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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... d~- A ii131. I) t - N . Lune 4t` (hj JIP1sc-io'Ilt,p~ ~ -ar La 31 ~to I~ I ( TsLI~y' 1 * i Scd Io Sd Cssi oj. I P'id to o h v k ~-Ith4,,, I'd I7tsDtu 8it (ir CO;sl :tu tl stts 1 1,tsoa 7:1e a o01Fr 0-I' to 04t- \ vt STICIS ilt{ I1 iG' I Ca tl. I I;t to ' I -i ( I0s - , 12'to D l !N7 1) F .2 )Vt o I qlmsiRi.- p - I C rd Ct'. Alwt,* III 4d to - ii! 4, I) LIU S ) to Id C, 'If .N1 , 1,, ;Ccnnd ...

Published: Wednesday 05 February 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 864 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

Maritime Intelligence

... -.- -- I I f ?f larttulle S;rsai I U go?tc v. i'14- 1'PR.Tl3rUtt, Ti )-. 22.-T1le orders for lhe Scrinll- patai a rnd foi% ing, to join the suad ron itie t Vest Ildies, have been this wee.k amllllcd, and those ships are directed to remain at Spithead for f'rither inestrc- tions. Tlhe FIreitei having sent severail 6ips, and are preparing othcrs, to cruise on the coasts OI Spain, end in the ...


... A BE IRDEEN SHI PPI1 NG. A RsZi 5) 051) Sc t. :30.-Friendship, Jack, Wick ; Active, Youll, Sntmerland ; 1)overan, Scntt, do. Oct. 1. Search, Hogg, London ; Eliza, Moir, Invernes :1. (I nthries. Ken. nedy, Dundee, Glasgow Packet, Camlpbell, Glasgow Swift Alexander, lnverktdithing; Mayflower, tiowan, Stonshasvin: Alexantlr, .lillar, Thirso Prompt, Mackie, Dundee; Hazard, Smith, Hamburglh. 4. ...

Published: Wednesday 08 October 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1016 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ABERtDEEN CORN IAIRET'r-FiUaly. W\n} 1,1 - > . ..1 . . .. . Wd We hald at large supply of OstiLeal this vweek, %which 11 met a ready sale, at frim;) I . to Is. 6d. per boll higher d1 teti this day week lRetail price I Id. to Is. Id. per il- peck. Fine fresh Oats more in dennutd, but tin ad- bir vance in price. ISear met an exceedintg heavy sale, at t a decline of 2S, G(d. to 3BS. 6d. per ...

Published: Wednesday 19 November 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1554 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 

Maritime Intelligence

... Inarttflie 3iltr'Ljentl. )'OnTshtoUTIT, JTl.Y 26.-The letters received from Ii Gaflao, by his M1Iajesty's brig Alacrity (vbihci arrrived tl here onl Saturday last) stakte the urivval at that place, tii il two vessels, of the remains of the lad epeni dent of Arrmy of' Peru, umder General Alintrados oil the 22d of Felbruary. 'T'he signal deMleat of this army, by the ra Royalist foices imier ...


... 3 per Cent. Red. 753 4 Fer Cents (New) 9- re 3 per Cent. Conrols 'G India Stock _ G Do. for Acct 76S India Bonds - pro. m l3§ per Cent. 88Fi:. Bills (10001) 17 pm c 4 per Cents. 94f Bank Stock 210 n Tn the House of Commons, on Frideay night, us £10.000 towards rompleting tie College of Editnburgh; th £25,000 for the Caledonian Canal; and £12,847 for fe vorlks at Poet Patrick Harbour, wvcrc ...


... ABEREI)EN CORN 'MARKET-FnrDAY. >. .1 1.1- - -1 I , I vrljtr- LDAY. The minrhet to-day was dull; in Oats little demand and prices may be quoted at a decline of 2es. per Bull . since this day fortnight. Oatmeal from Is. 6d. to 2s. per boll cheaper. Iear stvady in price. Wheat . .. 24s. to I s FI in e ~.. . to 0Os. (Ots, Pototoe, old . o, d. to 2ns. 6d. Nw.. 9. 9 do. to I-,O. ...


