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... ATELANCOMLY CASE, . . X I .I , . - n. Adamson', tile carter. i1 0 %;aro;wsedCt o dien day ee'ennight in the pond bet wccn I ihi h Walk and the ffitter Read, livcd is thc Aihet hilt. lie h tld cen wbo sometime remrrkably ulfrortulatt tn his' luses, ihet andlat's he sol at jat died flrst one, then aitlcandi lac y esl , in ;day clock and purchiled t. third. Nse ai as occupied iln drawnift goods ...


... s At tjie special mectinl of tle Commissioners, ?? ln the Council Chairiler, on Thursday'last (the Lord P I'rovost in the chair), several important questions were Idiscussed. In tile course of the summet three br more carts and horses having been found on ihe streets I without any person to take care of them, the offi- I cers took possession of the carts and horses; and, while il the act of ...


... HIGIt CO URT OF JUSTICIAR F. On Monday, 30th June, Alexandcr Afartin, from Aber- deenshire, was tried for the crime of rape, or assault with intent to commit rape, on the person of Christian 3Ior, sc a deaf and dumb woman. Martin had been indicted for in trial at the Circuit, but, from the very peculiar nature of the case, the trial wtas removed to Edinburgh. The pannel haling pleaded Not ...


... M ?? , D) ,IR ?? so ,- fn ' a,, I t arrived iere last zligl-, al` * interview with Thiirteii, ;; wuom be r the result of the nnwtioiis iti tie Bencch, for criminal informations * rt tor of the Surres theotr and 'r !r iisher of the ,, ,tile C ?? S Oi')l; , ;LE-9 . ; Weare. Thurtell sC ..ii ; . . details und made sonme shrewdl i .. i necessity of pursuing a cautious clii Ili' course. Iie ...


... JUSTICE. OF PEAZE CO}l.1'1'. itI- In the Justic of P'rIcc Court, ott M:Id iv, a decisian vas gi t'n inl two caso s rcslbctiig ?? cnook. Boti had cittelcd into servie~ li h eti~ lrti ~Ia. II (, ctcid itro cotc at tile terill of Ml,rliinnlit h:1st. 1 h Ily lirst, on behirl og nod crd t o assist in5 ?? I I it 0 I it I t bIretk- , atl ist, riesttivel refused to totch what '1 uh'liot ri Is 's c k ...


... COURT OF SESSIONIV-IRST DlIVISIOY Caen~al-Pcnalt/ onz ShoipzastnerS. ; tONELAtW CANAD CO.. NYaV. WX. YOUNG. By:the statute 10th Geo. Ill. cap. l2i, made for rlgu lalig th naigtion of thle M~onklandi Canalt, it is enacted, that thle owners or m~stcrs ofe'icli vessl i-hal gieals acetist of the juanoit. Pods on hooard to the collec- tor of the tonnage duty, and inl case they neglect or re- ...


... ?? rot,~; (On SaturiJnv the Police toort isalq ?? 'r u iii time, il consequence of ia eomlpl:lint madt lV the i 'h ,li: . ants of infirmary Street, ngailst the studd; . itienidin, tile Infi ruary, aiid the dilftrcnt chi ,ncs inl t 1liejt i ¾, ii hood, who were, to the great i conaerle:ienc dr Id lieh-,- in the practice (if amimsing tleniiselves at the gi c if snow ball,' 8S they happened to ...


... ilIU)DL.R (F 31R WiEARE. _ . _ _ _ At two oclocnk on Fridlav, Mr Chitterbuck, AIr lAion, the Rev. Mr Lloyd ((who came in acciden- l tally) and another Magistrnte, assembled in Ilertford gaol accompanied by Mr 6eorge Nicholson, one of the solicitors for the prosecution, for the purpose of t affordling some witnesses an Opportunity of seeing ,whether they eoulrl identify any of the prisoners in- ...


... 7'Z1r f.-l MURLDER. Au appi~atini it s eqjectea, Wvill be made, after Ir Al thepl ommition i fo hling the comning as- size at Hertford, by the legal adiser ?? ?? dflufo h notofoeit of the trial ~o b rthe arsned S f ?? conset ee p otp if' thle impediment, t Ilwhicht has been throw ithwaofthe lotnes officers d femlployed by thle defenidants, and of t- hrnsso h tlime t~liit has, consequently, ...


... I.A1;OUR;S OF TIlE rAUtIAMENTARY SI SSION. It commllencedll oT Tuesday the 4th of Feb., and end- ed on Saturday the ID th of July, aperio(d of 1G6 days. Out of this number thc Comlnolns sat 9o days. The whjole time occupied in the dispatch of business was 72 i hours, making on an avcrage about 7 hours and a half each day. Two hundrecl anld sixty-nine bills recei- ved the Roval assent. Of these ...


... MiT:RDEJ~or., 'Ifl TF -1-C i on Sifllday Ari- Fenton dispatched ail express to I Norwich, to apprize M1fr Jay of the determination ot'1 the Magistrates of Ilertford uot to admit him to the ' t gaol to undertake the defence of John Thurtell, ad|d t to request his immediate presence in town. In the I interim )Tr F. has held a cojlsujtattioil with d Mr All - 5 drews and M~r Chitry, as to the ...


... Jr'WI C Cyt7 T Or JtftC.J Y-JuLIY v I I 1ilter ascoha t and Jam-s Cameron were arraigned )0 tI u tilth charge of littering and using forge l and counterfeit b:lmk n& teC Purporting h) be thle geluine notes of Sir Wm. s Forbes & Co., Edinburgha n alnol of thie Aberdeen Bank- ing Company, Mr tossifarsoN, for the pannels, object-d to the relevan- it Cy of the indictment, intsfltitch 1S it ...