlursday mor

... ning, the 26th ult. at Holkham, the Lady Anne Coke, of a son and heir.. JMARRIAGES. On Saturday the 21st ult. at Morcott, in the county of Rutland, the Rev. W. Peach, M.A. Fellow of St. John's College, Cam. bridge, to Marian, youngest daughter of the Rev. W. Pochin, M.A. Rector of Morcott. At Breas:ton, 1in this county, by the Rev. John Hancock Hall, Captain Chawner, late of the Rifle Brigade, ...