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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE POPE. Tue Pope is dead. He is gone to receive in Heaven the re- ward of his gentle and peaceful virtues. From that glorious abode he may listen to the homage which the whole Christian world will freely render him. Praise has no value but when it is addressed to those from whom we have no longer any thing to hope or fear. To Leousue XIV., after his death, was the in- Scription placed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGtS. the16& int at St. IJames's Church, Edward Allan, Esq. Secretary of the OnTeatre, to Mle. ?? de Munck, daughter of the late Baron de t.LThC lady's aefasl- is Mlle. Caradori, the charming sanger at the Opera- eek, at Islington, Church. Mr. Gee. P. Simpson, of Well-street, to Iydia, youngest daughter of Richard Brernridge, Esq. of Islington. ttb o etib iost. at Swansea, Arnold ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MRi RICARDO. (From the Morning Chronicle.) The country andthie friends have to lament the loss of th il 11 tli amiable, and truly virtuouts Senator. An express arrived in 10' Friday morning, with an accoant of his death, at his sea. ill (loai.lI-* shire. The diseaseis said to itive been water on the brain,. Political ?? nearly in the state in which it ' hi Smith, till the ?? of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE LORD KEITH. Viscount Keith, Knight of the Bath, Admiral of the Red, &c. who died on the IOth of this month of March, at his seat of Tul- a liallan, was born on the 12th of January, 1746; at Elphinstone. a He was the youngest son of Charles, the tenth Lord Elphinstotne, ti and Lady Clementina Fleming, only child, andiheiress of the t estates of John, Earl of Wigton. Lord Keith showed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MA RRIAGES. On the 30th ulit. at Bath, Frederick Henry Yates, Esq. of Upper Charlottc- strect, to Miss Brunton, daughter of John lrunten, Esq. At Larnbetha Church, on the 9'1h inst. Eli,,hech, daughter of William Reece, Esq. of South Lamnibctl, to Henry Kelsall, Esq. of Chester. DEATHS. In Brook-strcet, on the 10th inst. in his t3d year, Sir Byre Coote, of Wcst Park, Hants. Ot Sunday night, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OIARItIAGE11 i On WN~ednesd ay, at Mahistonc, Jinics ?? Catty, Esq. of the Royal Engincers, to Sophia, youngoot dauighter of the late Flint Stacey, Fsq. of Maidstone. On Tnerday, *st 1.nbetltCChurch, ki:.jor Geneacel Yt ong, of the ?? Arxtillery, to Catherine, eortud daughter of the late J. 13. Bicknedll, Esq. of Doctors' On Tiut6day, at St. Jam(ro's Chlrlch, ?? Wyatt, Esq. jitn. of O(aklcy, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r - = = : _ f MARRIAGE CEREMbNY OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS 'I THE, CROWN PRINCE. 5 STOcKHOLM, JuNE,24. f On Thursday last, the 11th inst. the-august ceremony of the marriage pf the Crown Pride 'witlithe-Princess of Leuchteti- . ber _as celebrated here with great pomp and splendour. At brhiliant twelve the, procession, which in every respect was brillint and imposing, set out from the Palace of Haga ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 4th inst. at Yoles Court, the Viscountess Torrington, of two ~ans- MI.A RRIAGEiS. On the end inst. at Battersea, Mr. Jos. Phillips, of King's Arnms-yars, Ca,- man-street, to Mary Frances Jane, only child of B. J. Broast, Esq. of battet- fields. On the 4th inst. John Vaughan, Esq. Sergeant-at law, to the liglht gDU. Loiisa Baroness St. John, mother of tise present Lord. On Monday, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERsAL OF M1R. RICARDOC. C'rawnAMll~~ Sr.PT. is, 1823.-(EThrect of a Letten)-This day the remains of David Ricardo, Esq. were removed from Gatcombe Park, and intered in a vault in the Parish Chnrch of Haenish, about one mile and a half from this place. The parish church is situated in the park of Mr. Clutterbuclk, the son-in-law of Mr. llicardo, and is more of a private bunving-place than a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRTIAGES. On the 171h inst. at Cheshisut, Frederick J. Prescott, Esq. to Elizabeth Ohi- veria, eldest daughter of T. A. Russell, Esq. of Cheshsint Park, and grand- daughter of the late Oliver Cromw ell, Esq. On Monday, Hoeny Delienden Ncr, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. to Elizabeth Ann e, eldest daughter of Edlward Clarke, of Cheehshnt, Heets, Esq. On Tuesday, in Dublin, John Jaclson, of Armagh, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. S. PERRY. Trie late Samapson Perry, Esq. more generally known by thle name of Capt.Perry from tle rank he had held in the militia of his country, was a. m;ai Of no small estimation for his literary' accomplishments and for the social cheerfulness of his aiun. ners. Though his political opinions at one period of his ife provoked sonic powverfuil enmitties, anti, involved bin in a ...

BIRTHS; Mrs. Cole, o

... f Highbury Terrace, of a son. A few days age, the wife of Mr. Edward Marsh, surveyor, of Dudley, of two girls and a boy. On Thursday se'naight, at Alstone, near Tewkesbury, the wife of a poor labourer named Thomas Lane, of a boy and two girls, who, with the mother, are likely to do well. MARRIAGES. Charles CarpenterBompass, Esq. of Bristol, Barrister-at-Law, to MarySteele, eldest daughter of ...