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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mberbeen. WEDNESDAY, November 19. BiRrv.-At Beauly, on the 10th ins¢. NI'S ST'ART M'LEOD, of a son. On the 9th inst. the Lady of Captain MACKENZIEi FRAsERa, 93d Rlugiment, of a son. On the 7tl curt. in York P'lace, London, the Lady of JosEPH HuMEi, Esq. M. P. of La daughter. Married on the Ioth inst. at the Mains of Monaltry, by the Rev. Alex. Macfarlane, Mr Ai.i.:x. AM AICLUM, officer of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... bIlRTITS, At Arhiston. I'l.ace, Newington, oil the 2, LI, current,, Mrm CHARLES SIlEVW4BGHTr ofa daughter. At Bollyhil1,,nacar Roclister, onl the 2],t clirrent, the Lady of Captdil M'L o, C. B,.. royal nlavy, of a dtsugll- tell. - In Duke Street, Westminster, London, on1 tle 20th cur- rent, Mrs JOiHN C.1fPRELL, ofta dautghterm At No. 16. George Street, on the 21tith current, )Irs IIAL- DAVE, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MILITARY OBITUARY. I.icutenant-(ieneaI-l Lral rd, ite i te`t`ci h tt')d ?? Julio I CLM Il tiar .\ Ilieldo, jo t i5iijor.Geuiernl Griftith, late of Ist 'T G. A ?? Lieutenant-Coloiiel .awreiice, hei,, of Ma, dr's Brollipton, Aug,,Ust 11. 1 -Id itajor Mau rihoge, half pay ils; tiopt, Ei:lUibre, Jon Masjor Scott, halfpay, Cwl;hiil, tnuar Llumfl-ijv*sv CaOptaini I30vd, 9th foot Capltain ililiamsonl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t- O'l., b t rb c r 1 I. iWEDNESDAY, MAla u 28. AlMrrkid leire, or\ the 2fttilt, ua IvS SL S EX., ; illrchant, Kirkwalii, to MARIGARLET, daunghtur Of the I l ., _ Dieti, at lazal'o.itt louse4, lluriAld too, wi' t'.? d2il w tilt. HULEN tE AY, zhird datighitcr of' Wil[liami Crudell, cit Ebsq. tr Died, at IHollyhAll, Susscex, onl the 81th instant, rig'd K 151, JAVNE .MARC ARET, ulle-st daugnhter ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... s 21~~~~~~~~3frtfjt. - On the 5th curt. at his Loydship's house in Groave- nor Square, London, tile Right lion. Lady FOLEY, I of a soil. On the S0th ult, at Buccleuch Place, Mrs DAvxD S CAMPBELL, of a danghter. On the 50th ult. at Rennishawe, the Lady of Sir GEOttGE SITWEI.L, Bart. of a.daughter. On the 4th curt, at PinLie House, Lady HOPE, of Craighall, of a son. On the 11th curt. in George's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Bi rtfi C. On the 7th rnsrt. inr Park Crescent, London, tire Rtiglt flon. I.nry l.i.IZAtRETtt McUr1tAY A rucoGftE of Macgregor, o1f a *on. Onl the I 2th inst. ait the Mour't, Harrow, Middle- sex, the Iuiy of AuclulmALD CAMlPlRiELL, Esq. of a sonl. On the 10th inst. at Scalloway, in Shetland, tire Lady of Jolrs ScorT, youvnger, IEsq. of'Sualluway, of a sonI. Onl the 16th inst. nt Chester, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? R, TI 'IS. k t Aberdmi'rI!I on ?? Pdmr ofn sol;. At ?? Hlluc, zlit tl~ ile ti 3(thlt I Ihzo li. Ldy or ComIs,' EL.Sfit'E NK112, E..L. ,i t, off:a AIA It I'll E ). Oil the I7-th curront li the lle:. ITen's' (6e-, A\l'tLrAv lh'tzsos, IjScj. of lI Lil,;, to M!s Aliar Alt-:, ?? E'till- \t ( t.Altnmill, o11--- 210 It ltili O,'S 2i.xnt.'err IlsY I.AIA is NE., elict. of ?? tate RIev. \'Vlliant l ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... C( At Bellevyre Crescent, on the 2d current, the Lady of la- jor lAMES DENSOSUI(aN BROWN, Of 0 SO1. At Stead Place, Leith Walk, on the 3d current, Mrs PA- . TeirSoN, of a sar. _ At No. 1.0. George's Square, Edinburgh, ol the 27th ulti- ro, Mirs Teonui, Madeits', of a son. MAIRIEI). Tr At St George's Churchl, -leanovr Square. London, on the 2d crilrrent, by the I-Ioneurable anlld RLight ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TfIE LATS DR IIENRY DE'WVR OF LASSOER. The death of Dr Dewar is one of those striking events which strongly affect the mind, and impress upo.. us a sense of our mortality. On Monday the .13th January, he was present in good health, at'a meeting of the Royal Society, in the business of which he took a deep interest, and on Sunday the 10th January, he breathed his last; his death being ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... CEREMONIES ON THE DEATH OF A POPrE. As soon as the Holy Father has expired, the Car- dinal Chamberlain, in a violet dress, presents himself at the door of his chamber, at which he knocks three times with a golden hammer, and each time, in a loud voice, calls on the Pope by his Christian name, his sur- name, and his title of Pope. After a short time has elapsed, he says, in the pre- sence of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -a&s -1 l ~lkiz;; lue crop was excetient. . l~~~~~frtdlz. On the 21st ult. Mrs CARLYLE BELL, 7, Royal Cir. cus, of a son. At his Lordship's house, in Albemarle Street, Lon. don, on the 15th ult. Lady F. L£vEsoN GOwEa, of twin sons. Her Ladyship and her infants are in a I fair way of doing well. On the 15thI ult. Mrs JouIv BROUGIHAMIof adatgh. At Farnham, Dorset, on the 15th ult., the ...