Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hut - _ _ _ _ _ eded Bu I NHC. Be At Warciston Crescent, on the 2'3. current, the Lady of and Captain M1'KoNoNCIIIE, IL. N. of a daughter. Pre- At Erskine II-lactc, on WeduscIcLcv the 19th currenit, the ill - ened lighlt ionl. LCadsV BrA.NTYVL, of a sonl. a s D e- At lKirkaldyv, on; the 17thicurrant, Mrs RLPH SRACITAs It is of a daugh lter . chief Oll the 16th current, Mrrs IL. P. GiLcIES, S3. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . - ?? On Sunday last, ai hi& house, in Bedford-Crescent, the Lady of R. L. 1'ennell.';..D. ofa son. -.Or.Saturday., at Sotdeltake, the Lady of the Hon. Captaln PeJles7,, of a soo.: Ona Friday3jt jAliiagfon.; the La4 of the Rev.: llcliara Ellicoiabe,'of a daughter. * ?? . ii&AnE2RnE. On Monday last, at Hloayitree, by the Rev. A. Atberley, Lleut. W. P. Jahnfooa jo miss Dounall, of TopghaW-road. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | 1IilAltlED. £5l ?? T. A. Willians, E4sq. solicitor, to Eiiz, aentld dang ht r of Jlisepl, Price. Esq. oft~ ilon zo~nb Jlan. 21, Juhl CaI~ller Ydrdlc uniler, Ecq. cf ipn hu . Dcvon, tD Elizalhethl, d'nigl~tei of Altos.Wln~ij r, 1i'7st .f Woix tonl-Park, Stalh~rdshire. (let. i-S, .-t Pcith, Upple: Celiltole, Mt.. N. BI i',ren Il ti, I 91 tlins ity As amll;ont 9 liec is ?? o ar ?? the glssie by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2 ~Bristol hilerm'1hy! Phvivsctall f r tbe wveek, 1II . IE. 11,,X. r orc.fl, ATre. Nt. 17nitlit Ili Oil( I,, Iligts w Hided' WC-A ?? . it. Pgtticjlts ill tile bnl!e ?? .. 1 . 2 AtActMA RIi'iED. At walcot Church Bath, Hubert Birclh, Esq. of Mount- Stonw., P'lyniou ?? to Flra11ces, only daeghiter of the Idt7 ftlr. Jeve, of thiectv. -June 23, at aitton, Atr. T. Bright, to Miss fluot, of Upton ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE POPE. Tue Pope is dead. He is gone to receive in Heaven the re- ward of his gentle and peaceful virtues. From that glorious abode he may listen to the homage which the whole Christian world will freely render him. Praise has no value but when it is addressed to those from whom we have no longer any thing to hope or fear. To Leousue XIV., after his death, was the in- Scription placed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ottl ie 3d(. at our parish cr relr, Mr. Ilad (11 tt01', s(iwitoar of this toiyn, tv Mis', Phorar ps 0 WI 'AilhoscL' IIto, lla:rj ?? tolyn., A few days age, at llrtlittX, Td,,r Sarrrle Listrr, if 'it. A~w1 r tile Gr-ove, ts 3Ilsw Smith al, ert to Mrtr. Smitli, cf the Dci- ?? roIns. ltl of honltthwrtom l, ?? ?? tbr::er hlare. On Tumeday last, Mr. ' rrseT ocirr groccr, to '.irs. Parr, of tle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -WE I}NESDA'f, JULY 2, 1823., . ~ ~ -M ?? :11 RItm. OtiThitlradva last, at St. Stephen's Church. Mr. Williara ?? l oenton, to 31i-t4 11. Quicke, young st dadt'.te* of Mr. ?? Qnicke, wuai-maianracturer,; or ., '(t!-i'SiiAy tzie: Bth of Jiurin ,aC St- I ary-1 -Bone, London, by tlhe TEv. H' Sorocold Pearce, M4jor liiwkloa, to Mis Suia.u)lriplii, of Taeii nouth. DIE D. At Plymrnpon.. offn SlIlida ...

of' - _ __ _ _ _ _ _

... _ of BIt1,HS. Oil At Barossa Place, Perth, onl the 24th current, the Lady *lu- of Mr G. S. NotE:.lsN, of a daughter. tiul At Edinburgh, oln the 28d current, Mrs DUNDAs of Ar- the nistaln, of a soui and heir. ?? At Annistote, onl the 26th current, the Right Ilon. Lady le, ANNE LIeroIA CR2JUICIKSHANKI, Of a son. the At Brigittinon', on1 the 21st current, Mrs MscIrTOsn, of had Nairn, ofa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... F3ICI ?? April .,0, at W~rasalil-coort, Somnerset, the ladys of John Ilagh Smyth, Esq^. of a soiU. Dec. 1:3, 1822, iCept. Win. Mliller, of the l-1on. Cahipany- Arti!loer, to R~atio ci no Sarah, ?? of Jame~s Glases Russell, i'sq. ofr Clifton. ! April 27, ait St. George's, Somerset, :ur1. A. h'arris, of th e ?? Ofrice, I'ill, to Mrs. A no SpeaLr, 0nf the sites place. April £°t, at St. Paul's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T¶ru LATE EARL OF IlOPETOU'S rFUNERAL. Tle remains of this much lamented Nobleman wvere interred iln the family vault at Abercorn, ou IVednes- as- lay, as privately as circumstances would permit. T'ie Iv- comnimmy assembled at ?? Halls Innl, at eleven in- o'clocl;, and proceeded ill the following order to Port ,n- Edgar: ted Sis attcndlants on Tlorsebacl:, in deep imourning, TIwo anld TIwo F o ...