Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1LARAIEbD. The Rev. Charles E. Smith, of Otterden, Kent, to. Henrietta, eldest daughter of the late Rev, W. J. 'rench, of Bow.-The Rev. Edward Miller, B. A. of Emmanuel college, Cambridge, to Emily Manseli fifth daughter of the late Lord Bishop of Bristol.- The Rev. R. R. Bloxam, of Guilsborough, North- amptohtshire, to Eleanor, second daughter of Henry Harper, Esq. of the Heath, Alcester.-The ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On M1nday, by the ltov. Richard FaweaftV Vicar, Mr. John Bradley, Ila i draper, of this town, to Martba, youngest daughter of Mr; Wm. Wliggleiworfh,'of Grove-place. On the lid of December, nt Frankfort, near Philadts]yhia ' Mr. Blunt, solicitor, to DMartha, the secod daughtcrof 1r. Jostma GarseI. late of thi, tolln. On Monday last, at Xt. ncargos, linnover-scmare, London, by the Very Rev. thc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... et S ~~atrit£i. 9 O On Wednesday week, at Rnaresbro', Mir. Wms. Moastcrrin, Jr plermber and glazier, to Jane, eldest daughter o' lri. Kay, ttier eand brazer, all of Knaresbrol. On the 1st inst. at Philadelphia, ,arab, the daughter rf j M1r. Joshua Garsed, I:nte of this town, bua slow of thc United tr States of America, to agentleman, a niative of tihe isla11l of ir Cuba. d -x) Saturday ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... CEREMONIES ON THE DEATH OF A POPrE. As soon as the Holy Father has expired, the Car- dinal Chamberlain, in a violet dress, presents himself at the door of his chamber, at which he knocks three times with a golden hammer, and each time, in a loud voice, calls on the Pope by his Christian name, his sur- name, and his title of Pope. After a short time has elapsed, he says, in the pre- sence of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH S. In Edinburgh, the lady of Sir Jameis M. Riddefl, Bart. or a son and heir and a dautghter. -At Bourn-ball, Cam bridgfeshire, the countess of Delawar, of a ?? Hannahl, the lady of Capt. Vaughanl, uf the Rtoyal North Gloucester Miihtia, of a son. AlAi RtIED. Le Comnte de Croisma1re, to Sophia, dall. of the late I-on. Sir W. Syer, recorder of Bombay.-Hon. W\. Ii Itous, third soil of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I;fr/rmarey. Phvsician For the week,.: Ur. S tak, ! argseoii, Mr tLsve, 'lN anad a la tiieotsadiatted last wesel ?? 91 Ptatie ts ill tile HouI se ?? 19a BIRTH. The hjflictions of Providence give the nfortunate sufferer the strongest claims oul the benevolence of the humane and ne cannot imagine a case more calcailcted tao harrowv feelings nat rendered callous by despair, than to be ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lbiatot Tiiiolttvy. - Pbviei,~l ?ir- titi' 'sebk;, I)tarr. k-. huarzesol, i(hr hilin~g. -il d ai ?? Vatititsi dioitled lat each .ti, t'atielit, il tle Hle . ?? - A.,IE;ID. June 2, ist Pet; -sbuorgh, Virgiriic, ?? the Rev. Mfr. Catnnon, Mr. W. Guuzue, to Miss Pistolle, dlaughter if tte late C t J. r. Pistolle, ofithe Petersburgh rii/k corip'. We iish iit!z this union may not cud in an crphio i. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? R, TI 'IS. k t Aberdmi'rI!I on ?? Pdmr ofn sol;. At ?? Hlluc, zlit tl~ ile ti 3(thlt I Ihzo li. Ldy or ComIs,' EL.Sfit'E NK112, E..L. ,i t, off:a AIA It I'll E ). Oil the I7-th curront li the lle:. ITen's' (6e-, A\l'tLrAv lh'tzsos, IjScj. of lI Lil,;, to M!s Aliar Alt-:, ?? E'till- \t ( t.Altnmill, o11--- 210 It ltili O,'S 2i.xnt.'err IlsY I.AIA is NE., elict. of ?? tate RIev. \'Vlliant l ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IuET iii BIR1TI-iS. Feb. i, at Sharplimn, )evon, the hadv of Jolin o3Tiarcd, E12;' l. 1,. of a cilaughter. Jan. 20, ill Hillarnley, the lady of Joh ?? Sullivan. E a. of three fine feale infants,. thus making the ?? ni' ht .;t (all living, and wvitiotut the intervention oft ia m:.: I) ,w hich Olv4 lady has given birth to. .UA lRIE.D. Lately, Nathaniel Wells, E-q. of 'ic!efelie'd, to Ilis Oi: ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... C( At Bellevyre Crescent, on the 2d current, the Lady of la- jor lAMES DENSOSUI(aN BROWN, Of 0 SO1. At Stead Place, Leith Walk, on the 3d current, Mrs PA- . TeirSoN, of a sar. _ At No. 1.0. George's Square, Edinburgh, ol the 27th ulti- ro, Mirs Teonui, Madeits', of a son. MAIRIEI). Tr At St George's Churchl, -leanovr Square. London, on the 2d crilrrent, by the I-Ioneurable anlld RLight ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TfIE LATS DR IIENRY DE'WVR OF LASSOER. The death of Dr Dewar is one of those striking events which strongly affect the mind, and impress upo.. us a sense of our mortality. On Monday the .13th January, he was present in good health, at'a meeting of the Royal Society, in the business of which he took a deep interest, and on Sunday the 10th January, he breathed his last; his death being ...