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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... - ranre, Stirmarn~, ir - (FROM THE QtUOTXD1EtNE or SATtRDAY.) The following is what we have bean able to collect as the most positive respecting the cause of the resigna- tion of M. the Duke Mathicu de Montmoreucy. Onl Wednetlay morning N3. the Duke de Mont- tl morency presented to the Council of Mlinisters, at which his Majesty presided, the form of a note de- a signed to be ridrssed to the ...

Published: Wednesday 08 January 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3451 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Miscellaneous Articles

... : ffiltgrellancoliz 9irticlez. Fromn the Constitutionnel. It is generaly asserted that England offered to guarantee to France, that no attack on its internal re- gulations on the part of Spain, would be suffiered by the British Cabinet. It may perhaps be answered that the three absolute Governments which formed the Holy Alliance, had other views, but it seems extraor- dinary to us that the ...

Published: Wednesday 26 February 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 4733 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... a.0 1U .'1 It x ZI I .,' D1 D ) ?I li () 1 ~~~~~~~~._- .. ___._______.. . .. _ . . -. ., _ . _ I. D)OINES'TIC INTE1LLIGE.NCE . . .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ivts t J1 PIOB\ ne Bai ie ; , ~~~~~~~~~~~Bot xt VINDSOR, August 22. ele as Tbe utinost activity prevails at tie Castle, in order lemS .e- to comiplete tile preparations for his Majesty's recep- I1 n- tion, by the Ist ...

Published: Wednesday 03 September 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 739 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... FOREiCN IN TILIC ENCE. The Parls pRIWrS to the- *2d inst. colltain oniu one ! e bulletin frnam Spinaa. It stps .hort, in; its detuils ol 1u the procectl:i gi bcfloar (orall ln t0 iti. the I tret t of, thei t pim: ;ard. a:u tto Willi-, oln the I .lth; noml it is ren- narl:rable, th;:t I l:am!ot O) tlu attofiIIaI l juilt Ln Ii atter, I antc to Surpp fitle iLi fiellcy. I JThe -I' l cra ...

Published: Wednesday 13 August 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3000 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LA.NCL.AND AND RUSSIA. The folloavirt n parall-I bl ticmvl the pnwer nf England and Russia, witT, resptct to Lilope, is tromi the Pirlitil: pen et tho istulaLs iteeld I trid.t A copy hasi bemn msnt traum Pari., and we itikii our readenrs will be gratifie(( with a tew extr act front it:- twotai dtards are ere,.tc : .t the two ertrcm isb ot i u oone one by hlst, atmI tho I other by sea. 'the ...

Published: Wednesday 24 September 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1568 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... n- - - - - - -IT?----w- Turoesday the price of oatmeal rose onet penny per peek ill lJ.dinliuurglr market. It; s itI reglet thi't wve anili-iree the flidluire of the ,iappliciition n tdhile liy tille prts ill thec ClvdU, 11lowll..'ith . Otaher 9'.ipping townvs, i)r a rmoni.ssion Li tie dties ini Case's ot seficilcivi in %sine alld spirits bhondredl for bu01rr COrisiliflhrption. Tle GIlsgowri ...

Published: Wednesday 28 May 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 737 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... C?'Dt.11,11111,gl). The King .. been pleased to prc-ent the Rev. F Jilon IPalu to the cihuorch and parishli of Maylole, in c: 1 resytery arid COuntY of Ayr, vncant. by tile dealth !of tIle lICs%. ;1r Loegan, latc mhiniter thicel.. Ihe King has also been pleased to present the Rev. RIIobert Faton to the churchtb anti parikh of Straitton, in tl.- pre.livtor' and cuoilny of Av.r, Vacant bv tIhe ...

Published: Wednesday 21 May 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 551 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... 71t-1.7-24-. t, L'i n b', r Li ). WVed leod Lv, beinlg tbe anniversary of the accession of his -Majestv to the throne, was kept as a holiday at the banls and publici offices. Thbiirsdav was also kept as oner, behig the anniversary of the martyrdom of' Chlirle, 1. Tlhe Castle guns tired as usual. The claim of Sir Alexander Home to the Farldlom (of 1lorchilwint, as heir-mnale of the ancient ...

Published: Wednesday 05 February 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1899 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ''' ' : .1 . :' ' i rl'caei 'ex 512 toc 'ee it Ill It ii.''c nlc te oH)'' nerred ek ;I einer., unt c'n-epllt'djeletilwir Sntlrljllt tirS t.le 17% i-Lir OR1. l' e' i Ole i iiV 117 cr111~ Ilu mletIl ( 1 0eS i tlI'i 't tie c 'ii' tee' Iige Ir11(1 ve)Ir~e le' 're eetil it c'ir'r~''''e nfll ic') rgitr C ltd teaii ;'e''ci'e 1'' lIst tob crieain (ira 11; piytle u~l tO c'neiI1l Iop 'e i'e' ...

Published: Wednesday 15 January 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 991 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... .- - -.- - - . - - I li'()jRT,-fl%'3'N' ?I I , , -,- - .. ..I -e' i liv twhiree ยข t fc, tiii' :\i';l.; oi -' .. t Iti tcal 1)III-:l (1)d.m Dcbats i3 a itL'r, (Lcut lIlii julile n(, talill, t!;::. l'k;-diailu ldl tL ()IL; b,, ;L:m!, IA ...

Published: Wednesday 09 July 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2456 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... - -- 13UI'LY~S' I I G- HIL.AN.D J , i In the West Church-yard at' GreenoeCk, without a stone to mnark: thil place, slumber the ashes of Burns' Highland Mary. Oln a late visit to that town, curio- sity, arld a hope of elicitiln some partictlars rcsl~Ict_ in the olijcct of the poet's love, induced us to pay a visit to the mother of Mary CaMpbell, Omv resiiding Ithere. \We foiunrd her a tidle, ...

Published: Wednesday 09 April 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2156 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... BURl NING OF WIDO)W-S ALLVIE. Forom the 2lonthly Series of thc Friend of India, for 'r- November 1322. ce The succeeding remarks, copied frorm a recent publi- cr. c rtihmn, nirty not improperly preiace the following not un- l oetical lincs, copied from a late Calcutta Journal :- a - But the greatest evil under the sun ; the most hor- ed ribile ature in the cu:tomnt of auy age or country; that ...

Published: Wednesday 15 October 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 935 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News