... ,.,, , , , i , , I. ? ? I ii 1 AB RDFE N. Vto I ? Bitv,' Is t 18 * * i~t~ 02 to Oil 'W, a- P er ds)Z. I t 1 toI tO! t~tos q ii to 94 Cht-i'ev, p.St. Ss; od to Gs Od ;iil s ,(I itC ('s Cii 'Clowv S ind 9' fil ',etrlb. 32i to it I .'Y (Id to 7il 'tatcll 'i '0 6d Raw Tilies. p lb, 4d to 5't esi ~3d IO 54 1 l -obaA Ito01 O .t'inor d 'f Soid 'nt Aber'l',tz .A'Iarkl-, loist We'ek, C)i lp~ ,ttk I od ...

Published: Wednesday 12 February 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1420 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... F. 'a t i C t I Ar .ireTLD2EN. ! b > tani~ 5 nt 7 [Otkis 2.1 to 411 t s ii o.;hcc l to I L, |utter i _d to Iid i !' } *, v S;! 'o Fgg l rwr d! .,'i to ' d7 t Z ie:.,. SJ tS 100 C~ietse, 5s oil to 6. Odjt T3 to ' (is 1 I Thllow 7.; *jt, S 8O I l .. 'e . F tv .'i Ully , d to (odt iK.:n 4] to i- Row;.v Hides, p i. 40d to 5 | .s 'id to r1 Co 'i.C)b'jll SO to s 001 .',: :.Stererd nnii S ...


... . 7-- m- -. - vm ;4 I l hisZ 15. - . - - - - -- .91 b '.-R DiKE. N. i ',isrtern Loaf 9d Pork 2 -d ro 4' l .I -et'.'ll~c ~2d to * d Bulter I1t-i to l 6r.s -:rley Ditto ;,d to -d Feg' ,per doz. SJ Ir) 9i - :UL.,S 12'J to tIli . ,e'rSt. 4st1;Gl !t5; t.~.,r 7d to S.. ilrry to0 to d, *i otton I ' m2 i Raw Hides, ib. -Id t o 5 s .1 o ;d lo .5 i J Coals.J'ooU -IFao11 to 4sl4d Sir. Lg.' at ...

Published: Wednesday 08 October 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1002 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... ,, 13 E ? Y 1-: N' N . 11'21 NG. S-p . ? _!; ': v] 0 a'')5'?,l,eit;l (Gtorge t il l.I:. s: Nity t1x~antler, ?nin- !|.T i:-e; G-7h:!i~-:, 1:: wIEldeiesSiln, ll7Ii 7'.: l '-'i i i~, Sey * Myrtle. E i s ! .z- tt r . Il~lli.' l~ll! .plk iilo, Clll'oliarronl ..t ii' )'',r On, 1 '-'n f to 'arrIVtea n i !'t, f7-;z~~lut sl i' 1-0.0, ::; 1: l:; jilil. >-;ln, C.Ncti'caxtte. r' ii '-o ( ...

Published: Wednesday 17 September 1823
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1017 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... - 1,L-t1)E, -TSHIPPING. 4 I? If I_ i4 3rav 6--.onlon Packet, DJavidson, Leith, Oliagow c Pack't, C'ampbell, lasnov Alary, (worlon, Kiekaldy, i 'Iwo Sister., New;;l, London. 7. Jlohristoll, Walker, a Sunderland, .1ohn and! 3largaret, Ai3lntosh. Londen. terry 3 1 ilov t'ear)lt, i 'rnwford, Sunderland, Re- eernt, 'Turner, ILuonon. ti. Maxwetl, Burgess, Sunder- L lend B letty, lIwoon, d,. ...